Bad Habit - husijuji - Formula 1 RPF [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Max Verstappen leaned against the cold stone wall of the hotel, the glowing tip of his cigarette casting a faint orange light on his face. The night air was cool, a stark contrast to the heat of the day, and he could feel the tension coiled in his muscles. He took a deep drag, letting the smoke fill his lungs before exhaling slowly. The swirling tendrils of smoke seemed to carry away some of his stress, but not enough.

He wasn’t a smoker. Not really. But the ritual had become a pre-race habit, a secret indulgence to calm his nerves. As he stood there, thoughts of the upcoming race swirled in his mind, each one amplifying his anxiety. Tomorrow, everything will be decided. Tomorrow, he will face Lewis Hamilton in the final showdown.

Max closed his eyes, trying to push away the weight of expectations, the relentless scrutiny, and the pressure to perform. For a moment, he wished he could disappear, even if just for a little while.

Footsteps approached, the sound distinct against the quiet night. Max opened his eyes to see Charles Leclerc walking towards him, his Ferrari jacket unmistakable even in the dim light. The man raised an eyebrow as he caught sight of the cigarette in Max’s hand.

"I didn't know you smoked," Charles said, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Max shrugged, taking another drag before flicking the ashes away. "I don't. Not really. Just... helps with the stress." On a whim, he held out the cigarette to Charles.

"Want a puff?" he asked, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Charles hesitated for a moment, then took the cigarette from Max's hand. He brought it to his lips and inhaled, the smoke swirling around them as he exhaled. They locked eyes, the shared moment charged with an unexpected lust.

Max's breath hitched as he watched Charles, the way his lips wrapped around the cigarette, the slow, deliberate exhale. Their eyes met, and it felt like the world around them faded away. The intensity of Charles's gaze was magnetic, drawing Max in closer, making his pulse race.

Charles handed the cigarette back to Max, his fingers brushing against Max's, sending a shiver down his spine. The air between them crackled with an electric charge, the unspoken tension growing thicker by the second. Max took a final drag before dropping the cigarette and crushing it under his shoe.

The silence stretched, filled only with the sound of their breathing. Max couldn't tear his eyes away from Charles. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the desire he saw mirrored in Charles's eyes. The night seemed to hold its breath, waiting for one of them to make a move.

Max felt his pulse quicken. He took a step closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Come with me to my room."

Charles's eyes widened slightly, but he didn't protest. Instead, he nodded, a silent agreement passing between them. They moved quickly, the tension between them growing with each step. By the time they reached the elevator, the air was thick with anticipation.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, Max pressed Charles against the wall, their lips crashing together in a passionate kiss. Charles responded eagerly, his hands tangling in Max’s hair as he pulled him closer. The kiss was intense, a desperate attempt to escape the pressures of the world outside.

Max’s hands roamed over Charles’s body, feeling the heat radiating from him. Charles moaned softly into the kiss, his body arching against Max’s touch. The elevator ride felt interminable, each second heightening their need for each other.

“I didn’t know you were into guys.” Max said, referencing their previous conversation. “I’m not, not really.” Charles replied, knowing he was lying through his teeth, just like Max did outside the hotel, making a silent agreement with the blonde man.

When the doors finally opened, they stumbled out, barely able to keep their hands off each other. They made their way to Max’s room, the urgency of their desire driving them forward. As soon as the door closed behind them, they were back in each other’s arms, their kisses growing more fervent with each passing moment.

Max pulled Charles’s jacket off, his hands sliding under his shirt to feel the warmth of his skin. Charles gasped at the touch, his own hands moving to unbutton Max’s shirt. Their movements were frantic, driven by a need to lose themselves in each other.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the race, not the championship, not the weight of their responsibilities. All that existed was the connection between them, the raw, unfiltered desire that had brought them together.

Charles gasped as he felt Max's fingers tracing over his bare skin, each touch sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so alive, so on fire for another person.

He pulled Max closer, their bodies pressed together in an almost frantic need to feel each other. They stumbled towards the bed, their lips never leaving each other. Max pushed Charles down onto the mattress, his weight pressing down on him as he deepened the kiss.

Their bodies moved together, a tangle of limbs and need. Max's mouth moved over Charles's throat, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin there, drawing a moan from him. Charles arched into the touch, his fingers digging into the muscles of Max's back, pulling him closer.

Max's heart pounded in his chest as he looked down at Charles, seeing the raw desire in his eyes. He had never felt such a deep connection with anyone, not even during the most intense battles on the track. He leaned in slowly, his mouth hovering just above Charles', their breath mingling.

Max’s tongue darted into Charles’s mouth, the taste of smoke still clinging to it from the cigarette he had smoked earlier. The taste was both sweet and spicy, a lingering reminder of the shared moment they had just experienced. Charles responded eagerly, his tongue brushing against Max’s in a fervent kiss.

Max broke the kiss, pulling back slightly to look at Charles. "You taste like smoke," he murmured, his voice husky. A smile was tugging at the corners of Charles’ mouth. "I wonder why that is," he replied teasingly, his eyes gleaming.

Charles eased himself onto Max's lap, his thighs bracketing his waist as he straddled him, his lips letting low moans escape, his mind already clouded with lust and want. Max couldn't look away as Charles sat on his lap, his eyes tracing every inch of his body. His fingers dug into Charles's hips, pulling him closer as he sought to devour him. Charles's moans filled the air between them, a sultry sound that drove Max's desire higher. He could feel the heat of the other man’s body pressed against his own, the tension between them growing taut as a bowstring ready to snap.

"You're mine tonight," he whispered, his voice low and rough. Charles shivered at the words, a wave of neediness and exhilaration running through him. "I'm yours," he said back, the words barely audible, but the surrender in them undeniable. Max's hands tightened on Charles's skin, a satisfied smirk on his face.

Max felt a surge of possessiveness at the surrender in Charles's voice. He could feel the fire in his veins, burning hotter with each passing moment. And just like that, he grabbed Charles' waist as he suddenly turned him around, pinning him to the bed under his weight. Charles let out a surprised gasp, his eyes widening in momentary shock before a thrill of excitement coursed through him. Max's eyes were dark with desire, his breathing harsh and ragged.

There was something primal and instinctive about seeing Charles under him like this, his breath coming in short puffs, his heart beating rapidly under his palm. He leaned in close, his mouth brushing lightly over Charles's jaw, leaving sparks in its wake. Max's touch grew bolder, his tongue tracing over the skin just above Charles's collarbone, making sure to leave marks behind. His hands gripped Charles' hips, keeping him still as he continued to explore him. Charles gasped, his body arching up instinctively, a moan escaping his lips as he surrendered completely, pleading silently for more.

Max’s mouth found its way to Charles’ chest, kissing around his pectoral. The Monegasque sighed with anticipation, knowing what was coming his way. As predicted, the blonde man started teasing the hard buds, taking one of them in his mouth while twisting the other one between his fingers.

“f*ck, Max, just stop teasing and f*ck me already.” Charles said, no longer being able to bear the pain of his hardening co*ck, waiting for relief. “Beg for it then.”

“Please Max. Please f*ck me. I want to feel you inside me. Make a mess of me, rearrange my guts for all I care, just please f*ck me already.” The brunette whimpered without an ounce of shame in his voice, desperation and need engulfing his mind, taking over any sense of rationality.

Max just couldn’t resist seeing Charles like that. The sight was driving him insane, urging him to f*ck the other driver senseless, to leave marks visible to everyone, but in a weird contrast, also to care for him,cherish him, worship him. He felt all reason slip away at Charles's words, his own desire overwhelming everything except the burning need to possess him, to claim him in every possible way.

"Anything for you," he whispered, his own voice rough with need. Without any preamble, Max reached for the bedside table, pulling out a bottle of lube and a condom, when Charles grabs his wrist. “No condom. Go raw.”

“Are you sure?” The Dutchman asked, not wanting to force his lover. “Very.” Replied the other man, eagerly. “Tell me if it’s too much, alright?” and Charles just nodded back. There was a softness in Max’s voice this time though. It seemed as if he wanted to protect Charles, like a fragile little porcelain doll. It was strange how Max gave up his harsh dominance just for Charles.

Making sure to warm the lube up beforehand, Max started stretching Charles out. Desperate moans and pants were leaving the brunette’s mouth. As much as he enjoyed the feeling, it wasn’t enough for him. He needed something bigger, he needed Max. “Please… I need you.” Charles pleaded.

Max couldn’t hold back anymore. He slowly inserted his co*ck in Charles, checking to make sure he was fine, before bottoming out. “You can move, I won’t break, Max.” Charles said in despair.

Grunting, Max holds Charles’ hips down as he starts to thrust, each movement more forceful than the last. He can’t help giving into the innate part of himself, solely focusing on the pleasure he’s receiving and giving. He leans down to leave marks on Charles’ neck and collarbone, as a sign of his presence. He loves the feeling of being in control, making his lover moan in pleasure.

The silvery light accentuated Charles's features, casting shadows that made his eyes seem deeper, more intense. A sense of awe mingled with the lingering heat of desire, making Max's heart race even faster. In that moment, under the serene night sky, Charles looked both ethereal and irresistibly real, and Max felt an overwhelming surge of longing and connection, as if nothing else in the world mattered but the man standing before him.

Max’s grip tightens, digging his fingers into the soft flesh of Charles’ waist. The Monegasque was no better either, adorning Max’s back with scratches, left by his hands as he got overwhelmed with the feeling of the Dutchman deep inside him.

“Merde… Right there, mon amour… please, I’m so close.” And that’s all it took for both men to come undone, riding down their highs together. Max pulled out, leaving Charles feeling empty. The blonde slumped on the bed next to his beloved, although he wouldn’t admit the growing feelings tugging at his heart. “f*ck” He murmured, closing his eyes in bliss.

Max opened his eyes and looked up at Charles, a satisfied smile on his lips. He reached up to brush a few strands of hair out of Charles’ face, his touch gentle and tender. “You okay, baby?” “Just perfect.” replied Charles contently.

After their intense encounter, Max and Charles took a moment to clean up, washing away the sweat and the remnants of their heated passion. The cool water was refreshing, bringing a sense of calm and clarity. Dressed in fresh clothes, they made their way to the balcony, where the night air greeted them with a gentle breeze. Standing side by side, they looked out over the city lights twinkling below, the quietude of the moment offering a stark contrast to the fervor they had just shared. The moonlight bathed them both in a soft, silver glow, and for a moment, the world felt perfectly still and serene.

Max reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, the flick of his lighter momentarily illuminating their faces. He took a slow drag, letting the smoke curl up into the night air before exhaling with a sigh. Charles watched him, his eyes reflecting the city lights, a mixture of curiosity and concern in his gaze. Max offered the cigarette to Charles, a silent invitation to share the moment. As Charles took it and brought it to his lips, their fingers brushed again, sending a familiar shiver down Max's spine. They stood close, the quiet intimacy of the balcony wrapping around them like a protective cocoon, the world outside feeling a million miles away.

“You should really quit, it’s a bad habit.” Charles said, exhaling the smoke. “Maybe you should become my new bad habit.” Max said, a hint of mischief in his voice.

Bad Habit - husijuji - Formula 1 RPF [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.