How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (2024)

Investing in employee training has lots of perks. However, poor learning methods hinder effective employee learning outcomes and overall productivity. Considering that 40% of employees leave their jobs within the first year due to poor training, it's time to up your game.

So what’s the solution? Training videos are a silver bullet for corporate training. Not only do they offer an efficient and cost-effective way to train employees, but they are also memorable, interactive and help enhance the overall learning experience.

In this article, we will unravel the secrets to creating engaging training videos for new and current employees.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Training Video?
  • Benefits of Using a Training Video
  • Types of Training Videos
  • How to Create Training Videos with Visme

Quick Read

  • A training video is a visual tool designed to train, educate and instruct employees.
  • Training videos can cover various topics, from employee onboarding and compliance training to product demonstrations and professional development.
  • Some of the benefits of using training videos include increased engagement and employee retention, improved training effectiveness, reduced training cost, flexibility and ease of access.
  • Types of videos for effective employee training include demos, tutorials, explainer videos, scenario-based videos and video presentations.
  • Visme offers an extensive library of templates and tools for creating stunning videos. Select your preferred template, customize your video, collaborate with your team, and download and share with your audience.

What is a Training Video?

A training video is a visual tool used by organizations to train, educate and instruct employees. These videos contain step-by-step instructions, explanations, and examples that enable new and existing hires to acquire new knowledge or develop skills in specific areas.

The content or context of your employee training video may depend on what your company aims to achieve, the employee's skills gap and training needs and the resources available. For example, companies can create training videos for different purposes, including:

  • Onboarding
  • Coaching or grooming top talents for key positions- succession planning
  • Job aids or quick reference guides
  • Product or service training
  • Skills Training
  • Compliance and regulations
  • General training

These videos often use a combination of visual elements and styles, such as live-action footage, animations, graphics, and text overlays, along with accompanying audio narration or commentary.


Benefits of Using a Training Video

There are various methods for delivering employee training. But what makes video training stand out is that it's engaging, scalable for large audiences and self-paced. Since it doesn't require an instructor, employees can revisit the content as many times as they want.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

Let's dig deeper into other great reasons why creating a training video is worth the effort.

Increased Engagement and Knowledge Retention

When creating a corporate training program, you want to make it interactive, immersive, memorable and relevant to the learners' needs and interests. And that's what videos bring to the mix.

Otherwise, employees will struggle to learn or retain information. And in extreme cases, they may drop off, resulting in wasted resources and time for both the learners and your organization.

So, what's the catch? Videos contain a rich blend of captivating images, fun animations, catchy music, and interactive elements. These elements can grab attention, entertain and keep your audience hooked much longer than plain text ever could!

Improves Training Effectiveness

Videos don't just grab and keep attention; they produce effective learning outcomes. In a survey by Wainhouse Research, 80% of employees admitted that videos are effective for improving their skills.

Videos allow you to effectively demonstrate specific tasks, processes, or techniques. Learners can observe how something is done correctly, which is particularly valuable in fields that require hands-on skills or step-by-step procedures.

For example, sales training videos can help new and existing salespeople engage customers better and close more deals.

Reduces Employee Training Costs

When doing instructional design, training videos are a potent tool for scaling your corporate training efforts without breaking the bank.

Unlike physical training, your team can cut down on expensive training budgets spent on printables, instructor fees, venue, travel, accommodation and other training costs.

Microsoft leveraged video to reduce classroom training costs from $320 to just $17. This initiative resulted in a cost savings of about $303 per person and $13.9 million yearly. It's mind-boggling, isn't it?

With video, you don’t need to pay facilitators to deliver your employee training. Employees can simply hit "Play.

And the best part? Your employees don't have to travel at all! This format is perfect for work-from-home setups, allowing them to enjoy training and development videos right from the cozy comfort of their own desks.

But that's not all. With videos, you can easily replicate the training for internal use, making it a game-changer, particularly for large companies with teams scattered across different locations.

Flexible and Easily Accessible

One of the major dilemmas with physical training is a schedule conflict. But with training videos, you can ensure employee training is on-demand. More importantly, employees can learn at their own pace.

Training videos can also be accessed anytime, anywhere, making them a convenient and flexible training solution for organizations. According to Wainhouse Research, 79% of employees believe the flexibility and control that training videos offer improve the quality of their work.

It doesn't matter where your employees are or how many there are. Everyone can access the same training materials and experience, ensuring consistency and efficiency throughout the organization.

Keep your training materials
on-brand and engaging

  • Keep your team informed with branded materials on company news, announcements and upcoming events
  • Ensure employees have the information they need to perform their roles and responsibilities
  • Keep information across all documents up-to-date with Dynamic Fields

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How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (1)

Types of Training Videos

There are various types of training videos you can use to deliver different types of content and achieve specific learning objectives.

Let's take a closer look at these popular formats and how you can use them to make your employees' learning journey even more engaging!

Demo videos

Demo videos work magic for driving product sales for your brand. They help prospects visualize what they will experience with your product once they buy it.

But let's face it. Your employees can only effectively communicate the value of your product or service if they understand how it works. Hence, the need to run your product demos by your new or existing employees, especially for client-facing roles.

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What makes demo videos effective for employee training?

Demo videos provide an exciting and powerful visual learning experience. That's because it goes beyond simply telling them or showing static drawings or pictures.

Employees can view physical actions and easily understand multi-step processes. What's even better is that you have complete control over the learning experience. They can pause, rewind, or slow down the playback speed if they need to absorb every detail, including features, intricate movements, multiple camera angles and more.

How do you use demo videos?

  • Product or service training: Demo videos educate your customer service teams about your product or service. They highlight features, benefits, specifications, usage instructions, troubleshooting tips, and other relevant information.
  • Sales and marketing training: By watching demonstration videos, your sales teams can gain more profound product knowledge. This also forms the basis for developing effective sales and objection-handling techniques, customer relationship management systems, marketing strategies, branding guidelines, and communication tactics with potential customers.
  • Quality Assurance/Control (QA/QC) training: Operations and QA teams need product demos to assess technical feasibility, integration requirements, data security, and compliance. Beyond evaluating how the product or service aligns with the existing infrastructure and systems, they can take necessary steps to streamline processes or enhance quality.

Tutorial Videos

This type of employee training video is instructional in nature and acts as a job aid for new or existing hires. A tutorial video is designed to equip employees with practical knowledge of job-related tasks.

Tutorial videos visualize step-by-step processes, procedures, or techniques for carrying out specific tasks. They are often used to teach specific skills, such as operating machinery, using software applications, or performing tasks with precision.

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What makes tutorial videos a hit for employee training?

Although they tend to be longer than other types, tutorials are actually quite helpful because they focus on specific issues.

The best part is that they provide detailed explanations and demonstrations for each step. You can use it to teach learners about any subject, and you can adjust their style to be either formal or informal, depending on your preference.

How do you use tutorial videos?

Software training: You can create videos demonstrating how to use specific software applications or tools that are essential for the job. For example, a tutorial on using project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) software, or accounting software.

Equipment operation: Tutorial videos illustrate how employees can operate machinery, tools, or equipment safely and efficiently. This could include:

  • Tutorials on operating manufacturing equipment
  • Using office equipment like printers and scanners
  • Handling specialized tools in a construction setting

Compliance and Safety Procedures: The L&D team can create how-to videos that educate employees on compliance regulations, workplace safety protocols, and emergency procedures. This could cover topics such as data protection, occupational health and safety, fire safety, or first aid training.

Explainer videos

Employee explainer videos are short and captivating videos that simplify and make complex concepts, processes or procedures easily understandable. They are effective for hard and soft skills training, employee onboarding and orientation, product/service training, etc.

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What makes explainer videos effective?

Unlike demo videos, explainer videos are relatively bite-sized. They are specifically designed to provide employees with clear explanations and visual demonstrations, making it easier for them to grasp and retain information.

Kick off your employee training session with a snippet of what you intend to cover using this cool intro video template from Visme.

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And then sign off in style with an outro video that leaves your audience feeling inspired and buzzing to practice what they’ve learned.

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How do you use explainer videos for employee training?

Onboarding and orientation videos: This type of training content is used to welcome new employees and introduce them to the organization's culture, values, policies, and procedures. They provide an overview of the company, its history, key personnel, organizational structure and general expectations.

Company Policies and Guidelines: Corporate training materials like this one can be used to clarify company policies, guidelines, and code of conduct. They can cover topics like ethics, data security, anti-discrimination policies, or social media usage, ensuring that employees have a clear understanding of the expected behavior and standards.

Professional Development: Create videos that offer tips and guidance for personal and professional growth. These tutorials can focus on topics like time management, effective communication, leadership and management skills, presentation techniques, or stress management.

Diversity and Inclusion Training: Produce videos that promote awareness and understanding of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. They can cover topics such as unconscious bias, cultural sensitivity, creating an inclusive work environment, and fostering diversity.

Sales and Customer Service Techniques: Develop explainer videos that provide guidance on effective sales strategies, customer service skills, and techniques for handling customer inquiries or complaints. These tutorials can help employees improve their communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills.

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Simulations and Scenario-Based Videos

Scenario-based videos, on the other hand, present employees with real-life situations and challenges through video storytelling. These videos showcase various scenarios that employees may encounter in their job roles.

What makes this type of video powerful?

By watching these videos, employees can observe how others navigate through challenging situations, problem-solve, and make effective decisions. It's like learning through real-life examples!

Simulations are like virtual reality experiences that allow employees to actively participate in realistic situations. They provide a safe and immersive environment where employees can practice and refine their skills without any real-world consequences.

Simulations don’t come in video formats. However, you can record the entire process and use the video to evaluate the employee’s performance or as a training reference tool.

Here’s why simulations are effective.

They provide an experiential and realistic learning experience. By simulating different scenarios, employees can learn how to handle complex situations, make decisions, and apply their knowledge hands-on.

Scenario-based videos can be used in fields such as healthcare, manufacturing, or aviation to simulate realistic environments and practice complex procedures.

Take a look at this amazing video by HSE Batna! It cleverly uses animation to demonstrate various hazardous and explosive scenarios that can occur in real life.

How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (2)

How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (3)

How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (4)How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (5)

How do you use scenario-based videos for training new and current employees?

Customer Service Scenarios: Create videos that simulate different customer interactions, such as handling a demanding customer, resolving a complaint, or providing exceptional service. Employees can observe the scenarios and learn how to respond appropriately in each situation.

Sales Roleplays: Develop videos that depict common sales scenarios, including prospecting, asking sales discovery questions, making a sales pitch, objection handling, and closing a deal. Your sales team can learn effective sales techniques by watching and analyzing these scenarios.

Leadership Simulations: Create video simulations that present leadership challenges and dilemmas. Learners can observe different leadership styles and decision-making processes and how to navigate complex situations.

Conflict Resolution Scenarios: Develop videos that portray workplace conflicts, such as interpersonal disagreements or team conflicts. Staff can observe how conflicts escalate and de-escalate and learn techniques for effective conflict resolution.

Compliance Training Simulations: Create interactive videos that simulate compliance-related situations, such as data breaches, ethical dilemmas, or workplace harassment scenarios. Employees can make decisions and see the consequences of their actions, enhancing their understanding of compliance protocols.

Emergency Response Simulations: Develop videos that simulate emergency situations like fire drills, medical emergencies, or security threats. Your audience gets to observe the correct procedures, evacuation protocols and safety measures to follow during such incidents.

Decision-Making Simulations: Create videos that present employees with various scenarios requiring critical decision-making. It lets employees make choices and see the outcomes, allowing them to develop their decision-making skills.

Video Presentations

Presentations are commonplace in employee training. But who says you can make it visual?

Video presentations are simply presentations exported in video formats. With this approach, you can effectively highlight the key points of your training on your content slides while providing detailed explanations in the background.

You can leverage engaging visuals, graphics, and text to capture the attention of your audience while conveying key concepts. This combination helps learners grasp the core information while also understanding the finer details of the training content.

With Visme’s presentation software, you can create engaging presentation videos. Simply select a template and input your text, icons, illustrations, images, and design assets.

Incorporate animations, interactive elements and data visualizations. Then record or upload voiceovers, narrations or audio tracks. Once done, you can export your presentation in video format.

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Check out how Visme uses video presentations to share the company’s annual report.

Made with Visme Presentation Maker

Want to learn more? This article provides a deeper insight into how to make a video presentation in Visme.

You have the option to produce presentation videos in a "talking head" format, where a person demonstrates and explains a process or product on screen.

Whether you need to train, share a report or communicate information with your team, Visme’s Presenter Studio has everything you need to achieve this. You can effortlessly record your presentations, making it simple for your viewers to watch them at their convenience.

All you need to do is click a button to start recording.

Watch this video to learn how to use Visme’s presenter studio feature.

How to use Video Presentations

General company communication: You can use video presentations to make company-wide announcements, communicate changes and address employee concerns.

Motivational and inspirational videos: Create videos to inspire and motivate employees, boost morale and encourage personal and professional growth. You can feature success stories, testimonials, or messages from leaders and industry experts.

Health and safety procedures: Video presentations can provide clear instructions on health and safety protocols, such as emergency evacuation procedures, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), or guidelines for maintaining a safe work environment.

How to Create Training Videos with Visme

Now you know the different types of training videos that exist; it’s crunch time.

If you’re looking for a user-friendly video making tool that empowers anyone, regardless of their technical skills, to create impactful and professional training videos, Look no further! Visme is the way to go.

Still in doubt? Hear what one of our users has to say about their experience with Visme.

"I like it because it is easy to use and I can create almost everything I want. I use it to create training modules and standard operating procedures for employees in the AG business."

Wolfgang H.| Adjunct Professor

Here are some steps to help you create an impactful training video with Visme.

1. Define your Learning objectives

To create an effective training video, it is important to first identify the specific goals and objectives you want your employees to achieve. This will inform the type and content of the video and how you’ll assess their learning experience.

Remember, learning objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Let’s say you’re training your customer service/ support team. Here’s what your SMART goal should look like.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

2. Register or Log in to your Visme Account

Sign up for a new Visme account or log into your account if you’re an existing user. To do this, simply fill in the details required in the form and you’ll be redirected to the Visme dashboard.

3. Select the Right Template

Explore our library of professionally designed video templates to help jumpstart your creativity. Our templates come in various video sizes - horizontal, square, and vertical - and are entirely customizable, enabling you to create captivating videos that can be shared across all platforms.

In the Visme dashboard, click Create New> Project and scroll down to select Videos/ GIF. Next, select the video category that fits the type of video you want to create. Then scroll down to find a template that suits your taste.

Double-click on the video template and select the video size. You’ll be redirected to the video editor, where you can tweak the video as much as you want

4. Customize Your Video Template

With Visme’s intuitive interface and drag-and-drop video editor, you’re limitless. The editor gives you the creative freedom to add, edit or remove content or move design elements around the canvas.

Design projects faster using the Visme shortcut features. Simply type the forward slash (/) on your keyboard; use the search bar to quickly find the element you want in the editor.

Seamless Editing

Here’s what you can do with Visme editor

  • Easily add and edit text, change font style, color, size, weight and adjust alignment and arrangement.
  • Add video backgrounds, animate text and incorporate cool effects and transitions to liven up your content.
  • Add multiple slides and objects, customize video timeline, trim videos and duplicate slides.
  • Edit multiple text boxes simultaneously, making the process faster and more efficient.

Interactive Features

Visme video editor has a wide array of interactive elements and here’s how to incorporate them into your training video.

  • Create clickable hotspots that link to other pages, content blocks or websites.
  • Use hover effects or clickable pop-ups that reveal more information when users interact with your content.
  • Make the most of animated icons, illustrations, graphics, and special effects.
  • Embed polls, quizzes, videos and other interactive content into your video
  • Incorporate cool transitions for single and multiple slides

Library of Assets

Access an extensive library of stock photos, illustrations, icons, and royalty-free music to enhance your videos. Choose from a diverse range of visual and audio elements to match your training content and captivate your audience.

Didn’t find any graphics or assets that meet your needs? Visme’s AI image generator ensures you never run out of creative fuel. With a super accurate prompt, you can generate professional-looking art, images and graphics.

Voiceover and Captioning

Visme’s video-maker offers built-in audio clips and voiceover recording capabilities, allowing you to add professional narration to your videos. You can also upload your own voiceover or audio clip created with third-party programs.

Additionally, you can easily add icons, text overlays, captions, and subtitles to accommodate diverse learning preferences.

Collaboration and Sharing

Collaborate with your team seamlessly by inviting others to work on your training videos in real-time. Team members can tag each other, leave comments, make annotations, resolve comments and more.

Analytics and Tracking: Gain valuable insights into the performance of your training videos using the Visme analytics tool. Track viewer engagement, completion rates, and quiz results to measure the effectiveness of your content and make data-driven improvements.

How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (6)

These features can actively engage your viewers and enhance their learning experience.

5. Download and Share your Training Video

Visme has multiple downloads and sharing options to enable you to reach your audience wherever they may be.

How to Share Your Employee Training Video

Click Share at the top right of the editor. You’ll find the options below:

  • Publish for Web: You can generate a shareable URL (and even shorten it) or share it with your employees on Slack. Visme supports social sharing to social media platforms.
  • Share your video privately: This option lets you share with specific people, allow comments by viewers, password-protect your content and more.
  • Embed: Generate a fixed or responsive embed code to place the training content on your website or online library.

Click the Advanced Settings tab to further control the appearance, privacy and sound components of your video.

How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (7)

How to Download Your Training Videos in Visme

Provide employees with the flexibility to download and access your content anytime, anywhere, even without an internet connection. Simply click Download at the top right of your screen and you’ll see multiple download formats, including:

  • Videos/GIF: Download is available in MP4 or GIF format. Also, You can download it to your device or directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Widen, HubSpot, MailChimp and more.
  • LMS Export: Download the training video in SCORM formats or xAPI specifications. This allows you to Easily upload and distribute your videos to your learners through your LMS platform.
  • Image: JPG & PNG
  • Document: PDF & PDF with Bleed Marks
  • Present Offline: PPTX and HTML5

How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (8)

Level Up Your Training Content with Visme

There’s no doubt that videos are a powerful tool for employee training. They provide an interactive learning experience and unlock effective training outcomes.

So why limit yourself to traditional teaching methods when you can make yours engaging, interactive and enjoyable?

With Visme, the possibilities for improving employees' training and development are endless. Whether you're a trainer, educator, or instructional designer, Visme empowers your L&D team to create impactful training videos that captivate and educate your audience.

But that’s the tip of the iceberg regarding what Visme offers. You can create engaging learning materials like presentations, infographics, job aids, training manuals, worksheets, whiteboards and more.

Click here to elevate your training programs and leave a lasting impact on your learners.

How to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.