Soldier Boy and Angel Girls - Chapter 2 - Dalubhasa41st (2024)

Chapter Text

Soldier Boy and Angel Girls

? P.O.V

A grey haired girl in a black dress with fox ears with a dark and cracked halo stands before me. She's pointing that pistol at me one handed with an expression of terror and shock. Why?

I try to raise my head but... why is it so heavy? Why is there so much weight on the front?

I look down and I see... a scope. A rifle scope and on the front of My entire face is a monstrosity of flesh and bone shaped like a rifle. I can feel it's internal mechanisms as if they were my fingers.

I see the Wolf Eared Girl's face morph into fear as she backed away and held her pistol with both hands trembling still pointed at Me.

I turn My head down to see more of Myself... Arona? the thin rectangular device that's supposed to be her has three bullet holes in it... but even worse, My flesh is scorched yet I feel no pain. I feel my mouth whimpering and I hear it as if it were through a radio with the distorted sound.

I am awake yet I can't move. I feel my mouth open to cry and whimper loudly yet I don't feel control over myself. I feel my thin limbs push my body up and the flesh rifle that's my face... I can feel it being loaded, but with what and from where I don't know. I felt bullets enter the chamber before facing the Wolf Eared Girl.

A red thin light appears from somewhere in the rifle of flesh and bone pointed at the wolf girl in the black dress. I feel my throat cry and shriek as we both fire at eachother.


Levi P.O.V

Where am I this time? I look around to see... the hall of giants from when the festival was announced in our dreams. The hall is devoid of giants this time.

I hear a footstep behind me.

I turn around and see... that Woman in a pink dress with red shoes. She looks just like Olivia! What does she want?! I shove my only hand into my pocket to pull out my lugr but I can't feel it. I feel up my other pockets desperately looking for any weapon before feeling something in my backpocket.

I pull out ... a yellow card? On the sides are small letters spelling out "Adult Card". There's a note taped to it.

"You're gonna need this, Levi-kun."

Of course it's the President. She never really explains anything does she?

"Do you remember me?" I hear the Olivia look alike ask. No I don't. I occasionally saw you in those tunnels but not much beyond that.

"Is that so?" Do I just use my fist or can I-

"Calm down! I'm not here to hurt you!" I hear her shout at me in annoyance. Then what do You want?

"My sister just wanted to know what happened to you" sister? Oh, so you're Reila? Olivia talked about you... wait, is she here now?!

"Ja! Both of us are!" That voice!

I turn my head to the voice to see the red haired mechanic lady and the short haired woman in a wheelchair.

Miss Abella! Olivia!

"Where's O'saa?" I didn't want anything with to do with the Abbysonian Yellow Mage but I could use some tips on magic.

"Come on! Is that what you really should be asking?!" I hear her say as she smiled wildly walking to me and giving me a hug... yeah, I've missed you."But if you really want to know he didn't come with us here. That scorched talking head he had wanted to shout at the giants so off he went."

I swear I heard some mumbling in his sack, it's nice to know I wasn't imagining it. But moving on she would love the news!

"Miss Abella, I got a job!" I eagerly tell her. I see her expression lighten up even more, even Olivia back there smiles happily for me.

"Oh yeah? What's it about?" she isn't going to believe this.

"An angel girl appeared in front of me! She hired me as a teacher! I have pretty girls serving under me!" I don't care how insane I sound I wanted to brag about the absolute heaven I found myself in.

"Heard that Sis? He already moved on rather quickly." The girl in red shoes said, she seems a little upset why-

"I n-never confessed to him!" I turn to see Olivia with an absolute mess of an expression. Heavy blushing and a panicked face, her arms moving around frantically. cute.

"Angel girl? Like that woman under the church?" I hear Miss Abella wondering,"and being hired as a teacher and having pretty girls serve you?" I watch her expression morph into worry, does she not believe me?

"No, she was nothing like that woman." I can explain that much at least, but the rest? How do I explain a city populated and run by highschool angel girls all armed to the teeth?

"Sis, I think your boyfriend has gone crazy, he's thinking about a city full of the angel girls he just talked about." You! Shut up! I can see why Rin would be upset at having her mind read. The inner thought being a maidens sacred sanctuary? same with boys!

"Rin? Sounds oriental. Good for you, you bagged a loyal hotty!" I hear Reila tease but I still felt a little bit of irritation. No! She's-

"Please stop being mad at him, I never confessed my feelings to him!" I hear Olivia explain herself. Reila seems to listen, still upset but she does relent with a sigh.

"You're serious about the angel city thing?" I hear Miss Abella ask in genuine curiosity this time. I was about to start explaining but then... She appears again with the blue distortions.

The others look at her, Miss Abella pulled me behind her and Olivia adjusted her wheelchair and pulled out some plants which were no doubt poisonous and I see Reila assume a pose... she's a magician then.

The President finally fully manifested, the bleeding on her left side seems to have stopped long ago as it looked dry.

"Levi-kun, you're here?" She said without turning her head to me."Would I be correct to assume you are Logic?" She then turns to Reila as she spoke, wait how did you know about that? And her being Logic? What does that even mean?

"Yes, if you know about me, then you should know better to make an enemy of an Ascender God" wait what? Like Fear and Hunger? Is that why the Bremens and Kaiser wanted it so badly?

"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of opposing you." The blue haired girl said bringing her hands up to signal that she means no harm."I'm just here to get Levi-kun back to Kivotos" She finally turns to me... yet I still can't see her eyes as it's covered by her hair.

"He was serious about the city of angels?!" Reila, apparently a newly ascended god asked incredulously as she looked at the Presidents halo."and so pretty. Sis I think you have competition!" She really likes teasing Olivia a lot.

I hear Olivia scolding Her sister as she stuttered with a flustered expression. I feel Miss Abella grab my shoulder.

"Lucky you, you're literally in a heaven many men would kill for." Yeah really lucky, they were so kind."Yeah, You should get back there." Yeah, last time I was here in the halls I almost went insane.

She then lets go of me and walks over to the side of Reila and Olivia who have stopped their banter to face towards me. I hear them say their goodbye's.

I hear the GSC President's foot step behind me."I can see why you said she had a caressing aura." I hear her whisper behind me. Yeah.

"It's time to wake up, Levi-Kun." She said as I see the blue distortions surround me. I look over to Olivia and Miss Abella waving at me while I still can, I wave back a little.


I feel comfortable. The bed I'm in is so cushy and soft. I could feel myself sink in it. I hear three- no four voice's chattering as I woke up.

"What was he taking? Perhaps the Remedial Knights have something that can help." Hasumi? I didn't think she would care this much as she's the only one who realized I wanted to kill the delinquents.

"I don't know but it's similar enough to morphine but somehow stronger." Of course Chinatsu would know, she's the medic.

"What kind of medication do we give him? That's more important at this moment." Yuuka? I vomited on her clothes! I don't even want to face her out of shame.

"Methadone, I think. It was made to treat similar symptoms but his looks more intense than what I've read." Never heard of that medicine, but it would have been good to know that withdrawal medicine exists.

"I shouldn't have stormed out like that, how immature of me." I hear Rin mumble, it's alright Rin, I know how it feels to have my mind read, I just didn't consider how you'd feel.

"Eh, You're awake! Levi-Sensei." I must really be losing it, I just spoke without meaning to.

I try to at least sit up but I still feel weak and nauseous, no doubt it's the withdrawal at work. Wait, I don't feel my wet ragged E.U army uniform.

I finally open my eyes and I see that I'm wearing some kind of hospital clothes, thin and bright.

I turn to see the four of them looking relieved yet still worried.

"Where's Suzumi? Did your school need her again?" I turned to Hasumi who looked surprise that I asked about Suzumi first. Stopping herself from devouring that spoonful of cake she had. I want some of that.

"No, she just felt that she wouldn't be of much help after arriving here." I see, if I remember right she was part of a vigilante crew. Not much help you can give as a militia member to a hospital.

"How's the city?" I ask to make sure that I won't have to go on another 30 Kilometer march. Last time the combined forces of the exhaustion, the withdrawal and the hunger was overwhelming.

I hear my stomach grumble again, I really need to eat something. I see Hasumi nodding the humming for some reason ... does my hunger amuse her?

"Fear and Hunger, of course." She said as she looked to the carving on my face. Wait, it feels clean and fresh, did someone wash me?

"Fasting is not a form of worship to that deity, Levi-Sensei is simply hungry. He said as much back in Schale." Thanks Rin.

"Oh... " I see Hasumi realize her mistake as she stopped eating that cake, staring at the plate of cake in remorse.

"But yes. Kivotos is peaceful once more." Good to know. I breath a sigh of relief to Rin's report.

I hear some rummaging and see Yuuka pulling a colorful box out of a bag. She then sets it on my lap as she opened it revealing fresh hot food... it looks so appetizing.

"It doesn't make up for what you did yesterday but I hope you like it." She said with a hint of pride in her still hurt expression. She's still hung up on that huh?

Regardless, I simply smile at her to show my appreciation and I see her lighten up a bit. I see her realize something before moving to rummage through that bag she had again. time to eat!

I instinctually grab that fried piece of meat by my hand and bite it hungrily. It's crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, it's delicious!

I grab a chunk of those white grains and shove it up my mouth raising my head to let it fall down my throat. As I did I saw Yuuka's frozen expression while holding a spoon and fork... the other three simply staring at my absolute lack of table manners... I'm not at a table so they shouldn't mind right?

"When was the last time you ate, Levi-Sensei?" Chinatsu asked while still staring like the others are.

"Two days ago." I'd elaborate more but I still want to finish the food.

I grab a chunk of those white sticky grains to shove into my mouth again, the lingering taste of the fried meat mixing with it's tasteless flavor.

"And what was it? I'm still an amateur at cooking so I doubt it's that good." Oh you're being too humble Yuuka, the meat is so crispy and packed with flavors.

"A piece of moldy bread." I don't even want to think back about that. I bite into Yuuka's meat once again, the juice's come right out as I taste the mix of spice's on it. I actually feel my eyes get wet and start flowing down my cheeks.

"It's w-warm and j-juicy. Nothing like most of what we ate back then." I want to praise Yuuka's cooking more, but I couldn't stop myself from taking another large bite. It's just that good!

I can feel them staring at me again. I can feel their pity and worry. I see Yuuka pulling another box out, more food!

"Moldy bread?! Have you been eating those for a long time?!" Chinatsu is shaking with wet but furious eyes. Long at the orphanage even before I got mobilized. She doesn't need to know that."Food poisoning symptoms would show itself. The only reason you wouldn't have it is if you gained immunity to it over a long time!" Nevermind, I didn't even have to tell her.

I simply turn to her and smile as I closed my eyes, same with how Rin did back in the Schale office.

I already devoured Yuuka's fried meat along with those white grains. Those helped with filling my empty stomach. She then set that second food box down on my lap. I was about to grab it but Yuuka slapped my wrist away.

I turn my head up to see her with a pouty look on her face."I know you're hungry, but you still need to use silverware." I'd love to but... you know. I shrug at her, waving to my stump of an a- wait? What is that?

There's a small cylinder shaped metal where the exposed bone should be. I turn to Yuuka as I remembered that her school could make me a replacement arm.

"Yes, that's an adapter for the arm being made." That overconfident smile is back again! Yeah, she really is cuter that way."While it's still in production..." I hear her trail off as she bent over holding that spoon and fork to scoop up a modest amount of those white grains and a piece of sausage. She brings it up to my face with her other hand under it.

"Say ahh." I open my mouth to devour the spoonful of food. Wait, I'm not a child!

"Ah ah ah, don't pout at me." She's teasing me... this is kind of fun.

"At least You're now in good hands, Levi-Sensei." I heard Chinatsu sigh out in relief. Yeah, I hoped for decent people at least and I got pretty angel girls.

I open my eyes to look at Chinatsu as I'm still eating out of Yuuka's hands to instead see Hasumi approaching with haste. Her hand holding a spoonful of that cake, aiming it at my mouth.

Her surprise attack was successful as it entered my mouth the same time I opened it. I bite and move it around my mouth... I feel my tongue being overwhelmed with the flavors on Yuuka's meat and Hasumi's cake.

I look up from the spoon on my mouth up to see Hasumi's... well endowed chest almost showing through her seemingly undersized uniform before seeing Hasumi's blushing face.

"I h-hope you l-like it, L-Levi-Sensei. And I'm sorry I doubted you yesterday." She stuttered out of nervousness, her face still with a flustered blush. I thought rich girls would be more condescending but it looks like I was wrong.

"W-wait, You already had your s-saliva on that spoon!"

"Yesh. Wha ish tha a prolem, uuka?"

"It's an i-indirect k-kiss, and don't talk with your mouth full!"

She has an angry blush on her face... Cute! I hear Hasumi talking back to Yuuka and off they went angrily talking over eachother as they blushed. What is this feeling? Is this what it feels like to have two beautiful woman fight over me?

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Levi-Sensei." Uh oh. I turn to Rin, probably still mad about last time. She has a soft but still irritated expression, it doesn't feel directed at me but at Yuuka and Hasumi.

"You said you'd tell me why you sawed off your arm." Oh right, I did tell Chinatsu, right after she replaced my bandages. I swallow the food in my mouth before looking back at her.

Yuuka and Hasumi stopped their banter as they heard Chinatsu, and both turn to me along with Rin looking on in morbid curiosity.

"Bremen invasion, sulfur cult, and the termina festival. Those were the tree disasters of Prehevil you listed yesterday." I see them thin their lips at the mention of Prehevil except Chinatsu."You're injuries appear recent, as did those disasters with how you spoke about it." Of course, it's easy enough to deduce that I lost my left arm in one of those three.

"The Sulfur cult." I see them lean over slightly, no doubt waiting for more details. "There was this guy we called Needles. He had a whip with needles tied at the end and another large one on his other hand filled with All-Mer knows what." They're really curious aren't they? I see Rin raise her head a little at the mention of All-Mer. I did let her know of that name back at Schale.

"We couldn't find anything for whatever it was and I didn't want to wait for it to spread to the rest of my body when I was already feeling pain from it. So off it went." I explained and at the end I straightened my hand out and made a back and forth motion with my hand, imitating a saw.

I see Chinatsu about to ask something again, but she doesn't look sure of what to ask first.

"Doctor Daan also lost an arm back then, and the others were looking for supplies or medicine so I had to saw it off myself." She did say that the adults I was with should have taken care of me... they tried.

"I see," Chinatsu had her eyes closed as she spoke. The others finally settled down, their curiosity satisfied."I should get you your withdrawal medicine." She said before leaving the room. Looks like my heroin addiction will be a thing of the past.

I breath a sigh of relief at that my eyes moving from Chinatsu as she stepped off the room and closed the door, to around the room befo- is that a television? Yes it is, before landing on Hasumi and Yuuka.

"Can you girls turn on the TV?" I see them turn their heads around looking for something before I heard a click from Rin's direction before the TV lit up by itself.

It's colorful. I see a blond haired dark skinned woman, a bit lighter than O'saa. She has a yellow halo, a black jacket with an... unnaturally short shirt underneath. Her under chest and everything below is exposed.

I see in bright colors the headline "Magic is real!" and another one saying "An insane cultist leading Kivotos?!" showing a film of... Me?

The film shows me from above as I casted Hurting on the tank. Cutting to another from an angle on the ground slashing with the Blood Sword, and finally a shaky footage of me from the front. Did the sukebens film this? I didn't see any cameras on them. "Tell the Sulfur God I sent you!" Hearing my voice from the recording made me cringe a little.

"On one hand, magic has been proven to be real!" The dark skinned reporter girl enthusiastically announced."But on the other hand, the GSC President has sent a potentially deranged cultist to take her place!" She's still loud with passion but I can hear a slight worry from her voice.

"I know that I shouldn't judge a book by its cover." I was about to let out a sigh of relief."But in my defense: the evidence is literally carved on his face! And the name of the deity he serves, That should tell us a lot about him!" Nevermind. but then again, I did look deranged.

"N-now now Shinon, maybe there's more to the deity than the ominous name." Another smaller girl with short braided hair and glasses with a yellow halo said."And that could just be another way of cursing where he came from." Not really, The Sulfur God has little to no records or writings. O'saa said as much.

I see that Yuuka and Hasumi are glaring at the TV.

"Kronos is at it again."

"As usual." I see.

"Are they trustworthy?" I ask genuinely curious. Miss Karin said that journalists would do everything to tell the truth. I want to know if it holds up here.

"Kind off. They focus more on sensationalism instead of presenting facts." Yuuka groaned. Well, they have to first catch eyes if they want their papers to be read.

"They always come up with their own conclusions during a developing story, and they enthusiastically report it as if it were true." ... I see. Thanks for that, Hasumi. I give both Yuuka and Hasumi a thumbs up to show my thanks for their explanation.

I look at the TV as another two smaller seperate squares showed up. One showed a girl with a calm but curious look on her face dressed like a nun. She has gray hair with a nuns veil on her head. Her halo is bright gold with two birds on the side and the cross of All-Mer on top. On the other is a pale girl with long dark hair tied similarly to how Chinatsu ties hers. Her halo is dull gold with a clock. Her eyes looks tired yet in alert.

"The Sisterhood has found no such writings about a deity of fear and hunger, neither one of sulfur as well. Same with the sigil carved on the Sensei's face." The nun girl calmly explained. The other girl glares, looking like she doesn't seem convinced."We started searching immediately after that footage of him was uploaded on social media. We have yet to find anything relevant so we are just as interested for more information." She added. A nun not knowing anything about the gods? Thats kind of weird.

"What's social media?" Yeah. The nun girl also looked hesitant using that word. She's a native here so shouldn't she know?

I see all three of the girls I'm with bring out those small rectangles out of their pockets and then tapping and swiping away at it. Now that I see it closer it's like a TV, I see the same headlines as they swiped up... That looks convenient.

"Nonsense! They're just playing dumb!" The other girls who looks like she just woke up exclaimed. Now why would she thi- "I've been saying this since forever. The sisterhood can't be trusted! They're probably seething now that a secret of theirs is out!" There's being on alert and then there's being paranoid. I understand why she would think that. The obviously real look of confusion on the nun girls face tells me enough. She's innocent, unlike the members of the clergy back home.

"And here. This is what social media is." That was fast. Yuuka flipped the screen on that device of hers toward me and... It's pictures from the film of me Kronos had, with added writing from real people judging by the names I see. Some look like real names and some look really weird like "fishlover69" and the likes. And those writings...

[He looks really cute! He can whip me anytime he wants!]

[He hit the Fox of Calamity from like 12,000 feet away without a scope. Imagine how good he is at peeking, how naughty!]

[So thats what a persons insides look like. Interesting!]

I read the first ones half and almost blushed before feeling disgust at the second half. Same with the second one. The third one is just weird. I stopped reading to show Yuuka and Hasumi my repulsed expression.

"Yeah, the internet is weird like that. People can make fake accounts to say things they wouldn't get in trouble for in real life." Is that so? Moving on. I just want to forget what I just read along with some other worse ones that I caught a glimpses of.

"Miss Ui, why are so adamant that the sisterhood has malicious intents?" The nun girl in TV asked in concern. Isn't it obvious for her? "We're just as curious about the gods he knows of. Specially the one Acting President Rin said he worshipped during her speech yesterday." I turn to Rin. Looks like she read what I'm thinking on my face.

"During my announcement after you passed out, I was declaring an end to the crises but the crowd wouldn't stop asking about that symbol on your face." She clarified as she focused on her own device tapping and tapping away before standing up to approach me. "I'm curious as well. Can you tell us more about the God of Fear and Hunger?" She said as she held that device between us at neck level.

"It was born 300 years ago and has no church in its name but it is popular." I try to remember what I read from the skin bibles. As I said that I heard my words repeating with some delay on the TV. Wait. I turn to see a third small blank window with the words "audio only" in the middle.

"Eh?! The Senior Administrator hijacked us?! And she didn't even ask for permission!" The smaller of the two reporter girls exclaimed.

"Interesting. Could you please tell us more?" The nun girls calm look has changed to childlike wonder. You're supposed to know more about this than I do! "I would think a god embodying human suffering would be scorned but why is it widely worshipped?" Is that so? Now that I think about it...

"Because fear and hunger has always been by humanities side. Fear motivated us, and hunger kept us moving forward." I explained. The two journalists along with the nun and the other girl listened intently. "The dark ages came after All-Mer, the one that cross on your head symbolizes, Perished. It was the influence of the God of Fear and Hunger that hastened human progress out of that age." I explained what I know that's relevant enough here.

"I see. Instead of feeding off of human suffering it instead gives its worshippers strength through their suffering." I hear one of the reporters say in wonder. "It's kind of sad but at the same time inspiring." Yeah. She seems to understand it.

"All-Mer... So thats the forgotten name of our god." You're a nun right? How do you not know of All-Mer?!

"F-forgive me. Our historical records never mentioned that name. We do not know why but our predecessors from long ago decided to erase many names out of records." I think thats the withdrawal flipping my speech and thought. I'm genuinely confused at her words. On one hand, knowledge of any inhumane but rewarding rituals are nonexistent, but ignorance doesn't help in the long run... sure I guess.

"I'd explain more but I'm busy eating, it's been two days since my last meal. And no, fasting is not worship to it, I'm just hungry." And with that, Rin tapped at her device and I see on the small box at the TV "call ended".

"W-wait! Before you go, can you tell us more about magi-" I hear one of them shout hastily before she realized we were no longer talking to eachother. They then went back to discussing with the nun girl and the paranoid girl.

I take the silverware Yuuka had let go and started eating myself. Hasumi's remaining cake is also at its side. My hand trembles as I try to hold it.

I hear the door slide open. Chinatsu comes in holding a small bag os something."I'm back. Sorry I took so long, I was listening to your explanation on the news." She said as she set the bag down and pulled out a small glass bottle in one hand and a syringe on the other.

She injects the syringe into the bottle to pull in its liquid content. She then transfers it to another needle before coming to my side, tying something made out of rubber at my upper arm and flicking at it holding the syringe close.

"Just stick it in the past needle marks. Those we-"

"That leads to infection." She lightly scolded as she injected that medicine into my arm.

Is this that methadone thing? I feel the withdrawal leaving me. My nausea still lingers but it's mostly gone. I feel fine.

As soon as she pulls the needle out I start vigorously scooping and swallowing the both the meal and the dessert Yuuka and Hasumi left me.

"Here are your belongings. We took out from your pockets when you were unconscious and we changed you out of your uniform." I see Chinatsu lining up my lugr, that yellow card from the dream with the Presidents note still taped to it, and 5 lucky coins. Wait where's the rest?

"Why did you have a pocket full of glass shards, Levi-Sensei?" Well, you see Hasumi...

"I threw away the used needles along with the tobacco." I can understand the used needles but my cigs? "Smoking can cause lung cancer, and besides you shouldn't be smoking at all." Chinatsu scolds me, not with a cute pout but with silent fury.

"But the army doctors said they were safe. Even doctor Daan smoked a lot." Yeah! They knew what they were doi-

"The doctors were paid to say that, and this doctor Daan you speak of is an adult." ... I really don't want to talk back to Chinatsu right now. She looks frightening with the shine of her glasses hiding her eyes.

"There were also those shiny blue stones. What were those?" This time Yuuka chimes in. Where do I even start? I guess I'll leave out the part where I had to saw off and sell heads.

"Those were for learning magic." I see them turn their heads like crows at the mention of magic.

"Oh yes! You said you would teach me that healing magic!" That scary look she had is gone, it's now of wonder and excitement... Cute!

Wait, now that I think about it things like that table in the dream and in father Donovan's home were nowhere else to be found, and then there's the ritual circles... I don't to disappoint her but...

"You need ritual circles and that weirdly designed table, correct?" Rin? How do you know about those?! I turn to her to see her standing."The President sent a few crates with a letter stating that was going to be the last we hear of her for a while." I can see that she's a little dejected at the news. I see the others also looking on in confusion.

I move myself out of the bed to a sitting position before standing up fully. The meals and the dessert have given me strength like never before.

"Were they really that good?!"

"That was a premium cake. I'm glad you like it."

The nausea was still there as well as my speech and thought somehow switching but I'm fine mostly.

"Rin, can you lead me to the circles?" I see her walk to the door before answering.

"Of course, follow me, Levi-Sensei."


The car ride to the Schale building was brief but enjoyable. I don't think I'll get over how bright and colorful the city is. We arrived at the building and Rin led us down the basem*nt.

I see a few open crates along with tiles, some have the ritual circle with the spiral pattern, the circle of ascended gods. Some have that incomplete seven pointed star, the circle of the old gods

I see some skin bibles on top of the smaller crates with boxes of chalks. Is that... the magic table? The same one in the dream with Per'kele when we slept and he one in father Donovan's house. Did the President just steal a whole ass stone table?

"Can one of you girls set that tile with the star with six points down." I said as I took the Sylvian skin bible. I see Yuuka and Hasumi walk over to the crates to do what I said."Here, you need the instructions for drawing Sylvians sigil." I told Chinatsu as I see her blushing heavily... oh wait! Sylvian looks like-!

"This... is your Goddess of Love?!" She shouted shyly as she took in the image of Sylvian. A squid with a woman's face and a phallic head. I see Yuuka, Hasumi, and Rin rushing to see what the goddess looks like.

"I see, that seems about right." Rin is the only one who seems unfazed but still has a slight blush. The other two has the same reaction as Chinatsu.

"I expected a beautiful woman but this is an abomination!"

"The religion lessons were right! Pagan gods are horrendous."

Yeah, wait till you girls see Gro-goroth.

"I h-have to draw her s-sigil to learn that healing magic?" I see Chinatsu ask as she and the other two stare at the goddesses sigil.

"That's just a uterus!" Thats right Yuuka, why do you need to state the obvious?

"You're serious?!" I heard Hasumi say religious lessons earlier.

"They didn't teach You about the Old Gods?" I see Yuuka, Hasumi, and Rin turn their heads at me. Chinatsu still blushing memorizing the instructions to draw the Sylvian sigil.

"The lessons consisted of many past saint's and a supposed holy man born in the 25th of December." Yeah, thats All-Mer alright. "They didn't teach about pagan gods, just the barbarism of their followers." I see, the church of All-Mer was here at one point... probably.

"I just need to draw this symbol on the circle... right." I hear Chinatsu ask with slight hesitation.

"Yeah, drawing her sigil on that circle will earn you one affinity." She looks up to me from the book as I explained. "You need two for that healing spell."

"And what sort of ritual would I need to do for the second affinity?" She looks hesitant yet determined.

"Masturbation."... I really need to stop blurting things out."I uhh mean, an act of self love." I tried to quickly correct myself but too late She's already looking at me with a slightly mad but flustered expression.

Even Rin looks surprised with how simple and direct I was.

"Y-you're just b-bluffing r-right?!" Yuuka stammered as she's shouting at me."R-right?!" Nope, I'm serious.

"I mean, You are a young man after all. It would make sense if You wanted to..." I turn and frown towards Hasumi. She seems to get it as she stopped her intrusive thoughts from leaking to the world.

"I-is there no other way?" I hear Chinatsu nervously ask. She believes me? She even looks like she's ready for it.

"You can just draw on another circle if you wanted." There's also that option. I kind of forgot about that for a moment as I never got to draw it back in Prehevil... I only had the sloppy seconds as the adults back in the trenches would've phrased it.

"T-thats fine," Wait really?! I raise my brows, unbelieving of what Chinatsu just said. "Other medics will want to learn as well." You're too kind Chinatsu.

"B-but you'll have to give me p-privacy." I hear her stopping herself from stuttering.

"Alright, just do it above the circle after you draw the sigil." She gives me a nervous yet still determined look.

I see the other three still processing our conversation as I turn around and wave at them to come with me and give Chinatsu her privacy.


I hear Chinatsu knocking from the other side of the basem*nt door. I along with the others turn to face and walk over to open the door.

I see Chinatsu blushing and sweating, taking heavy breaths... The wetness made her shirt a little transparent as I see a bit of skin and the bra. I see her stockings... I feel two pairs of hands covering my eyes.

"Oh no you don't!" Yuuka?

"You already did a lot by making her do... that!" Hasumi? Yeah they're probably right.

"I d-drew the symbol... and did that on top of it." Chinatsu said in between deep heavy breaths.

"Did you bring those blue stones?" I ask them with my eyes still covered.

"Yes. Hasumi, can you cover both of his eyes?" Yuuka let go as Hasumi replied in affirmation and she moved directly behind me to cover my eyes... I can feel both of her breasts squishing behind me.

"I got the stones." I hear Yuuka say as I feel my face shiver and fluster as I still feel Hasumi's chest. "Now what?"

"Give two of it to Chinatsu." I hear the two stones hitting eachother in a sack as I heard Yuuka's footsteps going towards the sound of Chinatsu's huffing breaths. Speaking of two stones, I can feel mine tremble from the soft pressure on my back.

"Go to that table, the one that looks like it's being carried." I hear Chinatsu let out some noise as if to signal she heard. "Then look for the sigil of Sylvian. The information will enter your head as you look at it. Place the first stone on "Pheromones" then the second on "Loving Whispers" thats the healing spell." Thats how it worked for me at least.

"Right." I hear Chinatsu reply, still huffing. "I'll do just that.


Chinatsu P.O.V

Just as Levi-Sensei instructed. I went to the table that He described. The figures carrying the circular table over their shoulders look deformed, were those intentionally designed?

I see a hexagon shape with circles at each and then end extending like branches. I see some symbols like a large circle with lines overlapping a smaller circle resembling a simple eclipse drawing. There's one with three circles overlapping with one being incomplete. I see a cross like the Trinity Sisterhood has. One is a spiral vortex. And I see the same symbol carved on Levi-Senseis face. Out of curiosity I look over what it's blessings are.


[Mastery Over Vermin]

[Flesh Puppetry]

[Mischief Of Rats]

I remember Rats coming out of his shadow to swarm the delinquents yesterday. This must've been it.

Wait, what is that? I see another symbol that are two R's back to back. It looks like a reverse of the symbol in Levi-Senseis face. It looks like an eye with two diagonal lines on the underside with the pupil going down through the eyelid. It's glowing green...

There's only two branches to it.

[Moth Swarm]

[Red Arc]

I'll ask Levi-Sensei about it later.

My eyes finally land on the vulva symbol of the Goddess of Love.


I insert the shining blue stone into the circle. I see it sinking in and disappearing. I feel a slight headache as if something is entering my mind.

This is... knowledge... of how to release pheromones? The uses that enters my mind is to release it on someone else and have enemies target that person specifically... thats not how pheromones work but I choose not to question it too much.

[Loving Whispers]

I insert another blue stone and it disappears into the hole. Once again I felt something forcing itself on my head. Finally, the knowledge of the healing spell comes to my mind.

I try to use it as the information on my mind dictated. I whisper a little prayer trying my best to compose it as Gehenna didn't have lessons on praying.

[Loving Whispers]

I see infront of my vision a light purple aura covering me. I see the aura form some letters I can't read.

But I don't need to.

I feel excitement in my voice as I feel my lips stretch to a smile and grin. Magic is real and I'm the first of Kivotos to learn it.

I remember Levi-Sensei referencing two other spells yesterday. I wonder which two those were.

Out of curiosity I start looking for the two spells he mentioned when Yuuka bought out her phone... I see it!



[Black Orb]

Both are under the eclipse symbol... I wonder what kind of god these blessings belong to.


I climb up the stairs and out of the basem*nt... where did they go? I should check the office.

Walking through the hallways and turning some corners I navigate my way through the Schale building, reaching the stairs up to his assigned office.

As I reach the end of the steps and walk over to the door to his office I hear them talking.

"These are... for me?" I hear Levi-Sensei asking with uncertainty.

"Yes, did you think we would just leave you to walk around in ragged clothing or hospital gowns?" Senior Administrator Rin? I guess she still has to give Levi his orientation on his job.

"Shouldn't I have taken a bath first before changing?" No you didn't.

"T-thats fine, w-we already washed you." I heard Miss Yuuka informing him with slight stuttering. Yes, we washed him as he slept.

"Who changed my underwear? I can tell it's not the one I was wearing." We picked straws on who would do so.

"You don't need to know!" Thats right. Miss Yuuka already faced enough embarrassment for now.

"Splendid! You now look like a civilized member of society Levi-Sensei l." Vice President of the Trinity Justice Task Force? Yeah, I agree, he looked like a crazed vagrant when he first arrived.

I open the door to see the other girls around admiring Levi-Senseis looks on his new uniform.

He now wears a long sleeved white collared buttoned shirt with dark blue pants, the left sleeve simply dangling without an arm to fit into. He has an ID with the Schale logo clipped to his breast pocket and it's lace around his neck. He has a small sling bag to carry that tablet the president left him and the special holster for his luger P08 on the right side of his belt and a few ammo pouches.

It's a miracle that it didn't misfire all this time with its defective safety.

He turns to look at me and he smiles and raises his hand at me as a greeting. "Hey Chinatsu, did you learn the spell?" Yup!

[Loving Whispers]

I whispered the prayer I formulated earlier to activate the spell and demonstrate to the others what I've learned.

The light purple aura forming letters in front of me that I do not know. I see the others looking on in wonder as the light brightened their faces. But Levi-Senseis expression morph into worry... why?

As the purple light dissipated he hastily walks over to me and grabs my shoulder. "Are you okay, Chinatsu?" Yes, I nod my head to show I was. But why ar- "The magic of the gods cost sanity to cast. Didn't you feel any headache or pulling in your mind?" Ah, I see.

"I felt a little when I used the stones on the table but I didn't feel it at all when I tested it back down there and here." His expression then changes to a soft and relieved one, and then one of confusion before appearing to dismiss whatever train of thoughts he had.

"Your haloes protect you from harm, maybe it also protects your mind." I... wait, that would mean-!

"I'm fine, it's never permanent." That's good to kno- "Thanks to alcohol and tobacco having mind numbing effects."... Is that so? Is that why you tried to defend smoking earlier?

"Uhm, Chinatsu, why do you look angry?" I'm not, really not. Just confused and irritated as to why alcohol and tobacco of all things are what allows safe use of magic.

"I still won't let you smoke." I tell him with a stern voice. "But I can allow alcohol given that you only take a little over a long time in between each drink." Why do you look happy when I say that?!

I hear my phone ringing. The other two academy representatives phones also ring coincidentally. I take my phone out to see what it's about.

[President Hina: Chinatsu, you haven't come back to school since yesterday, are you fine?]

Ah yes, I remained with Levi-Sensei to monitor his health and examine his symptoms and injuries. The amount of scars and bruises he has is simply pitiful.

I hear Yuuka saying the president of Semina has called for her return, same with the Vice President of the Trinity JTF. Guess I have to say my goodbye for now.

"President Hina needs me back at Gehenna as well." Levi-Sensei turns to me with a saddened but still understanding expression.

"Alright, take care then." He gave all three of us a wave and a goodbye. I turn around to follow the two other representatives out the door and eventually out of the building.


Levi P.O.V

I guess I'll see them again sooner or later. It's just Rin and I alone in this office like yesterday before she stormed out.

"I can only teach you how to sort out paperwork for now. I still need to sort things out, but don't worry I'll give you a crash course education soon enough." Rin said as she adjusted her glasses. She takes out some papers along with a stamp and a pen.

"You'll first need a signature of your own." She took out a small device with a greenish grey screen as I walked over to her and the table with the miniature computers.

She hands me something that looks like a pen that's attached to the thing with a spiraling cable.

"Write your signature in one line only." I give her the same confused look I had when she handed me Arona. "I mean write it in a single stroke like cursive." I don't know cursive but sure, I'll try.

L.Phvl. Short for my name and Prehevil. I try my best to imitate whatever cursive writing I can remember but it still came out looking like a five year old wrote it... but I did as Rin ask so it should be good enough.

I've seen some of the signatures of the adults back in the orphanage simply be their full names but cursive. I was too young to remember my family name so I have to settle with my birthplace like someone from the past ages.

She looks a little annoyed with how terrible my attempt at cursive is but she can only sigh as she tapped away at the typewriter like board and swiped and clicked that hand sized thing beside it.

"Okay, this should be simple enough for you, Levi." She said as she glanced at me and then the small pile of papers, documents from what I can see. "The ones that you think are sensible you stamp and sign. The ones that don't you should simply discard." She looks at me as if she were asking a question.

"Yeah, should be easy enough." Whenever I was put under the command of an actual decent adult back in the army I was used as an errand boy or tasked with basically doing the same thing.

She looks at ease at my answer. "Splendid, I have some things to take care of. The paperwork I left should be enough to get you accustomed to this work." I have a good idea on how this works, so no worries Rin. I give her a smile and a thumbs up as she responded in kind before leaving. Time to work then.


Something's wrong... I don't know why but something's wrong... this is bureaucracy right? It can't be this simple right? Is this how countries are actually ruled?

Right before the ceasefire was signed my squad was always being given actual suicide missions. Of course it wasn't stated outright but the written mission objectives might as well have said so.

I always thought those were just the generals or commanders being absolutely incompetent or actually wanting to get us killed to erase any evidence of child soldiers like us being real but...

As I read through each papers request for permission or proposals I see that some are from that Valkyrie Police Academy I saw yesterday while some are individual requests such as one from "Chief Defense Secretary Shiranui Kaya" and some are from academies, some I recognize to be where Chinatsu, Hasumi, and Yuuka are.

I realize that someone had to have requested authorization for those suicide missions... and someone signed it's approval... just as I'm easily approving and discarding requests as I see fit... it was this easy to reject those gods damned suicide missions?! Why?!

"Eh?! Levi-Sensei, what's wrong?" Arona? I look at the sling bags pocket containing the tablet on the table as everyone else I've heard call it.

I take it out to see the screen being a direct broadcast of that ruined classroom in the middle of an ocean where I met Arona. I see her peeking her head out from somewhere the camera doesn't reach.

"What's wrong, Sensei? You were shaking and you looked angry." Arona asked in concern. I didn't even notice my teeth gritting and grinding. "Is paperwork really that repulsive?" ...

I choose not to answer Arona as I finished by signing into approval a request to increase funding for Valkyrie Police Academy. I didn't see them in action but if an entire police force can't bring back order then they need to improve.

"If you hate paperwork that much then you can do something else for work." Arona excitedly said as she projected a transparent blue image of herself out the tablet. Great, that thing is back. "People have started talking about Schale, specially you the "Gun Mage Sensei" as some people has dubbed you." I feel my cheeks being flustered and my spine cringe in embarrassment at the name. I mean, it sounds cool but also absurd.

"Anyway, many students have sent letters asking for your help, Sensei." Alright, I signal for her to keep going. "There was this one specific letter..." She said and then trailed off... I was about to ask but then a letter flickered into existence in a blue flash infront of me.

I take the letter and read that it's from one "Okusora Ayane". Abydos Highschool... harassment by gangs... the school building being their target... dwindling supplies...

"Can you lead me there, Arona?" I bolt up from my seat and walk quickly to the doorway. "We're going?! Right now?" I see that Arona has sparkles on her eyes as I wrapped the single sling of the bag over my shoulder.


Sora P.O.V

It's been a pretty boring day so far. I expected a job to be tiring and overwhelming but so far no customers have appeared.

It was a little frightening to know that not only did delinquents loot the place but a tank of all things charged through here... apparently, I couldn't tell with how good the place looks.

I hear a ring followed by the automatic doors opening. I turn to see... its that Sensei! The teacher who's rumored to be a cultist or something? I could feel my heart beating more than usual.

He comes in and takes a long look around, seemingly admiring the whole place as if it were a mansion. He then turns and looks at me... that carved symbol on both sides of his face... I swear the cuts look uncomfortably close to his eyes.

"W-welcome to A-Angel 24." I nervously greet, stuttering as I did. I really don't want to rub him the wrong way. I've seen the news on TV showing him casting an explosion spell on a tank, and summoning countless rats to stampede the Sukebens. "M-my name is Sora. I-its my f-first day here as a part-timer. It is n-nice to meet you!" Knowing that magic is real might've bought out my inner chuunibyo but knowing that the person infront of me can use it is scary.

He simply stares... those eyes of his are unnerving, just what is he thinking? Is he considering me as-!

He starts giggling. "Don't worry, you're much too young to be a sacrifice, not appetizing enough for the old ones." He said with a hint of teasing. I can't tell if he's joking or serious! I feel myself shaking and sweating even with the AC on. I see him waving at me. "Don't worry, I'm joking. I don't worship that kind of god." Eh? Did he read my mind? I breath a sigh of relief at his clarification as he looks around.

"Arona, which caliber's do they need? Right, how much can we have with what Rin gave me? I see." I hear him talking to someone but he isn't holding anything. He then starts pulling boxes upon boxes of ammunition to the shopping basket he has. 5.56, 7.62, 12 gauge, and 9MM from what I can see. I also see him take some snacks.

"Are those vodka?! Finally!" I hear him exclaim with glee as he walked to the alcohol section and took 4 large bottles with him.

I see him walking towards me. His body adjusting to make carrying the dull basket easier as he only had one arm... how did I miss that earlier? It's making me cringe how it looks like its moving around as if the missing part is still there, towards the basket. Specially with the sleeve just moving around like a sack.

He sets the basket down on infront of me and I start taking and scanning the products he took for their prices. "You look younger than most other students, and also too young to be working." I hear him ask with concern in his voice.

"I'm still a middle schooler. And this is the only shop willing to hire my age." I explained as I kept scanning. He looks curious as to what I'm doing. Nevertheless I finish scanning and give him the full price.

"Right, Arona, you have that credit thing?" I hear him ask... someone? Where? I hear the cash register sounding the paid ringing and I see that it's been fully paid... is this also magic?

"They can't hear you, Arona?" He asked as he looked at my scared expression. Is it a ghost? Is the shop haunted? "She calls herself an AI assistant. I don't know what that means." Oh, that makes sense. I swiftly pack all of what he bought into plastic bags, seperating the ammo boxes and the 4 large bottles of alcohol he took.

"Thanks Sora! See you next time." He said in gratitude as he left through the door. Wait, I see him putting the bags down and then pulling out one of the alcohol bottles and removing its cap with his teeth alone.

He then brings it up above his face as he raises his head to let the bottles contents down into his mouth like a waterfall... He emptied the one and a half liter bottle of alcohol in mere seconds. I expected him to start walking funny but he simply has a smile on his face as picked back up his bags and walked normally with the alcohol apparently having no effect on either mind and body... He looks young as a student he's definitely an adult.


Levi P.O.V

I walk around the city navigating my way through it with the directions Arona gave me. Now that I notice it, the sky looks like ot has layers of haloes all centered on top of the Schales line of light going straight up.

I see an airship which for some reason also has a halo, broadcasting news with the headlines sliding from one side and disappearing to the other.

I look around admiring the atmosphere of the city. It's brightness seemingly melting away the anxiety and fear I have. I see a park lush and green wi-

Boom! Ratatatatat!

I hear explosions and rapid machinegun fire from deep within the forest. I turn and walk towards the forest and the closer I got it became clear that a crowd of onlookers and reporters have swarmed the place.

I see some of those valkyrie police girls running away from the forest screaming in fear as they did. I see that they have a transparent shield with K.S.P.D written on their left hands and trench guns on their right.

"Behold everyone! The infamous Public Peace Bureau is being forced back! Look at them run!" Oh gods. I groaned as I heard the voice of that dark skinned reporter.

The Valkyrie police girls have formed a security perimeter around the entrance of the park.

"With the Security and the Public Peace bureau's being both out of commission, Valkyrie only has the Public Safety Bureau left!" The other shorter one follows up. She makes it sound like that public safety group is not that good.

I see that policewoman with blond hair and dog ears approaching with a look of anger in her face. Her halo is a bunch of connected symmetrical squares.

"The students they're after are rumored to be an SRT Special Academy platoon! And they're completely overwhelming the entirety of Valkyrie by themselves!" Why does she sound like she's bragging more than she's reporting. "Can we even trust them with our safety now?" Alright, now you're just fear mongering.

The smaller one was about to follow her up with something but stopped as I reached her and stretched my only arm out to hold her shoulder.

"Eh! Who's that?!" She swiftly turns around as I see the dog woman reach the dark skinned reporter girl, mouthing off about the place being a operation site and that they don't have permission to film.

The smaller one froze as she took in my appearance... and then she lets out a look of bewilderment and excitement. The other reporter and the dog woman turned around after hearing her make weird noises.

The reporter thats thats bigger in the chest area immediately turned and approached me, pointing that mike at me as the smaller one pointed a small camera. I won't even let them speak.


"I don't appreciate you two trying to paint me as some deranged cultist." I see them freeze up in fear as I lowered my voice trying to contain my annoyance. "Get out of here, you're disrupting an operation." They look like they still want to talk but... it seems that the frog faced mobster bastards intimidation skills are actually working.

I see them stammer out their apologies as they packed up and left.

I turn to see the police dog woman. "Officer." She raises her brow as she looks at me. "Give me a report on the situation." She's looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"We can handle ourselves, Sensei." The dog eared girl simply stated. Yeah no, your own girls are running away with their tails tucked between their legs.

"No you don't." I said as I walked forward. The other police girls then looked on... wether in fear or in admiration I can see both.

"He broke through the delinquents lines yesterday single handed, literally!"

"He's here to help right?! I wonder what sort of magic he's gonna use this time?"

"He looks our age, and he's good looking. You think he's looking for a girl?"

I reach the face to face mark with the dog girl. She looks annoyed hearing her own forces talk about me as they are doing now. She lets out a reluctant sigh.

"Firstly, I am Ogata Kanna. Chief of the Public Peace Bureau. Im in charge of this operation." She started. "The situation isn't looking great. We planned to compensate for the SRT students superior skills and equipment with greater numbers but-" Thats all I needed to hear as I interrupted her.

"And now your forces are demoralized because of how badly they were beaten off." She looks surprised at how quickly I assessed the situation without getting a good look at everything else. "Obviously, you're taking on an entrenched position with the defenders having better training and guns in unfamiliar terrain. Of course you're losing." I just realized how condescending I sounded as she looked at me with anger before it fizzled out into a look of absolute defeat.

"That's right. And the only ones combat worthy left are..." She trailed off, not wanting to even finish that thought.

"Chief Kanna! Kirino of the Public Safety Bureau, reporting!" A white haired girl with a violet stained glass looking halo said with great enthusiasm. She wears a white police uniform with a cap on her head. She has a small revolver.

"The situation already looks settled. Lets just pack up and leave, I'm hungry for more donuts." A smaller girl with dark blue hair tied into twintails and a pink clover halo with hearts lazily said. Her uniform is simple but her shoes and radio are bright pink, and whats with that rifle?!

I see a scopes shine from somewhere in the park. I walk over to the lazy girl and gesture for her to give me her rifle.

"What's your name, police girl?" I ask putting on the same face I make when I addressed my squad from back then.

"N-nemugaki Fubuki." I heard a slight stutter from her. "You're the Gun Mage Sensei everyone keeps talking about." ... Moving on.

"You're not gonna use it anyway, can I borrow it for a moment." She smiles and eagerly gives me her rifle. "Do they have a sniper?"

"Yes, how did you know?" I hear Chief Kanna ask with a hint of surprise.

I didn't process her question as I aimed through the scope and saw a girl with long dark hair with a light halo with waves aiming prone, are those rabbit ears clipped to her hair? She had a white and blue uniform with military equipment and a telescope.

"I wouldn't mind if my job had me stand still like this?" Is that so Fubuki? She's really lazy isn't she? Unlike Yuuka she looks fine with being a mount.

I see the dark haired sniper girl looking on in shock and fear as she realized we're both looking at eachother through our scopes.

"By the way, incase you didn't know my rifle is semi auto." That's good to know.

I pull the trigger and feel the kick of the recoil. I see the scope of the sniper girls rifle break as the bullet I fired went through it, spraying some glass in her eyes as the bullet bounced off her head.

She's rubbing her eyes and weeping as she removed the glass shards. I then see her pulling on something on her shoulder and then her mouth moving, no speaking to it, it's a radio.

I adjust my aim on the radio and fire again. The bullet also hits its mark as her radio broke apart scattering its internals as she yelps and starts crying, running deeper back to the park.

"A-amazing! He hit the SRT sniper through her own scope and then her radio!" I turn towards the voice of a police girl with binoculars. The others listened in and then gawked at me.

"He... did?!" I hear Chief Kanna unable to believe her underlings.

"T-thats amazing!" I hear the white haired girl admire me. "Can you teach me how to aim like that? I never hit any targets at all." How in the hell?! The only reason I can think for that is-

"Are you left or right eye dominant?" I said as I gave Fubuki her rifle back. Thats the only thing that comes to mind. Thats first thing the adults taught us during the mobilization.

"Right, but my shot's are always off to the left." ... Really?

"Then just aim with your left eye or hand, simple as that." She looks confused, but she does nod her head.

"So what's next, Sensei?" I hear Chief Kanna ask behind me. I turn my head towards her. "Will you use magic like you did yesterday?"

I shake my head at her. "It's not gonna help with the terrain." I see her sigh with her head down in disappointment. "But I do have a plan." She raises her head again, waiting for more details.

"First of all, can you get your girls rain boots?" I can see the gears turning in her head. I hear the other police girls also wondering what I'm planning. "I saw a river pretty close here."

"And what's that got to do with your great plan?"


Miyako P.O.V

Things are going well... were going well until Rabbit 4, Miyu ran back to us crying. Her rifles scope is broken, same with her radio with its parts dangling by the wires. Both look like a bullet went through them.

I pat her shoulder to reassure her. That she's safe here with us. She might be the most skilled at camouflage and sniping but her self esteem is low. I see her lightening up as she stopped her weeping before putting on a fearful expression.

"I-its the Sensei from the news. He shot through my s-scope and radio from... h-hundreds of feet away." Miyu said with her soft trembling voice.

The Sensei? The expert sniper who is rumored to have hit the Fox of Calamity from 12,000 feet away with only ironsights?! The one who proved the existence of magic? The footage wasn't shown in the news but I saw bits and pieces of it it Angelgram and Kivotube. The sight of the tank shell going through his side and the splattering of blood and gore never before seen in Kivotos before using that healing magic. I shudder thinking about how much that would hurt.

"The Gun Mage Sensei?! He's here?!" I hear Moe ask in surprise and excitement.

"Hmmph! His magic will be useless against us." Saki is ever so confident.

That's right. No matter how one would look at it we would be an immovable fortress for months to come. We had plenty of reserve ammunition and weapons, we were entrenched and well fortified, And Moe still had plenty of her toys.

The only problem for now was provisions but I'm sure we'll figure something out later.

Suddenly droplets of water start pouring from up above followed by heavier drops in increasing volumes.

Eh? It's raining? No! This pressure is from a fire hose! Water is being pumped at high pressures around the park towards us... I see puddles start to form in the trenches and near the... no.

Moe is freaking out about her explosives and Saki is trying to salvage the weapons and ammunition... but it is futile.

"Miyako," I turn to Miyu to see that look of fear she had now intensified. "What now?" ..... What do I do?

"There! Now just like Sensei told us!" I turn my weapon to the sound. I see Valkyrie Police with rain boots, this time they're coordinated.

The ones on front have their shields up and the ones behind have their shotguns up. I see them charging as they fired. I hear more from behind as Saki fired back and Moe took cover, unable to do anything with all of her explosives now useless.

The land has turned muddy. Our mobility is compromised. They have us encircle. We try and try to fight back but their numbers overwhelmed us as we were bogged down in the mud with some getting on our guns when we tried to move but instead tripped over and started sinking on the wet slippery ground.


Why did this happen? We were covered head to toe in mud, had our hands cuffed, our weapons confiscated and we're being escorted by the Valkyrie Police.

I see the the Feral Hound of Valkyrie alongside the Public Peace Bureau duo and... him. The one armed Sensei of Schale. I thought that the marks on his face were simply painted on but now that I'm closer I can see the cuts and it's still red from dried blood. That sleeve where his left arm should be just waving in the air is a little unnerving.

"That was both impressive and scary. Instead of sending out chess pieces methodically you simply flipped the entire board." I heard the Feral Hound's voice laced with both admiration and slight fear.

"Yeah, back in the war the mud was a pain in the ass for both us and the Bremens." I heard the supposed magician reply. Wait, war? Bremens? He had a military uniform in the footage form yesterday... He has no halo... that would mean...

I see him turn his head to look us up and down, analyzing us. His eyes land on Miyu, his expression softening as he smiled and walked over to her.

Her eyes start watering and she starts trembling, she's tries to walk back and away as he approached but the Valkyrie girls stopped her.

I was about to shout at him to stay away until he put his hand on Miyu's head... patting away softly in a caressing way.

"Sorry, I got some glass on your eye." He comforts Miyu as I did earlier. I see her expression change into a mix of comfort and confusion. "I can tell you were skilled in the reports. Too bad, I was better." He's bragging...

"Anyone else and they wouldn't have seen you." I see Miyu actually smiling at the praise. Damn, looks like he's completely won her over.

"T-thank you," Miyu's about to start crying again much to his surprise. "SRT.. Rabbit Squad... my h-home... it's gone." It's good to know she hasn't forgotten what we were fighting for...

"Don't worry, I'll figure something out. Those with skills and equipment like yours are rare." Miyu seems cheer up at his words. Saki, Moe, and I are simply glaring as we have. "You must be squad leader Miyako." He turns his head to face me.

"I heard. You were a soldier like us right?!" Maybe I can ask him for help. He fought in battles. Maybe he sympathizes with us.

"We're fighting for our academy, our home! Just as you have." I see his eyes widening and his brows rising. I feel bad for using his past as leverage, but I need to do what I can to save ou-

"Not really, I was a conscript." He says, averting his gaze and scratching his head with his right and only arm... dammit! Soldiers are resilient but conscripts... "It was for another empire. One that treated conscripted adults and orphan boys alike as if they were disposable." I see, fighting for such people would be...

"Hah! Don't think I'll forgive you for thrashing my babies!" I hear Moe mouth off. Those were a lot of explosives so I can see why.

Saki is still glaring. "I have nothing to say to you." She simply stated.

"Not a problem! I can read your mind!" I... what?.. thats absurd! I can get by summoning rats and making swords and explosions but...

"But what Miyako?" He wasn't kidding? I can see my squadmates stiffen and and widen their eyes in fear. "I hate to tell you this but you wouldn't have even lasted a month there."

I once again glare at him. Gritting my teeth as I was about to shout back at him.

"And I'm actually a little disappointed at the so called trenches you dug." ... What? What would he know of digging trenches, he's a conscript!

"Yeah I was." Stop reading my mind! "One artillery battery, one bombing or strafing run would've obliterated it along with whoever would be manning it." ... What do you mean?

"Even then, you didn't have enough food and water to last even a month." That's not true! We could ha- "Foraging in a park? Its not a forest with abundant fruits or herbivores to hunt." ... Dammit!

I try my best to stop my tears from flowing and my will from coming apart... but... he's right. I see Miyu and Saki realize the same thing judging by the looks on their face. I can't tell what Moe is thinking. She looks like she's just inconvenienced.

"Maybe I can talk Rin out of closing down your school." ...Really? I actually look at him as waterfalls come out of my eyes, hopeful.

"The President left and the whole place began to crumble. I'm not planning on letting the same happen should something happen to me." ... Thank you... I'm not putting all my hopes up but... thank you.

I hear Miyu and Saki verbalizing their gratitude but I know you can read my mind.

"Yeah, I need to go now. Be nice to the police girls. I know you're prideful for being an elite, but be nice. They're just doing their jobs while underfunded and under armed." I see. Thats right... even when they knew they were inferior to us they still tried.

I start walking along with where the Valkyrie girls are escorting us. Hearing them gush on about how he appreciates their work. I see his back as he walked away holding a bag of ammo groceries... wait are those 3 large bottles of alcohol!


Levi P.O.V

I can't believe they were dissolved as the city started falling before I arrived. Their records are impressive: having been the ones to subdue Wakamo the first time.

I've read the list and seen pictures of the equipment they had, they were no doubt a force to be reckoned with should they be deployed at the right place for the right mission in the first place.

I board the sleek train ignoring the looks other students and animal people gave me... wait, what are those? There are some with TV's for heads dressed in business suits... sure i guess.

I took a sit and finally rest my legs from all the days walking. We had special operations back then but no specific units for it so the upper ups just threw more men and boys at it like usual. Most weren't expected to live long so it probably wasn't even considered to give special training for special units.

I hear the train stations loudspeaker announcing the train I'm in going to Abydos will be leaving. I can feel the tracks underneath cackling as the train slowly started moving before going full speed.

Off to Abydos I go... wait, I haven't told Rin yet.


Damn, O'saa lived like this?! I walk through a ruined town deserted in both sense's of the word. Like it's rivers during rainy seasons and the floods that come but instead it's sand. Sand literally going everywhere. I can see why he's the way he is now.

The town looks simple. Livable if not for the apparent desertification Arona told me about on the train ride.

"Why didn't you tell me it would be a desert?! You should've at least told me to buy water!" I feel bad shouting at a small child but the heat saw getting into my head.

"I thought you bought water!" I hear Arona from the tablet shout back. "People don't pack up alcohol when going out on trips!" Great, I'm being scolded by a kid.

Out of frustration I put my sack of bullet boxes and alcohol down to pick a bottle with my hand and bite off the cap to start chugging.

"Hey, stop that! Alcohol has dehydrating effects when consumed in high volumes!" Dammit! Another mistake from my catastrophic lack of education.

Eh screw it. I empty the bottle in seconds before Arona could say anything. I can just call for Rin later if things get bad.

I feel a little refreshed but my head is spinning a little. I should get moving before the I start feeling the dehydration.


Dammit... Abydos is still miles away going by the map Arona gave me and already I can't feel my legs. I feel my upper clothes completely wet looking a little transparent like Chinatsu's clothes earlier.

I try catching my breathe but I fall to my knees unable to keep going. I feel like I've walked twice as long as i did yesterday.

From behind I hear something coming, some kind of spinning mechanism getting closer fast. I don't have to wait for long as I hear it slide to a stop kicking up sand.

I turn around to see... the wolf eared girl from the dream... her halo is bright blue and not cracked as I saw it. Instead of a black dress she has a bright blue scarf with dark blue accents. She wears a dark blue coat and short grey skirt with a simple buttoned shirt underneath. She has a white assault rifle with a scope in her side... I cringe as I remember that I called them long submachineguns in my head.

"Do you need help?" Thankfully she's not pointing a gun at me like she did in the dream. "Is this your first time here? Its been a long time since Abydos got newcomers so getting lost the first time is the norm." She then looks at me as if noticing something.

I see her rummage through a sling bag similar but bigger than mine. Its that... a water bottle? Finally! She extends her hand holding it down to me. And I take it and unload it's contents straight down my throat.

... What the hell is this?! Not that I don't appreciate it but it tastes like it had more sugar than water!

"You weren't supposed to..." ... Crap, I probably just swallowed her only supply of drinkable water. "Nevermind." She doesn't seem to mind. "That was an energy drink meant for cycling but it's still better than nothing going by how dry you looked." Energy drink? Is that why it tasted like pure diabetes?

"Nn, I can't get diabetes if I use up all the energy it gives me." There goes my speech going by itself again. She doesn't seem to mind so we're probably close to an oasis.

"You..." She trails off looking at my... ID as the others called it. "You're the Sensei the GSC talked about. And the magician!" She recognizes me. Her eyes sparkling even with her face showing little to no emotions.

"I'm not a magician! And moving on, do you know where Abydos is." That bought her attention out of me being a mage.

"Yeah, I'm a student there," Great! "Did you come here for us? There's no other academies beside us here." She explains simply and directly.

"Yes," I said as I picked out the letter from my pocket and handed it to her. I then raise my hand holding the plastic bags as I heard Arona call ot earlier. "I bought some ammunition. I just bought what I could.

Her eyes widen upon reading the name of the sender then her expression brightens at the sight of two big bags of ammunition. She then looks at the third smaller bag containing my two remaining Vodka bottles.

"Is that... alcohol?" Busted. I gesture for her to keep quiet about that in a begging way... she smiles and gives me a thumbs up.

"Ignoring that, can I have a 5.56 box?" I instinctually tried using my nonexistent left arm and it again just moves awkwardly the sleeve just dangling. She's also staring unable to take her eyes off of it.

I just stretch my right arm to her and let her rummage the bag to look for that caliber. She then takes out the magazine to her gun and starts loading it until it full and she pockets the rest before returning the bags.

"Get on." She said as she sat back down on her bicycle. But there's only one seat? "I haven't worked up a sweat despite having been cycling for a while now so it would be good exercise." You're wearing a scarf in this weather cycling for probably hours and still no sweat?!

"I can see your legs trembling... you can't walk any further." I... she's right... dammit, another bout of humiliation for me I guess. Not that I'm complaining.

"By the way, you can call me Shiroko, Sunaookami Shiroko."

"Levi. Levi of Prehevil."


"Welcome back, Shiro... ko?" I hear another girls voice as Shiroko carried me on her back and slid the door open. The other girl trails off seeing me over Shiroko's shoulder.

"W-who is that?!" I hear the cat eared girl with dark blue hair like their outer uniforms. She has a red halo. Armed with an assault rifle.

"Whoa! Shiroko kidnapped someone!" The blond girl with a bun with a green halo said a little too cheerful for my comfort. She wears a yellow jacket down to her elbow instead of the dark blue uniform they have... is that supposed to be a gun? It has six barrels!

"That or it's a dead body! What did you do Shiroko?!" Another girl with pointy ears said in a panicky voice. And exactly like Rin and Chinatsu she has eyeglasses... do all pointy eared people have eye problems?! She has short dark hair and a red halo. I see a pistol holster in hee hips.

"Q-quick! Get a shovel from storage! We need to hide the body?!" Wow, no hesitation from the cat eared girl.

I can't tell what Shiroko's thinking as I'm behi-

She drops me like a sack of potatoes down.


I land on my stumpy left arm, hitting the adapter as Yuuka called it. It looks sturdy as the ground cracked. I slowly push myself up to meet their gazes.

"Eh, it's not a dead body?" Asked the cat eared girl with a slight hint of disbelief in her face and voice...

"Were you hoping I was a corpse?" I ask a little annoyed with how she expressed those words. She steps back as I raised my head fully and she along with her friends saw the carvings on my face, because why or where else would they be looking?

"Y-you're Levi-Sensei? You got my letter!" I see and hear the short haired girls face light up in relief. I raise my only hand holding the bag of ammunition along with the two Vodka bottles I have left.

"I bought as much ammunition as I could by hand." I hand those two large bags to Shiroko as she set it down the table and started distributing it to her friends.

"Wait! Are those alcohol bottles?!" I hear the cat girl ask with a visible look of disappointment on her face. "You're supposed to be a role model! You shouldn't be carrying those around!" But I'm old enough for it!

"Said the one who started buying obviously scam amulets when magic was proven real." I hear the blonde girl whispering to the cat girl, teasing her.

"He just proved it was real! It wouldn't be impossible for even one to be actually magical!" The cat eared girl defended with an indignant stuttering voice.

"Oh wow, we have enough ammunition here to last a few more weeks!" I heard the pointy eared girl exclaim with happiness in her voice. "I should tell Hoshino-Senpai. Where is she anyways?"

"S-she's on the other room napping. I-I'll go get her!" The cat girl said. Finding a way out of the teasing.

Time to introduce myself now I guess.

"I'm Levi of Prehevil. Nice to meet you girls."


Hoshino P.O.V

Uehh. I was just having a nice peaceful nap until Serika-chan barged into the room and carried me up by the armpit.

Huh? A visitor came? From Schale? The Gun Mage Sensei?! He's here?! I saw the footage in social media. How a hole was shot through his stomach and splattered around something Kivotos has never see before. Not even Yume-Senpai's de-

I shake my head vigorously to break that line of thought. I hear Serika-chan explaining that he bought us ammunition. Enough to last a few weeks... and apparently two large bottles of alcohol.


Of all times! Serika-chan slides open the door with her foot and I hear them introducing themselves.

I hear his self introduction: Levi of Prehevil. Like some guy from the medieval age, no family name.

Even with the new clean and fresh clothes compared to yesterday he still looks the definition of being miserable. With the dark bags under his eyes and the carved symbol overlapping both, and the armless left sleeve simply dangling around...

I hear Serika-chan introduce herself as she walked closer to them and after her introduction she stretches her arms holding me forwards and upwards like a cat.

"Hey hey! Takanashi Hoshino here, nice to meet you Sensei." I yawned after my introduction. Serika-chan let me down as I started loading shells into my shotgun and I see my juniors doing the same for their guns.

I see Levi-Sensei giving me a smile and a small wave before moving over to the windows.

I take a look at Levi-Sensei and see that he's peeking through the windows with his hand hovering on his holster. Is that a Gehenna designed pistol? It looks like it was manufactured somewhere else.

"I hate the helmet gang... interrupting my nap like that." I said in-between yawns as I walk outside to meet the gangsters gloating about how we don't have anymore bullets.

I see Levi-Sensei overtaking me walking to the exit. He looks upset at the helmeted delinquents and he even looks like he wants to take them on all by himself even without a halo.

Wait, what is that... on his right and only arm?

It looks like a shadow... yet it has the consistency of water... but he's holding it.

He makes it out the entrance before we do. I can tell that the gangsters are all confused and afraid that he's here. It's talked all over social media that not only is he crazy good at shooting. As he apparently shot through another snipers scope from faraway as I've read from social media, he also has magic. Both we and the gangsters are looking at the liquid shadow on his hand.

"Shiroko and Serika you two aim and shoot at their hands or weapons when I unload on them." I see, taking away their ability to fight back. Scary and effective method.

"Thanks Hoshino, I learned it the hard way." Wait what? Did you... read my mind? I'm probably imagining it. He's probably imagined me saying it. I can see the others look on in confusion before he gave another order.

"Nonomi, hold your fire until I say to fire." As he said that I see Nonomi rev up her mini gun.

"Hoshino, is that a shield?" Yes, I said as I unfolded it and put my shotgun over it. "We charge at their flanks. Shiroko, Serika! Don't shoot at us." Huh?

I could only stare as he stepped forwards and threw the shadow towards the Kata-Kata gangsters like throwing water at a beach.

I see the shadow expand into waves going after the delinquents and covering their faces.

"It stings! It stings! It stings!"

"I can't see anything!"

"Get it off! Get it off! Ge-!"

The last one was cut off as Serika-chan and Shiroko-chan started shooting off the weapons out of the gangsters hands leaving them with trembling hands and the fact that they're defenseless against us.

"Come, Hoshino!" I hear Levi-Sensei beckon as he sprints to their right flank as that left sleeve got thrown around by the air. Anyway I start running to their left flank.

I see Levi-Sensei reach a helmeted enemy as the shadow dissipated from their heads and he simply winds up and punches the closest gangster in the stomach making her hunch over before he twists his body once to wind up again and another to punch the gangster in the face away.

That seems effective as the gangster moves like she's dizzy... or simply confused before a shot from either Shiroko-chan or Serika-chan knocked her out.

I reach my aide of their flanks and start unloading my shells in rapid succession immediately knocking many of them away as they still haven't recovered from the shadow wave spell yet.

I see another gang member trying to tackle him on his side and he simply steps back and brings his hands... or rather hand up, in a counter-stance that let him punch back easier.

He dodges before punching her away and disorienting her. I see Levi-Sensei shaking his hands and fingers as I see some bruises. I see him pull out his Luger and start shooting at the gangsters feets closest to him. It doesn't hurt them but it does force them on their knees or to back away.

"Light em up! Nonomi!" I hear him shout as he fired his last bullet.

"Here comes Nonomi!" I hear her say before firing away and riddling the gangsters all packed like sardines at the gate. It's like a row bowling pins being obliterated by a cannon.

I see them running off again as usual. And I hear my juniors mocking them as they did... but now.

I approach Sensei to look him up more clearly. I'm now infront of him looking up and him looking down.

I seriously thought Kronos was exaggerating about it being carved, I thought it was paint. I can see the skin sinking from the cuts and the pink flesh and dried blood.

He's looking away as if ashamed. No doubt feeling my stare. Thats enough for now I guess. Now what's next?


A/N: I'll end it here for now. My explanation for meeting the Rabbit Platoon this soon is that I imagine the parts to happen back to back as well as some parts already happening before Sensei even came along like Rio investigating whatever that had to do with Arisu. Also I think I evolved from using too much comma's to using too much periods. Also I'm definitely not replaying story episodes for reference.

Also another info dump for BA players who know nothing about F&A

Levi only felt a little dizziness after two straight bottles of 1.5 liter vodka because of how I imagine it's game mechanic would translate into a story. Mischief of rats is 30 mind, Hurting is 20, Blood sword 10, Loving Whispers 20. Out of 100 mind he only had 20 left, a full vodka bottle increases mind for 30 each, it's effect was absorbed by his nearly crumbled mind. Having zero mind in F&H doesn't do anything gameplay wise, just gives you the self end skill as a voluntarily activated skill. Mind read is a passive so no mind cost.

I also adjusted the dark timeline to include the fact that Levi already had Rher the Moon God's influence on him, so yeah, on top of being corrupted by the Chroma He also gets Moonscorch it's like a double kick on the balls. Just like fear and hunger players would like it... probably.

And yeah. Logic is here and Chinatsu gets magic.

Soldier Boy and Angel Girls - Chapter 2 - Dalubhasa41st (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.