Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (2024)

Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (1)

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The flavor of 'Baby Swiss' cheese is buttery, nutty, and creamy. Because it melts well Baby Swiss is suitable for a wide range of dishes. Besides the normal lactose converting bacteria, Propionic bacteria is used to break down lactic acid and generate carbon dioxide, which forms the bubbles (eyes)as the cheese ages. This is quite similar to bread dough rising but takes much longer. The longer the cheese is allowed to age, the more complex the flavor gets, and the larger the holes will become. Some delis label baby Swiss cheese as 'Lacy Swiss,'because it looks like fine lace when sliced.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (2)


    4 Pounds

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (3)

    Aging Time

    ~3 Months

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (4)

    Skill Level


  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (5)


    Jim Wallace



  • 4 Gallons of Milk (not ultra-pasteurized)
  • 5/16 tsp MM100 Culture or 1 Pack C101 Mesophilic Culture
  • 1/8 tsp Propionic Shermanii
  • 3 ml Single Strength Liquid Rennet
  • Salt for a Brine
  • Calcium Chloride for Pasteurized Milk

  • Good Thermometer
  • Mini Measuring Spoons
  • Knife to Cut Curds
  • Spoon or Ladle to Stir Curds
  • M2 Large Cheese Mold or M28 Medium Cheese Mold
  • Butter Muslin
  • Cheese Press or 10 and 25 lbs Weights
  • Cheese Mat

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A Recipe for Baby Swiss Cheese

We suggest making a 4+ pound cheese for this one so the curd mass will contain enough gas production to develop proper holes.

If you would like to make a 2 gallon cheese with less "Swiss" type character, make the following changes to the recipe below.

  • 2 Gallons of Milk
  • 1/8 tsp MM100 Culture for a buttery flavor or 1/2 pack C101 Mesophilic Culture
  • 1/16 tsp Propionic Shermanii (essential for producing the holes)
  • 1.5 ml Single Strength Liquid Rennet
  • 1 M3 Cheese Mold

Notes for a smaller batch size are also listed in the recipe below.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (8)

    Acidify & Heat Milk

    Begin by heating the milk to 84°F (86F if using raw milk with higher fat). You do this by placing the milk in a pot or sink of very warm water. If you do this in a pot on the stove, make sure you heat the milk slowly and stir it well as it heats.

    Once the milk is at the proper temperature, the culture can be added (3/4 tsp calcium chloride as well if needed).

    • 5/16 tsp MM100 if raw milk or 7/16 tsp if using pasteurized
    • 1/8 tsp Propionic Shermanii for either pasteurized or raw milk

    Use half of the above additions if using only 2 gallons of milk

    To prevent the powder from caking and sinking in clumps, sprinkle the powder over the surface of the milk and then allow about 2 minutes for the powder to re-hydrate before stirring it in.

    Allow the milk to ripen at the above temp for 45 min to 1 hr. Keep the milk covered and quiet during this time.

    While waiting for the milk to ripen, heat 2 gallons of non-chlorinated water to 130F. This will be used in the following steps to heat the curd and replace the whey you will be removing.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (9)

    Coagulatie with Rennet

    Then, add theliquid single strength rennet to the milk.

    The milk now needs to sit quietly for 40-45 minutes while the culture works and the rennet coagulates the curd. You should notice the milk begin to thicken in 10-15 minutes, but allow it to continue firming for the full time. The thermal mass of the water bath should keep the milk warm during this period.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (10)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (11)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (12)

    Cut Curds & Remove Whey

    Once a firm curd has formed, cut the curd mass into 3/8 inch pieces as evenly as possible over 5-10 minutes.

    Allow the curds to rest for 5 minutes, then stir gently for another 5 minutes. After stirring allow the curds to settle to the bottom of the vat for another 5 minutes.

    Next, carefully remove 1/3 of the whey. This will reduce the lactose, thus slowing down the bacteria and acid production. This step is what makes the elastic texture found in Baby Swiss.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (13)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (14)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (15)

    Cook the Curds

    Now it is time to begin drying out the curds by increasing the heat slowly to 102°F. This is be done by slowly adding hot water at 130°F to the curds using hte steps below.

    Slowly add water at 130°F to the curds so the curds reach 95°F in 5 min. Then stir the curds for 5 min.

    Next, Add more water so the curd temp reaches 102°F within the next 5-10 minutes. The final water addition should be equal to the whey that was taken out for lactose dilution.

    Slowly stir the curds for 30-40 minutes. This will achieve the final dryness. Make sure to check the curds for proper dryness. The final curds should be cooked well through and should be examined to make sure that enough moisture has been removed. A broken curd should be firm throughout and the curds should have a moderate resistance when pressed between the fingers.

    Once the curds have been cooked, let them settle and consolidate into a mass. Try to gather them to one side of the pot for better consolidation.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (16)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (17)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (18)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (19)

    Remove Whey & Form Curds

    Next, drain the whey to 1” above cheese surface and place a plate ontop of the curds that's large enough to cover the curd mass. Add a weight ontp of the place that's approximately 1/2 of the expected curd weight, 2.5 lbs for 4 gal (1.5 lbs for 2 gal). This will help consolidate the warm curd nicely and minimize any mechanical holes in the cheese body.

    Remove remaining whey and transfer curd mass into cloth and then immediately into a cheese mold for draining. Do this by simply rolling the consolidated curd mass into the cheese cloth and gather it as a single cheese, then transfer this to the cheese mold.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (20)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (21)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (22)

    Press the Curd

    The pressing for this cheese should be rather minimal, because we have already done a pre-press under the whey in the vat to consolidate the cheese body.

    Begin by pressing at about 2 times the cheese weight, which should be about 8-10 lbs for this cheese (5-6 lbs for the 2 gallon batch).

    Turn the cheese and re-wrap in press cloth at 1 hr. intervals and increase weight after about 1-1.5 hrs if needed for a smooth surface. The weight can be increased to 20-25 lbs (12-15 lbs for a 2 gallon batch) for this. Keep the cheese warm during this period at 75-80°F during total press time of 5 hours.

    At the end of this period, the cheese should have developed its final acidity and should be moved to a cooler (52-56°F) space to rest until the next morning (8-10 hours). The cheese should not be allowed to develop excessive acid greater than a final pH of 5.2-5.3 because this will impede the development of the gas forming bacteria.

    The final cheese should show a nice tight rind with no openings to harbor molds. This will make the surface so much easier to maintain and keep clean through its aging life. The cheese to the right is ready for it's brine bath.

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (23)


    You should have a saturated brine prepared for salting this cheese. You will find all of the details you need on brining here.

    Here is a simple brine formula:

    1 gallon of water to which is added 2.25 lbs of salt, 1tbs. calcium chloride (30% solution), and 1 tsp. white vinegar.

    The cheese now needs to be set in the brine for about 2.5 - 3 hrs per lb. The cheese will float above the brine surface, so sprinkle another teaspoon or 2 of salt on the top surface of the cheese.

    Flip the cheese and re-salt the surface about half way through the brine period. The cheese should not be over salted because this will also impede the development of the gas producing propionic bacteria

  • Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (24)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (25)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (26)

    Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (27)


    Now it's time for aging:

    1. Following brining, dry off cheese and move to the cool aging space at 50-55°F, and about 80-85%, for 2-4 weeks. Turn and control mold with a brine damp cloth daily.

      Do not wax the cheese until full hole development occurs.

    2. Move to an aging space of 65-70°F and 80% moisture for 3-4 weeks of hole development or 2-3 weeks for smaller holes (this will be somewhat determined by the condition of your initial cool aging). Make sure you turn the cheese daily to help even out the moisture, because this will affect the hole sizes and distribution.

      The time in this room will determine the amount of gas produced, the size of the holes, and the amount of swelling in the cheese. The cheese may be waxed at this point or simply dry brushed periodically for a natural rind.

    3. Move to cold room 45-50°F and 85% moisture for a month or more for flavor development.

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Swiss Cheese Recipe (Baby Swiss) (2024)


What's the difference between Swiss cheese and baby Swiss? ›

Swiss cheese and baby swiss are made in a similar fashion, but baby swiss is made in smaller batches, matured in smaller rounds or wheels, and is allowed to ripen for a shorter period of time. As a result, the flavor of baby swiss is milder and the iconic holes or "eyes" of Swiss cheese are smaller.

Why do they call it baby Swiss? ›

After seeing his new Swiss and noting that it was a "baby" version of a traditional Emmental Swiss wheel, Alfred's wife, Margaret, christened the new cheese "Baby Swiss." Alfred and Margaret's son, Richard, worked to continue and perfect his father's recipe over the years, making it unmatchable to imitations.

What are the ingredients in baby Swiss cheese? ›

Ingredients: Pasteurized Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzymes. Our swiss cheese mellow and nutty. Delicious alone or piled on a cold cut sandwich.

Is baby Swiss cheese strong? ›

We know that regular American Swiss, especially if aged enough, can have a pretty strong flavor. Baby Swiss, on the other hand, is milder. Baby Swiss was developed in Charm, Ohio in the 1960's in response to American's fondness for milder cheeses.

Which is stronger, Swiss or Baby Swiss? ›

The aging process for Swiss cheese allows it to develop a stronger, more pronounced flavor, while baby Swiss cheese is milder in taste. Texture: Swiss cheese has a firm and slightly crumbly texture, whereas Baby Swiss cheese is usually softer and creamier.

Which tastes better Swiss or Baby Swiss? ›

Baby Swiss is slightly lighter and tastes a little sweeter than regular Swiss cheese. When it comes to Swiss cheese, the larger the holes or “eyes” are, the more pronounced the flavor of the cheese. So regular Swiss cheese has a mild flavor that is slightly sweet and nutty.

Is baby Swiss cheese healthy for you? ›

Both the protein and calcium found in swiss cheese contribute to healthier, stronger bones. Protein has been linked to the development of bones and their formation. In addition, calcium intake ensures that our bones are healthy, and also contributes to healthy blood flow and muscles.

How long does baby Swiss cheese last in the fridge? ›

Good question. You can still keep your Swiss fresh by wrapping it first in parchment or wax paper (or even a plastic wrap made especially for cheese), then loosely in plastic wrap on the outside. When properly wrapped, your cheese will keep in the fridge for three to four weeks.

Is baby Swiss cheese hard or soft? ›

Some Swiss cheese varieties are hardened from aging, and some have very tiny holes to give them a lacey appearance. In fact, semi-soft cheeses called Baby Swiss and Lacey Swiss are two of America's contributions to this type of cheese.

What kind of cheese is Babybel? ›

The "Original", most popular, Mini Babybel is an Edam-style cheese made from pasteurised milk, rennet, lactic ferments, and salt. It is made using traditional Edam-making processes, except that rennet from vegetarian – rather than animal – sources is used. It is also naturally lactose-free.

What are some fun facts about baby Swiss cheese? ›

Baby Swiss is an American cheese invented by Alfred Guggisberg and named by his wife in the mid-1960s outside Charm, Ohio. It is called 'Baby Swiss' because it looks like a miniature version of Swiss cheese. Due to the similarity in appearance between Baby Swiss and Lacy cheese, they are sometimes mistaken.

What kind of Swiss cheese has holes in it? ›

From Jarlsberg to Appenzeller, Swiss cheese varieties each have their distinctive characteristics. For instance, Jarlsberg is known for its medium-sized holes and a slightly sweet, nutty flavor. On the other hand, Appenzeller offers a more pronounced flavor and larger holes.

What is the difference between types of Swiss cheese? ›

While most versions have a sweet and slightly nutty taste, textures can vary. Some Swiss cheese varieties are hardened from aging, and some have very tiny holes to give them a lacey appearance. In fact, semi-soft cheeses called Baby Swiss and Lacey Swiss are two of America's contributions to this type of cheese.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.