The Nurse Is Preparing To Care For 4 Assigned Clients. Which Client Is At Most Risk For Hemorrhage? (2024)

Health High School


Answer 1

The client that is most at risk for hemorrhage is A multiparous client who delivered a large baby after oxytocin (Pitocin) induction.

What is hemorrhage?

Hemorrhage is defined as the escape or release of blood from a broken blood vessel which can occur internally of externally.

A multiparous client is a client that has given birth to multiple children before.

The individuals that are at risk of hemorrhage include the following;

High blood pressure,

cerebrovascular disease,

recent surgery or trauma,


heart disease,

oxytocin induced labor

diabetes mellitus,

kidney failure, and

liver failure.

Several studies have demonstrated that induction or augmentation of labour with oxytocin increases the risk of postpartum bleeding.

Therefore, the client that is most at risk for hemorrhage is A multiparous client who delivered a large baby after oxytocin (Pitocin) induction.

Learn more about hemorrhage here:


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The nurse is caring for a client with a new colostomy. which client outcome is most important for achievement of long-range goals associated with adjusting to a new colostomy?



It is not uncommon for people who have had a colostomy to experience feelings of frustration, anger, and sadness. This is especially true when long-term goals are not being met. It can be difficult to know where to start when you have a new change in your body. In order to adjust and achieve their goals after having a colostomy, the patient should be ready to accept new body changes first. It's important to set realistic goals for yourself and focus on achieving things that make you feel good. It is important to stay positive and work towards achieving your long-range goals. By doing so, you can help make the adjustment to a new colostomy easier for yourself and your loved ones.


As we all know, there are many changes that occur when a person has a disfigurement in their body. A colostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening in the abdominal wall to allow waste to pass from the body. There are many different types of colostomies, but they all have one thing in common they allow a person with a chronic illness to live a more normal life. If you are considering having a colostomy, you should understand what it is and what it entails. It is important to accept these changes and learn how to make the most of them. This will allow you to feel more comfortable and allow your body to heal faster.


Reliability is the study that ensures what you want to measure and helps to focus on the operational definition. is is imperative to always be able to make sure the validity can be repeated either the same results. true or false


True, Reliability is the study that ensures what you want to measure and helps to focus on the operational definition, and it is imperative to always be able to make sure the validity can be repeated either the same results.

What is Reliability and Validity?

Reliability and validity are both about how well a method measures something.

Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure while Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure.

Thus, Reliability is the study that ensures what you want to measure and helps to focus on the operational definition, and it is imperative to always be able to make sure the validity can be repeated either the same results.

Therefore, the correct answer is true.

Learn more about reliability and validity here:


Which type of immunity is achieved by an infant from its mother through antibodies transferred in utero or in breast milk?


Passive immunity is a sort of immunity achieved by an infant from its mother via antibodies transmitted in utero or in breast milk.

Passive immunity is an immunity which is transmitted from one source to another source. An infant receives passive immunity inherently from the transfer of antibodies from his mother in utero or through the breast milk. It also can be artificially delivered by the transfer of antibodies produced by other people or animals.

Active immunity is attained through immunization or actually having a disease. It is called active immunity because it relies on a response to the antigen by the person's immune system.

Learn more about passive immunity here


Calculate the net filtration pressure if blood pressure in the glomerulus is unusually high, around 68 mm hg.


23 mm Hg is the net filtration pressure if blood pressure in the glomerulus is unusually high, around 68 mm hg.

The hydrostatic pressure of the capillary is used to determine net filtration pressure (NFP), which is the fluid pressure across the glomerulus after adjusting for Bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure and colloid osmotic pressure in the blood.

The net filtration pressure is the result of the influence of both hydrostatic as well as colloid osmotic pressure.Net filtration pressure (NFP) = glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (GBHP) – [capsular hydrostatic pressure (CHP) + blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP).Here Glomerular pressure is -68 mm HgColloid osmotic pressure -30 mg(normal)Capsular hydrostatic pressure-15 mm Hg(Normal)

So net filtration pressure = 68 - (30 + 15) = 68 - 45 = 23 mm Hg.

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In a recent survey by the national college health association, what was the greatest impediment to academic performance as reported by students?


In a recent survey by the national college health association, Stress was the greatest impediment to academic performance as reported by students.

Stress is a kind of feeling like emotional or physical tension. Stress is a human reaction which happens to everyone. Also, the human body is designed in a way that it experiences stress and reacts to it.

In order to improve campus-wide health promotion and preventive programs, decision-makers can better understand IUPUI students' health habits, behaviors, and attitudes thanks to the ACHA-National College Health Assessment (NCHA). Alcohol, cigarettes, and other substances, sexual health, weight, diet, and exercise, mental health, personal safety, including violence, as well as the effects on academic success are some of the topics covered.

The American College Health Association manages the national survey, and even the Division of Student Affairs' Health Medical and Lifestyle Wellness Promotion handles local implementation. Results have been utilized to identify needy areas, with an emphasis on the assistance, safety, and well-being of students.

Learn more about college health association here


The omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1987, commonly called obra, requires states to establish training and testing standards for which group of health care workers?


The OBRA established training and testing standards for nursing and geriatric assistants.

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act(OBRA) of 1987 also known as Federal Nursing Home Reform Act was established with the objective of the development of nursing homes. It reassured the rights of people at nursing home and made strict training and testing standards for nursing and geriatric assistants. I ensured the safety and regulations in nursing homes under federal schemes.

According to OBRA, Nursing assistants' training should meet four important requirements:

75 hours of nurse aide trainingEvaluate the competency of newly trained nursing assistantsEvaluate competency of already working nursing assistantsregistry for nursing assistants

Learn more about Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act(OBRA) of 1987 at


Which guideline instructs you about what you can or cannot do regarding updates on injured marines?


"The Marine Corps endorses unofficial posts made by marines in any form of social media. Marines are NOT allowed to solicit votes of any kind on social media. Any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in any personal capacity.

Consequently, every Marine, officer or enlisted, receives basic infantry training. A course is provided that trains about the do's and don'ts of interacting with social media, giving Marines the guidelines for posting any content online.

Marines serve on U.S. Navy ships, protect naval bases, guard U.S. embassies and provide an ever-ready quick strike force to protect U.S. interests anywhere in the world. They often serves as a quick reaction force and has special units that are trained to respond to crises wherever necessary. In fact, the branch is sometimes referred to as the “tip of the spear,” because these combat-ready units typically spearhead conflict operations."

To learn more about Marine Corps,


Essential nutrients are substances that the cells of your body cannot make themselves. if false, make it a correct statement. True or false


Essential nutrients are substances that the cells of your body cannot make themselves. This statement is true.

Essential nutrients are substances that the body needs to perform its basic functions. Nutrients are obtained from food because our bodies cannot produce them on our own. Nutrients have three basic functions: providing energy, contributing to the structure of the body, and regulating chemical processes in the body. Essential nutrients fall into two categories:

Micronutrients are nutrients that humans need in small amounts. Micronutrients consist of vitamins and minerals. The body needs very little, but a deficiency can lead to sickness. Macronutrients are nutrients that humans need in large amounts. Macronutrients include water, protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

To learn more about nutrients here


Students are studying the shape, size, and parts of the heart. they are studying the ______ of the heart


Students are studying the shape, size, and parts of the heart are studying the anatomy of the heart.

What is anatomy?

Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.

Examples of anatomy include the followings body parts such as;

muscles, heart, brain, bladder, and kidneys

Thus, students are studying the shape, size, and parts of the heart are studying the anatomy of the heart.

Learn more about anatomy here:


In general, populations that have a high intake of total fat have a higher incidence of __________ than populations that have a lower intake.


In general, populations that have a high intake of total fat have a higher incidence of obesity than populations that have a lower intake.

What is the way by which physical health will be maintained?

According to evidence 30 minutes of daily session of exercise every day helps to maintain good physical health.

Daily session of exercise helps to get rid from unhealthy weight gain which is responsible for diabetes and blood pressure.Eating balanced and healthy diet that contain proper amount of nutrients will help to maintain good physical health.

Sound sleep helps to maintain good mental health that ultimately leads to good physical health.Avoiding junk food and oily food will play a vital role in maintaining good physical health as it also help to get rid from unhealthy weight gain.

Therefore, populations that have a high intake of total fat have a higher incidence of obesity than populations that have a lower intake.

Learn more about physical health here:


An 84-year-old male patient complains of an aching shoulder and trouble breathing. you should suspect that the patient is most likely suffering from a:_______


An 84-year-old male patient complains of an aching shoulder and trouble breathing . So, the patient is most likely to suffering from a heart attack.

What is heart attack ?

Heart attack is the condition in which heart fails to pump the blood due to blockage in blood vessels and it results into high pressure on heart and the attack takes place.

The main reason for heart attack is high blood pressure and blockage in blood vessels of heart. After a heart attack many parts of heart such as volve and pacemaker stops working and sudden death may occur.

Therefore,an 84-year-old male patient complains of an aching shoulder and trouble breathing . So, the patient is most likely to suffering from a heart attack.

Learn more about heart attack here:


Wrestlers may contract herpes lesions through skin-to-skin contact with other infected wrestlers. which classification of drug would be used to treat this condition?


Wrestlers may acquire herpes lesions through skin-to-skin connections with other infected wrestlers. Antivirals would be used to minister to this condition.

What are antivirals?Wrestlers may contract herpes lesions from other infected wrestlers through skin-to-skin contact. To treat this condition, antivirals would be used.Antivirals are medications that help your body's defenses against viruses that can harm you.Virus-fighting drugs are also preventative.They can protect you from viral illnesses and the spread of viruses to others.Antiviral medications help the body defend itself against dangerous viruses.The medications can reduce the severity and duration of viral infections.Antivirals also lower the chances of contracting or spreading the herpes and HIV viruses.The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is treated with a single approved antiviral.Antiviral medications help shorten the duration of viral illnesses such as the flu and Ebola.

To know more about antivirals, refer:


What is the minimum of physical activity needed each day to provide substantial health benefits?


To receive substantial health benefits such as improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as: Heart disease. Cancer. Type 2 diabetes.
Considering you said minimum, roughly 30 to 60 minutes a day of doing a aerobic type of cardiovascular workout would be the minimum, to get substantial health benefits.

What questions should the nurse ask when effectively managing care according to client needs and priorities?


The nurse should ask if anything needs to be done by a certain time to ensure client's safety, quality care, and compliance with policies and procedures." The nurse should also ask what needs to be done by the end of the shift like ambulation of a client, discharging, dressing change, bathing, feeding, pain relief, toileting, dressing, etc."

What must be done immediately ? (administration of analgesic or antiemetic, assessment of unstable client) What must be done by a specific time to ensure client safety, quality care, and compliance with facility policies and procedures ? (routine medication administration, vital signs, blood glucose monitoring) What must be done by the end of the shift ? (ambulation of the client, discharge and/or discharge teaching, dressing change)

To learn more about Vital Signs,


A nurse is preparing a presentation for a group of executives regarding hypertension. which nonmodifiable risk factors for hypertension will the nurse include?


The nurse will list the following non-modifiable risk factors for hypertension in accordance with the provided statement:-

AgeRaceSmokingDescribe hypertension:

The medical word for high blood pressure is hypertension. Systolic pressure, which is the first number, is the blood vessel pressure produced when the heart contracts or beats.

The second number is a representation of the venous pressure experienced by the heart between beats (diastolic).

What causes hypertension?

Usually, high blood pressure comes on gradually. Unhealthy lifestyle decisions, such as not engaging in adequate regular physical activity, can contribute to it. Obesity and certain medical problems like diabetes might raise one's risk of acquiring high blood pressure. A high blood pressure cannot be cured. However, medication can lower excessively hypertension.

To know more about Hypertension visit:


The complete question is -

Nurse is preparing a presentation for a group of executives regarding hypertension. Which nonmodifiable risk factors for hypertension will the nurse include? Select All That Apply.






6.Family history

The nurse is caring for a patient taking multiple cardiac medications. the patient asks which medication should be taken during episodes of chest pain. which medication is correct?


Nitroglycerin is the medication which should be taken during episodes of chest pain for a patient taking multiple cardiac medications.

Nitroglycerin are extended release capsules which are used to prevent angina (chest pain) caused by coronary artery disease. It relaxes the blood vessel so that the heart doesn't have to work hard and thus too much oxygen is not needed.

A few side effect is headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, flushing, and burning may occur. If symptoms persist, seek medial attention immediately.

Generally, the order of administering medicines is important and giving aspirin several minutes before nitroglycerin can lead to a better patient outcome.

Learn more about nitroglycerin here:


explain the relationship between physical activity and overall health including brief descriptions of the three types of physical activity


The relationship between physical activity and the overall health is that physical activities helps prevent or manage illnesses that affects our health.

What is health?

Health is defined as the complete state of social, mental, physical and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of illness or injury.

Physical activity are those exercises that can improve our health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases.

The three types of physical activities include the following:

Aerobic fitness.

Muscle strengthening and


Learn more about health here:


The nurse is preparing to administer iv fluids to her client. the client has been ordered a colloid fluid. which fluid order should the nurse question?


The nurse is preparing to administer iv fluids to her client. the client has been ordered a colloid fluid. Platelets fluid order should the nurse question.

What's Nursing?Furnishing care to people so they can achieve, maintain, or recapture optimal health and quality of life is the main idea of a nursing career.They also play important places in instruction, situation analysis, and help.Babysitters can differ from other healthcare professionals in terms of how they treat cases, their position of education, and the compass of their practice.Babysitters have varied situations of traditional power and work in a range of specialties.What's a nanny's job description?In hospitals, at home, or in other settings, babysitters plan and give medical and nursing care to cases with acute or habitual physical or internal ails.Important Rates of a nanny include compassion, empathy, and the capacity to handle stressful and emotionally violent situations.

Learn more about nurses here:


The nurse hangs a 1000-ml intravenous (iv) bag of 5 extrose in water (d5w) at 0700. the iv solution is to infuse at 80 ml/hr. at 1200, how much solution will be left to infuse? fill in the blank.


At 0700, the nurse hangs a 1000-ml intravenous (iv) bag with 5% dextrose in water (d5w). The rate of infusion for the intravenous solution is 80 ml per hour. 600ml of the solution will be left to infuse at 1200.

What do you understand by dextrose 5% in water?

A kind of glucose is dextrose (sugar). A vein receives an IV injection of 5% dextrose in water to replenish lost fluids and give the body carbs. Dehydration, insulin shock, and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) are all treated with 5% dextrose in water (fluid loss). For individuals who are unable to eat due to illness, accident, or another medical condition, dextrose 5% in water is also administered. Sometimes a diluent (liquid) is needed to prepare injectable medication in an IV bag, which is 5% dextrose in water. A diluent offers a big volume of fluid to dilute a small quantity of medication with. Through the IV, the diluent aids in delivering the medication to the bloodstream.

According to question:

Rate of infusion = 80ml/hr

Capacity of IV bag = 1000ml

Infusion of fluid in given time frame = 80×5 = 400ml

Fluid left in the bag = (1000-400)ml

= 600ml

Hence, 600ml fluid will be left in the bag.

To know more about dextrose 5% (D5W), visit:


Which phase of the muscle action spectrum is the slowest during corrective exercise?


The phase of the muscle action spectrum that is the slowest during corrective exercise is Eccentric. The correct option is A.

What are muscles?

Muscles are soft tissues. There are 600 muscles in the body. The stretches are relaxed with the movement of the body. Muscles have different movements.

Eccentric is the lengthening of the muscle. When too much pressure is forced on the muscle and the pressure of force exceeds the momentary force.

When the muscles are lengthened when weight is applied during the contraction of muscles.

Thus, the correct option is A. Eccentric.

To learn more about muscles, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:





_______ is not a basic rule that contributes to the safe handling of oxy-fuel equipment.



Protecting the equipment from rust with a coating of oil


In a hospital or other institution that dispenses controlled substances, the nurse would expect to count the scheduled drugs at which frequency?


8-12 hours

Schedule III: Drugs with less abuse potential (compared to drugs in Schedule I and II), including such Vicodin and Tylenol with Codeine. Schedule I: Drugs with a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use, such as LSD and Heroin. Schedule II: Drugs with a history of substance abuse, such as OxyContin and Demerol. Drugs under Schedule IV, including such Valium and Ativan, have a reduced risk for misuse than those in Schedule III.

Drugs under Schedule V, like Robitussin AC and Phenergan with Codeine, have a lower risk for misuse than those in Schedule IV.

To know more about Drugs Schedule refer to


Physician performs lumbar puncture and advises the nurse to send the obtained cerebrospinal fluid for gram stains. the nurse understands that this type of testing is beneficial for which reason?


This type of testing is beneficial because it helps to determine prescribed antibiotic therapy.

What is lumbar puncture?

Lumbar puncture or spinal tap, is a medical procedure in which a needle is inserted into the spinal canal, most commonly to collect cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic testing.

Importance of lumbar puncture

A lumbar puncture can help diagnose serious infections, such as meningitis or other forms of infection.

Thus, this type of testing is beneficial because it helps to determine prescribed antibiotic therapy.

Learn more about lumbar puncture here:


The release of the mature ovum from the ovary, occurring approximately 14 days prior to the beginning of menses, is called?


The release of the mature ovum from the ovary, occurring approximately 14 days prior to the beginning of menses, is called ovulation.

Ovulation begins when a young female reaches puberty. This is when a mature ovum or egg is released from one of the ovaries. The ovaries are two female reproductive organs located within the pelvic region.

Ovulation is the process by which mature egg cells are released from the ovary. Once released, the egg travels down the fallopian tube where it remains for 12 to 24 hours where it can be fertilized.

To learn more about ovulation here


The use of cytotoxic drugs and chemicals to achieve a cure, decrease tumor size, provide relief of pain, or slow metastasis is known as



The use of cytotoxic drugs and chemicals to achieve a cure, decrease tumor size, provide relief of pain, or slow metastasis is known as Chemotherapy.

the effects of chemotherapy on the body?Chemotherapy destroys cells that are dividing to become two new cells. The bodily tissues are composed of countless billions of cells. Once we reach adulthood, the majority of the body's cells rarely reproduce and proliferate. They only split apart to heal damage.

Chemotherapy may result in adverse reactions.In addition to killing rapidly dividing healthy cells, chemotherapy also kills rapidly dividing malignant cells. Examples include the cells that line your lips, intestines, and those that stimulate the growth of your hair. It's possible for adverse symptoms including mouth sores, nausea, and hair loss to result from harm to healthy cells. After chemotherapy is over, side symptoms frequently improve or disappear.

To learn more about chemotherapy visit:


The most common and simplest type of filing system for maintaining patient files is the?


The most common and simplest type of filing system for maintaining patient files is the alphabetic system. The correct option is D.

What is medical record?

The terms medical record, health record, and medical chart are used interchangeably to describe the systematic documentation of a single patient's medical history and care over time within the jurisdiction of a single health care provider.

The alphabetic system is the most common and simplest type of filing system for keeping patient files.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding medical records, visit:


Your question seems incomplete, the missing options are:

alphanumeric system.sequential system.color coding system.alphabetic system.

If a program receives child and adult care food program (cacfp) funding, what percent of children's daily nutrient requirements must they provide?



If a program receives Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) funding, what percent of children's daily nutrient requirements must they provide?



A. 1/3?


Hope this helps!

If not, I am sorry

A client has not had a bowel movement for 4 days and has been prescribed milk of magnesia 2 teaspoons orally as needed for relief of constipation. how many milliliters should the nurse administer?


The nurse should administer 10ml of the milk of magnesia.

What is bowel movement?

Bowel movement can be described as the movement of undigested food, bacteria, mucus, and cells from the lining of the intestines through the bowel and out the anus.

The inability of the free movement of the bowl causes constipation.

A patient that has not had a bowel movement for 4 days and has been prescribed milk of magnesia 2 teaspoons orally as needed for relief of constipation should be administered 10ml of the prescribed milk.

Learn more about bowel movement at:


The nurse is developing a teaching plan for an outpatient receiving cholinergic drugs. what should be the role of the nurse when developing a teaching plan?



The nurse knows that the patient should be taught about the possible adverse effects of these cholinergic drugs and how to manage them. The nurse also talks with the patient about possible drug interactions, especially with other medications he or she is taking.

The nurse asks the patient if he or she has any questions about the medications or their possible side effects. The nurse may also ask about the patient’s understanding of the instructions for taking these medications.


The nurse may also talk with the patient about what to do if he or she misses a dose of these medications. The nurse can even offer to help the patient set up a schedule for taking the medications so that they are always on hand.

the cholinergic drugs act on postsynaptic synapses and are believed to do so through their ability to inhibit the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic neuron. The cholinergic drugs include nicotine, physostigmine and pilocarpine.The cholinergic drugs are used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including:


-Myasthenia gravis

-Myasthenic syndrome

-Parkinson’s disease


The Nurse Is Preparing To Care For 4 Assigned Clients. Which Client Is At Most Risk For Hemorrhage? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.