The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE RPRTNrGTRTD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY JANUARY 8 1923 9 SPRINGIELD OPENS WITH HEAVY INTERNATIONAL SPORT SLATER Hampdens Will Open Season at New Haven League Banquet on the 27th Probably The date for the annual East ern league banquet has been prac tically set for the 27th according to George Weiss of the New Ha ven club The affair will take place at New Haven and promises to be the biggest thing of its kind in the history Commis sioner Landis President Ileydler Col Ruppert John McGraw and other famous baseball men have shown enthusiesm over the event and promise to attend Landis himself is to me the date most convenient for himgif it wi'l be either the 29 or 27th with the latter most probable WORCESTER AGAIN HOLIDAY OPPONENT! Eastern League Announces! Seven Pairirgs at I Meeting Here Pittsfield Starts Its Play at Albany By Donnld liner T'or the second t'me in two seasons the Springfield Hampdens will stack Bp against the champion team of the league in the opening game of the pennant race Springfield plays at New Haven on the opening day April 25 this year and again the following Hihernoon Cm the third and fourth days of the season "Wild Dono van's league champions will oppose uu Donovan's fifth place chain pions at League park Itst year Springfield opened with the pittslield Illllles 1(121 champs in this city and lost Holiday Games Set This business of pairing the teams for opening day and the thre days following took place here yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the asten luaguo club owners The schedule committee convened nt the Cooicy hotel but all in the circuit had representation as well as those whose presidents are on the calendar com mittee Not only were the pairings for the first four days of the season arranged but those for the three hol idays that fall during the season as Springfield draws Worcester again this year for its holiday opponen Worcester was a good deal of a lall for the others lot season but In 1923 there will be no punting prac tice at Worcester's expense Spring field will face one of the strongest teams in the league in the holiday as signments according to advance dope Two of the three holidays 111 fin the Hampdens playing at home Was the case last year Worcester flays here after dinm on and Labor days with bpringlic "lt ing the heart of the common wea It In the morning Tndependei nfternoon the Hampdens sm Worcester with the Boosters ot Lddie here in the forenoon Jiniles Start on Rond The Pittsfield club is again mate bed top with Albany for all three holida is ns well as for the first four day of the race The Billies will open tit Al bany on April 25 and 2 thiemg the second time in succession Berkshi'o team has started on the road On the next two days AlJtii' Is slated to appear at Wahconah Par 'July uX? being ilTthe morning The Hillies go to Al banv for contests on the afternoons Memorial and Labor days ent er tam ing the New Workers those twoThschedule for the starting date nar'lord I iJW "X7 ter and Bridgeport at VV at rcui These teams play in tho next afternoon nnd then or ler goes to Hartford for a two dny Utaml with Waterbury appearing th mme diys Rt Tiric'revm Tie comnlete list of holiday fngs for the e' ht teams Memorial Day May 3 Morning Springfield at 'Vorcester at Pittsfield New Hacn at Sr dtHnrt Hartford at Water lury Afternoon Worcester at Springfield Pittsfield at Albany Bridgepot at Haven Waterbury at Hartford Independence Day July 4 Worcester at Jjttsfleld at Albany Hartford at Iwidgei ort New Haven at Water lUJutrnoon Spring field at Worces ter Albany at Pittsfield Bridgeport at Hartford Waterbury at New Haven Labor Day September 3 Morning Springfield at Worcester 'Albany at Pittsfield New Haven at Hartford Waterbury at Bridgeport Afternoon Worcester at Springfield Tittsfielfi at Albany Hartford at New Haven Bridgeport at Waterbury With regard to the huiday ns lgnments it will be noticed that while the cities in the northern half of the circuit retain their opponents of last Boa on the Connecticut team switch their enemies with each succeeding hnddny Last season New Haven and Bridgeport played each other on all ho'idays both morring and nternocnwhile Ha Hord and Waterbury were matched This year a new system will GRAND CIRCVIT MEETING TODAY Stewards Hone to Adopt a Racing Schedule at Toledo Toledo Ian Big time horse men from all parts of the country began arriving today for the annual meeting of the grand circuit stawnrds to be held here tomorrow and Tues day Ti chief item of businem to be transacted during the two clay meet ing is the adoption of the 1023 rac ing schedule The schedule committee cc nslsting of Ed A Tipton Lexing ton Ky Burtsfield Toledo and Swisher Columbus will meet at 3 'clock tomorrow afternoon He rsem*n at headquarters tonight said it was likely that some changes from last year's card may be made necessary because of the fact that oughkeepsle Rendville and possibly ancher city is considering dropping cut of the cirvuit It is understood that Windsor Ont Goshen Ind and Dade Park of Evansville Ind will be among new inpiicants for membersh'p in the looi? Toledo again will ask for two 'btro it was su'd by officials of the Toledo Driving rark (TS 3R ATTEST SKATERS Amherst Jan Nine contests are scheduled for the Amherst hockey team according to a schedule made nublic today The season opens on riday lr New York where Columbia ''ill I met and closes ebruary 21 with a game with Yale at New Ha ven Williams will be met twice at Williamstown ebruary 8 and at Amherst ebruary 11 About 30 candidates are now out 'or the team in daily practice at 1 ratt rink Capt Hunter Allison Crampton Kingman Martin Syl vester and Titus are veterans of last year's squad and are expected to get into the line up The schedule follows: riday Co lumbia at New York Saturday st Point at West Point 17 Dartmouth at Hancver 20 Massachusetts "Ag gies" at Amherst 21 American Os teopathic school eb Williams at Williamstown 14 Williams 17 Hennsalam Polyter nic institute 21 Yale at New Haw: Merrick A A Meets Rultineagne A The Merrick A A will oppose the Mittineague A quintet Monday evening in a West side league contest Both are contenders for the league championship Mittneague will pick their team from' the following play "rs: Sheehan Lacey ouche Reegan Hennessy Prole Shee han and Young while the Merricks are depending on ars Keefe Pradella itzgerald Creedon Duroches and Goldsmith A Spring weld col'ege student referee In a curtain raised Pets' will meet redette's "all stars" Dancing will follow the games WESTIELD CHALLENGED be in vogue New Haven Gains Edge Bach of the Connecticut teams iavs a different opponent on eacn lcliday A glance at the above sched T3e gives the detail New ivru b' the way has been awar led all toree holiday afternoon games while Brcgeport gets throe New Haven gains an ed there because naturally enough holiday crowds are always larger thn week day crowds Hartford draws dawn two or the thr holiday matinees while Waterbury The four there scheduled which that the a double cities will nlnyath again The' cities will Saturda vs however will wo for to ai be to mk thou rh done whenever tv fhul snrilO lilull Every owner has certain dates likes and others he doosn want i Is always on the lookout for counter attractions in his city and is aux out to sidestep these The Springaeld coub for example has put in a re tinest that conflict with the summer meeting of the Bay State short ship circuit bo avoided so that the Hamp dens are likely to be scheduled out town that second week in July means that the other four get practicallyV'fwh nn four just to varv the thing Thus tho cither four places must sacrifice four cf their most valuable dates nvi' inc Ynn U11 ip a (By off was no change tofore Game for Motiii ys but tlmy will be ar Jimrii club may Vnotcr on the it eny on Monday fore re official': any definite tom't day a gc 'or 's is likely to bo in vah hnt Now for the Blar irlin schedule makers will now to work tilling in 1 already announced Hint is the 1 Jot When one 1 jleted it wi'l league schedule wil! look it a few Caws the It tee i mires it has lined up a slate it will pas it on to the league owners as whole and they in turn are sure to find some fault presented rv 1 1 OP I 1C xz ver and doubtless rie When Westfield Jan 7 Another chal lenge has been received front tho Kennedy Stars a crack bowing team of Pittsfield to roll tho pick of the bowlers from this city on the I time allies Two games have been I ived by the teams and each have won a game The third game will be fi the championship of the two cities The date of the game which will prove attractive to bowling fans in this part of the state will be an fiounecd later 1 DALTON LEAGUE Dalton Jan The standing of the bowling teams in the Industrial now playing the second round is: Weston 14 points State 14 'Woolen mill 13 S'outh end seven East end six West end five North end one Crane Co Inc none The tames for this week will be Tuesday night Woolen mill and I'ast end and Weston and West end riday night Crane Co Inc and North end and Bay State and South end NEW BRITAIN ROY NAMED Storrs Ct Jan 7 Election of I Martin of New Britain as captain of the Connecticut Agrieul tutai college football team was an nmnccd today He plays tackle ns much as possible The work doneit the meeting yesterday is merely I a preliminary step important as that in itself The schedule skeleton has ie constructed anyhow Gar Wood Sc's New Kotor Beat Speed Mark Los Angelos Cal Jan 7 Garfield A Wood ofzDetroit es tablished a new international salt water record for dual mo tored speed boats today when he drove his Miss America I at the rate of 7543 miles an hour in the channel off Long Beach near here LEADING TEAMS IN WESTERN MASS CLASH THIS WEEK 1 13 The eight teams for the ast 11 more weeks to go Springfield's two rM 3G1 143 ubrrbans lorence ir xh High Mrin Universal Worthingtons Ralph Rockingham iorinl eklnrhams Son Worthingtons Bvrnes Suffolk Cuero field Tinea Whalen Svffoks Wahlbcrg Worthington Schedule for Wednesday Worthingtons and Itockinghaui T'rivcrsnls and SnburbUOS nnd Greenfield Westfield and lorence team tofal Wo thln gons team string Vnlversals thre s'r'n rs Morin Vniversa's single string Mauri Grcentleld Averages of Leaders 106 Rockies and Worthingtons urnrh Big Attractionor Start of Second Half of Season Western Massachusetts league 3 have completed the first hai! of their season have been rolling weeks and have 14 to reach the finish entries have something on the test of the field for the first half of tho campaign what with the Locking hams lending the procession by a clear margin and the Worthingtons being in second place These two also have an edge In total pinfall both being close to the 21033 mark The two crack local fives will meet thio week on the Rockingham aleys ''ne match takes place on Wedncs day This should be one of the head line bowling attractions of the white in Springfield and tha Worthier are banking on this chance to gain a notch or two on the leaders Omer games this week arc Univermls i Suburbans Suffolks at Greenfield and Wefafleld nt lorence High Class Bowling Season records in the league are standing the test remarkably well AH four the high total high team string high individual total" and high Individual string have held up for several weeks now Through the first half the league has shown real stability In the matter of rolling on schedule nights drawing good crowd? and making high marks Only one Hague match so far has been post poned that being on Thanksgiving eve when the Worthies didn't care to make a long hop to Greenfield Nine bowlers in the circuit sport averages of better than 110 as tho halfway mark goes past Gus Morin of Universals contin ues to head the pack with a mark of 10(1 3 39 among the highest com piled here over so long a stretch rank Crescenzo Southwick Wahl horg and Haas of the Worthies are all high on the list as are Gus Rnlnh and Al iorini of the Rockies BoPty Byrnes and Whalen of the Suffolks and Cucco of Westfield com plete the leading 10 group The league records follow: Po nhams Worthingtons Univnrsnls Suffolk Won Lost Pc Pinfall29 13 20990 26 16 19 20926 17 r'o 20 26 24 IS 571 204'17 23 19 518 20 38 16 20 19 14 28 333 19336 11 31 262 20098 104 1 9 103 3 14 12 20 39 101 1 6 100 37 42 100 3 14 10O 3 14 100 1 14 V9 11 18 Leaders Will Come Together Tomorrow Ludlow Jan The Ludlow town league got under way last week when two games were played The Maple A and the Prospects came nut victorious These teams will meet Tuesday evening The league stand ing: Staple A Prospect A Cvc3 nrs Club Odd vlluws Won Lost 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Pc 1000 1000coo00UDO Schedule This Week or Ag 25 9 34 17 17 34 9 25 0 0 Prospcot aualnat Maple Alhletlc dub Thursday Masonic Club against clones Saturday Prospect against Odd I'd lows RECREATION ALLEYS Schedule This Week Odd High Hvh 492 MH rdtcrral League Plnfall 13094 Ludlow Teams Club repeaters Legion team fetal oresters trnin string oresters three strtn'rs Jones (Mnsonic Club) Binde string Guertin (Logion) Averares of Tavernier och duh 912 Kano ores era V0fi lvffy est ers 94 Janes Masonic 903 Guertin I U0 James oresters ''tiler Masonic 881 Ilen Masonic 8s A Easson Clans b77 Ogilvie Masonic Won Lost Pc 20 JO 666 17 13 16 14 533 13 17 433 12 18 490 12 18 400 Lerton against orester C'ans aralnst Masonic ub i idav loch club against Odd ellows BROADWAY ALLEYS Gilbert A Bark League Tonm Won Lost Pc jScrornfing 14 4 77 VlnnninT 19 8 703 Shoot Metal 12 9 o1 Proftlng 2 19 095 TTHh team total STmof Metal HV 1P team string Shoot Metal Pich three strings High string MacDonald rinfnV 7807 11756 9 078 11313 7 780 84 78 491 318 124 vcrn''os of bonders 93 1G Gin rtotte 92 s7 Gendron 92 Harper 9141 Trary 9133 MacDonald 90 33 9013 Brass 90 Cummings 8983 Sullivan S3 55? Schedule This Week Wednesday Plsrning n'rainst against Stores Sheet Metil against 'rime Study Mlttlnoano Lenrue Tennis Won Lost Pc Plnfa'f 22 It 611 15584 Pprc 21 18 564 16896 Panther 20 19 12 168s TWrs 19 20 Ji6 16522 Vodo 16 14 1 Tpng 13 20 393 14 161 Tiio team Bors 1396 Uih temn single three Walter 317 Tii string Ray 127 Mera' of loaders Pn Timers 92 Wa'trr 92 1 3G Rav C2 91 16 33 pnrto Mroe 91 1 1 36 poror 90 32 30 Blnir 89 32 30 Weier Pnhrrs 89 7 Lions 87 30 Tlirrrs SB 29 3G Crosier Tnn tbors 86 21 36 Demon') Panhops 86 16 39 Mooe 86 1427: Stimson Pan thers 86 16 39 Roberts Moose 8G 6 06 The Alphas would like to arrange games with fast amateur or semi uro teams in and around ames are wanted with Columbia of Huntington Social Centers of Indian Orchard West Warren and Onra I louse ive of Turners alls The Alphas have so far won six straightTames An out Of town game with any fast team is especially desired for this Saturday night Address all communications to 37 Carew street or call V7 121 any time between 530 and 630 Newcomers to List of Leading 10 Tennis Players in Country SCHAEER AND CONTI TONIGHT '1 Jr "is Iggs' a ilf 'mnaDeiw ROBERT KINSEY 3 IfeJIL fes ZENZ0 SHIMIZU BilliardistsBegin 1500 Point Match or Right to Play Hoppe Chicago Jan Jake Schaefer former world's 182 balkline billiard champion because of his greater ex perience was given the edge of bil liard enthusiasts tonight over Roger Conti champion of rance in their 1500 point match which opens here tomorrow night While Schaefer was the popular choice it was admitted that he will be forced to display his best wares to defeat the renchman and win the right to meet William Hope of New York present champion Both men are said to be in tip top shape for the match which will be referred by Herbert Levis VOCATIONAL WILL PLAY TECH RIDAY Coach ive Has Clean Slate or Season Tech and Vocational will meet at Commerce gym riday afternoon in the second game of the Interschool basketball scries Tech stock has ad vanced several points as a result of the victory over Drury Saturday night Coach Dresser plans to work his squad this afternoon and again Wednesday in preparation for the game riday evening the Central quintet will go to Sufileld where they will play the Sufileld school seconds Coach Hulek plans to give his charges intensive drill this week to whip the squad into shape Of the local teams Tech alone is undefeated Commerce has lost one game to Drury High at North Adams but in its three games has piled up a total of points against 77 for their opponents Vocational has started twice and broken even while Cathe dral has wen one of its three games Central has yet to break into the win column The standing of the teams: PARENT STARS IN LEAGUE OPENING West Springfield Center Heads Scores in Val ley Circuit West Springfield Holyoke and Northampton were the three winning teams in the opening of the Valley league season riday night Holyoke was forced to extend itself to defeat Westfield high but the other two win ners defeated their opponents by larrc margins 1 arent center of the West Spring field high quintet was the star of the opening games scoring nine floor goals and eight fouls for a total of lM points Second on the list of scorers is Zaszewski of Northampton who has a total of 19 points The team and individual records follow: Team Records Individual Records Team AV I Ic I I or A Springfield 1 0 1 Hulyoke 1 0 looo 1 7 19 10 Northampti 1 IixhJ IS 9 4 17 (liroiec 0 1 000 5 13 4 WesttieM 1 "0 7 2 lii 19 lireeulieid 0 1 0 0 0 5 Player Team Gms I ts arcit Northampton 19b 0 Zaesztwslii Greentivld 1 1 Wats Northampton 1 0 1 ili Northampton 1 4 a Norhampton 1 4 Trumbull ChlcoHe 1 4 0 Green eld 1 1 McGill Holyoke 1 Jcliyn Wist: eld 1 I iieier rthampton 1 3 I'artrnhi imer Greenfield 3 0 II Mivt liv copee 1 0 Walkiv Holyoke 1 4 Caroll Hlyke 1 2 Stillman Westfield 1 ilairowski Northiimpton 1 2 4 Whalen West Springfield 1 2 4 Kinney Unyoke 1 Mrrri an lyi ke JJ Harvey West' eld li ee West field 1 Westfield 1 1 Merz Gl 1 eld Vlekrry Grcm'ehl lino Kyj ho biro ee 1 1 Young Chapin Eighth on New England Singles List National and Sectional Tennis Rankings for 1922 An nounced Bill Tilden Tops Column with Billy Johnston Next our New flayers Among irst 10 8 4 6 NEW ENGLAND SECTION 1 nt ft Ma? 13 16 1 4 4 6 10 1 ALLEYS WINCHESTER SQUARE NORTH END Armory Bowlin rc Won Trams Tzst (69 Team 10 Jacobies 16 in 80 10 Brawns 7 33: Cards Yank 131 Lena rd 304 Browiis Jacohie rinfall Lost Team nfall Lost 5266 618 37 19 14316 1 354 14 4 10 199 tot 1 OTr'pn :0 io Hih This GO against 17 214 Won S3 13553 8 agaiiwt against team team three High High 8 9 10 8 9 10 66' 46 19 20 6 7 team throe MTlgl'1 10 9 10 Beele (R Derby (R 1 400 494 9 10 8 4 9610 13641 7 8 9 io 400 381367 Won 10 9 Won 30 25 567 500 14 15 16 29 17715mo re 714 595 500500 Tem I 1 nrrvKTIHI 'll il Milton Brad ey against Chapman Valve 18114 17629 127 322 3 4 3 4 5 ROCKINGHAM ALLEYS Bavard Short fh Gilleaudean Mamaroneck 13 9 17 Tilden 2d rhihidel hta Pa Johnston 8au rancisco 94 2 (Jacobies) 4rin Cala and et in' Payne string Wood nery Tissue II High single string Division psufnH single string grs of ion it Ma ver 2 Davis 91 Thayer Ptiadelphla string of badprs Potrroni (M Schedule Tills Week Wednesday Morgan against Stationery Kellogg against Tissue 2 3 9 Bank 13 vitamin? rood to Warren Thread Co Ponzi Club L' nguc Teams i nr Ushers rame Office To keep linoleum looking like new wipe it off with sweet milk It pre serves the surface and keeps it bright Diamond Potter Knitting TTi Nrthaniel Niles Boston Wa'trr Trumbull Boston Shed den Boston Cvrbicrre Boston A Chapin Jr of this city has been placed eighfh among the tennis players of the New England section in the report made public by the rank ing committee of the United States Uwn Tennis association It Ncrris Wlliame 2d of Boston ranks first in the section with Lawrence Ri of Boston rated second and Nat Niles of Boston third William Tilden 2d of Philadel phia is placed first in the national ranking with Will am Johnston of ana mceni Y' third found in the 10 Jl Tnsp 10 so nrndry inn i earn trnm rtrin" 60 1 1 ti Hih MHton Hofkin Pa MPton Myer Ta (Sandy) Wiener Phlla rhla Pa He liert (Bobby) Seller Jr Cali fornia JVnart Gnynrr Jr New York John Mi len New vork Donald Strachan Philadelphia Pa Teams R' Vs Royce Armory Cihrr A Bn 1 Ire C' Chapman Vn'vo Team Wot Mfg Co tv ntn uiiy Roamers Timers Hemr 8 9 10 938 WV ready 90 Richard Yonkers Williams 2d Bryn Mawr Pa Wallace Johnson la Robert Kinsey San rancisco (al Znzo Rhimizu New York Reward Kinsey San rancisco Cal ranc Hunter New Roi heile Wataon Washburn New York Lawrence IL Rice Boston Stanley Pearson Philadelphia Ta JliidiG Kelleher New York NY Wiilia Davis San rancisco Cal Nathaniel Niles Ro ten Hmvard Vuahell Kew Gurdon Herbert Bowman New York Sei Ichiro Kash'o Tokio Japan Carl ischer Cynwyd Pa Wray Hruwn St Louis Mo National Doubles 'lliarn Tilden 2d and Vincent chords hart Klnsev and Howard Kinsey Watson Washburn and Norris Wil ams 2d Jrhn Hennessey nnd Walter Wesbrook 1 red Bas bin and Ralph IL Burdick Samuel Hardy and Howard hel! Wallace Johnson nnd Carl ischer James Da'ies and Philip Neer Wiilter Hayes nnd Alex Snuair Philip Bettens and Carl ischer National Singles Mrs Molla Mallory New York Somersets High team High tenni Hl three nrifl: single sirhi (Smts) Button hiss Borton Bonn Mass VtrhnU Tine on Shaw Pawtucket IL I Boston Harrv iTescott Ro ton oster Boston IL Jones Boston Armnnd Marlon Scuttle Wash Leonard Reed Pittsburg Ta National Rfiys" Singles rinvld rru ir'n Plttnrir Ta THP Bcs4fn Mass S3 12 2 Ewlg RnHs Royce against Armory Pot to nrnn against i riday Diamond Co? 1 Kozikouski three strings Dubuque 351 single siring Keefe and Nickerson 133 Averages of leaders Bedard Amity 1('1M Dubuque Hnnnxlen 89 11 13 MNiel Phoenix i 13: Cutler Aga warn 9729 39 Nickeraon Phoenix 96 4 39 Keefe Bay ath 93 20 21 Bemnc Bay Path 95'9 33 Davis 05 7 ls Strornwel) De tsuto C5 1 7 Gourley Amity 95 Schedule This Week Thursday Agawam against Bokhara? Hamp den against Bty Path: Amity aainst Phoenix I'ridajr Monitor against De Soto Social Lerime Lost 18 19 20 The were not rnnvcd on acenmt of insufficient rd Hnrte Colkot Caner Gardner Jones Dana Po or Jr Seaver Sulloway George Wightman Sfnprlos 1 Mis Bancroft Boston Miss Edith Bos on Mrs rank Godfrey Boston Miss Nfwton Boston Miss Katharine Gardner Boston Miss Eleannra hears Mrs Leslie Bancroft West Newton Miss Helen Wills Berkley Cnl Mrs Marlon Jessup Wiltn ngton Del Mrs May Sutton Bundy Iar Angeles uat Martha Helen Laus 18538 i 18418 Tissue High High High Avo aeoa of leaders 7 Kritt 02 5 919 Tourville Kelloggs 903: Mnrth i Mnr rans S93: Patterson S91: Siege Stationery 89 erris Morgans 882 Haniiln Kelloggs 881: Hahin Kelloggs 879 Schedule This Week Wednesdnv Stationery against Morgans riday Kellogg against Tissue Envelope Division Tctnis Envelope Won 1401 Hit 1'218 pylor 9032 2S team total Stationery team sring Stations three strings Cimoni single string Cignoni 20 22 oremen 00 High a ngle sring Wolfram three str'ngs Bordeaux JIU team High team total itting Average of A bonlr: fiemw'n 1'21 terrier 91 A Pnvctte 908 Schedule for Tuesday rame against rol'aliers Oilice againat Screw oremen against Titting Wook A I a ainet 10 JernfT' ln against 4 Smith Wesson iovu TH'h High Hh High Averages loaders Goin Ro 31 42 86 17 42 total Mn gan rln O'Brien 13 19 This Week Vitamins ood company Whip City Tuesday Hampden National Bank TVmtflokl Mntmfartnrins rnmranv Thursday Ponzi ub against Timer Waxien Thread against Roamen PASTIME ALLEYS Westfield dnstHnl Lost Mollie Pa a To 1 rt Miss lorence A Ballln New York Nntlopal Junior Sidles Jones Providence IL I TwU Tex Inrrehem IT hn Whirbrck Now York 8nn rrnci' I1 Charles Woi New York G'mrge Tott hlcam Hl o) 91 2 27 ITntch B) 91 Wulrntt A R) 93 (IL IL) 92 13 27 Sc on GL K) 1)2 Co) 91 1S Dion (bind Co) 00 2 3 iel (Tro Co) 00 10 18 Thia Week Monday Miltun Brad ey against Chapman 1 t'tit I 92 10 Bw Metayer 91 Mac Morrls 'Sfr 95 1 9 Volieri (Misfits) Lecnnrd (Jrs) 93 13 18 Jacona 92 3 15 Montnnari (It) 91 12 15 This Wook Wednesday Ttn rirnns against 1 swl iri a no tbnlrifC Somersets against Juniors Itari cans against Misots Triple Singles Norris 2d Boston Mass I awrence IL Rice Borton Mass Nathaniel NEos Boston Mass A mo Jones Providence IL I Ttn ry Johnson Boston Irving Wriht R''on Ingraham Oakland I Chapin Jr Springfield Mass Clyde Vawnrkrt I Henry Boston Horace i nyior Josinn no SlnHonerv Woml rcnn Sullivan Keiko Grunnndcr Morgan 814 Leary Keiko 812 San rancisco second Richards of Yonkers l'nnr nmv names are first 10 this year Robert and Howard Kinsey of San ranc sco sixth and eighth respectively Zcnzo Shimizu of New York seventh and ranc Hunter of New Rochelle ninth No foreign players are renked this year Shimizu now making his residence in New York Tilden and Richards come first in the men's doubles whEe Mrs Molla Mallory leads the list of women play ers Arnold Jones of Providence I is given first place on the junior list and David of Pitts burg on the The national and New England rankings follow: Natlcnal Singles Wllkim Go'solin Mrrhv 85 18 32 Heasty 85 This Week Cards against Yanks: ugainst Giants Wcstlngonse League Pc R33 750 Standing of the Bo Leagues Won Lost IT 25 17 595 1749 20 523 17740 19 23 452 17fr 5 18 C4 42S 17847 Crds LJpl Lest Pc Plnfall815 12193 5 792 10ih'3 10 630 10642 11 542 9010 1 1 476 9837 14 417 1J14 15 333 11M1 17 292 ivm Rove 1 ir0 Odd ellows League Tenm Wmi Lost Pc 30 9 7'9 18353 Amity 24 15 315 P1M I 21 IS 538 17617 Bay Path 19 17 527 16265 I Soto IS 21 4'U 17678 Acawnm 17 22 435 17296 Bothara 14 25 358 16 922 Monitor 10 26 261 15403 HVh team total Amity 1505 TT1r1i temn Amity and Phoenix Many International Sport Events in 1923 TWO TRACK MEETS BOOKED IN EUROPE Hagen Kirkwood Top Sarazen Hutchison Sacramento Cal Jan 7 Wal ter Hagen and Joe Kirkwood de feated Gene Sarazen and Jock Hutchison 1 up qn on the Del Paso Country club links here to day in what was dcelared to be one of the most sensational fin ishes ever made in a 36 hole best ball match SPRINGIELD A STILL UNBEATEN Tennis Yachting and Boxzrig Expected to Draw Huge Crowds This Year Golf Rivalry With Britain Keen By the Associated Press New York Jan 7 Promising lo eclipse its predecessor in the keen caliber of competition the year lt23 according to the present outlook will witness an unusual array of Interna tct al sporting events While fixtvres in such fields of es Craven Jumns Up Into Second Place With 41 Points Except for the number of games played teams and Individuals In the Triple A Basketball league stand Uiblished rivalry us golf tennis and yachting both here and abroad will hold even greater interest than be fore other events of outstanding im rortance lave been added to tho yro gram Two Big Track Sleets International track and field meets much the same as they did a week ago The Springfield Athletic club continues to bowl over nil comers having won all five of its league con tests to date The six teams trail along with one game separating each from the next The Gilbert Bar ker five has run up the most points however though the team is In third place Gibbie shooters have totaled 175 Purcell of the Armory still leads the individual scorers having 49 points Craven of Ath letic club has jumped Into second with 41 points The others fol 'ow In much the same order they were a week ago As ugual the manag ers of the teams will meet tonight at the at 730 The league im 's This Week records Team Records I Pc or Agt A 6 1000 155 75 4 1 SOO 130 SO Gilbert ft Harker 2 600 175 160 irst Church 2 3 400 146 1'5 St ringflelii Armory 1 4 200 107 207 Memorial A 0 5 000 81 171 Individual Records Parrel! (Armory) 5 16 17 40 Craven (S A C) 5 20 1 41 Ponovan (S A C) 5 13 13 80 C) 4 IS 1 57 BraR (G B) 4 17 Mrfone (G B) 5 17 1 5 (Mi) 14 34 nnlrr (G A BA 5 17 34 (Milt) 9 13 ol (8 A (M 5 11 Usurer (G B) 4 10 10 ooinis C) 4 12 4 Dayton (S A C) 5 10 28 Simpson C) 4 1 3 (S A C) 5 22 (G A B) 5 10 3 22 Hickey CBtP) 5 10 2 vim (M 5 9 fl IM A C) 2 8 3 10 (G It B) 4 7 4 18 Cravnn C) 4 1 (Armory 5 6 6 1 ord (M A C) 3 6 5 17 (M A C) 5 5 4 Brrsfry (Milt) 4 6 I 2 3 6 0 1 ComthMn (Ann ry) 5 ffinson C) 4 1 11 CcHolTh C) 1 3 4 10 Heberu (Amvry) 1 5 JJ in 'rkerman (Animry) 1 4 Bromic A C) 3 5 10 I'abyan C) 2 4 1 0 Seh 'dnle for Thursday Barker against Memorial A at 7 A against Springfield Arm orv at 8 against irst Church post poned Individual Records Gms Pt ryran EMer 1 11 2 24 Malmr Arnhct 2 4 10 JR Cuunliiffbani Elder 3 8 0 16 E' 'r II''lvke 2 7 1 15 Machen Elder 3 7 0 14 Holyoke 2 4 2 JO ehne Amlier 2 4 1 9 Conley Amherst 2 4 8 Taepy Holyoke 2 4 0 8 Gnrvev Amherst 2 3 17 St nncis Elder 3 2 3 7 Glower Elder 3124 I (i 4 4 Hrfrrn ChiCGce 12 0 4 rs rhlp 112 4 lln'yoke 2 0 3 3 boa EMor 3 10 2 lii 1 1 0 2 Amherst 110 2 aWrrt 2 1 2 SrlljvPTi Chfcnpoe 10 2 2 Sullivan HHyake 1 1 1 1 Standing of tbp Tenn8 Won Lost Pc Hniyfko 2 An)rst 1 1 500 1 At 337 0 vl 000 Hune Citv 0 Out) Tomorrow Amliemt ftt CMcroe: Tlinrrday Hovio Cty nt Ainb'rM: bDr i ri 1uy II lyuke at Home City Chicopee at Eider SUOLK ALLEYS Holyoke rnternal League Tmtom Won Txst Pc Winthrop A 25 11 094 16 "ft? of 22 167 1559 Corel clianibeau 21 12 63 6 14734 Kn lo 516 14S10 ns St Gcnrre 13 20 14478 A 14 22 39 16183 'lpns 13 23 361 15 69 National A 11 25 506 15583 team tntal A 1470 team srin of 514 thre jE lnr Skvpcek 349 Hl string 146 5 of pde Hofmann 96 1 6 Bsin Smih 93 9 11 Brown 93 2 WhoMn 92 2' German 92 7 11 Ittn 92 19 30 lonahue 02 8 Skypcek 92 1 0 Jahix 91 5 6 Srhrdnle This Work CercJe Rocha mhoan against Win th on A 'rbH aay of asint A aanirst Sons of St George Eagle against Koscluako DusfvH Lpffne Teun Won LL IV Pnfnll Cn rrw Hampshire 2f 10 744 1 63 American Tissue 13 19 209 Crcvrom CM 26 14 667 19 510 Writing 27 15 Cf3 19 62b a Joo 25 14 641 nnr Th cfl4 17 22 17 558 Cowan 14 25 359 17 256 Wien Vets 14 2R 333 18 641 1t cos 13 26 33 6854 Ry 12 27 TWyokp Horo 11 25 39ft 157C5 tenm tot'! Am WrD'ng IV'er 153 Eib Am Writhir V'rer three Hiffh single Whain (m 132 A vo'i 'T'' of Ip dor 9' 2s 39 rvri oo WliAAn 98 52 Dvmotnw A 96 9 39 Cede 6 1 6 Tnor 9 13 ne 94 25 12 Ellis 93 10 11 Harrison 93 35 39 Schedule Tht Week Afon uror arinst Silk )oe Avunrlr''n ro cne at Taris in May for college ath letes and another at Gcthenturj Sweden in July are expected to at tiact strong American teams pavin: the way for the 1U21 Olympics at th rench capital A combined Harvard and Yale track team plans to Invado England for a dual contest with Ox lord and Cambridge and If dates not conflict the Americans are likely to yartuipate in the Swedish cham pionships Interest in boxing ha: been aroused t0 a higher pitch that at any time since the Dempsey Car pentier spectacle by a match ar tanged between Johnny Kilban American holder of the world title end Eugene Criqui rench wearer of the European crown for the feath weipht championship Is planned stage this event at the Polo grounds in New Yoric Memorial day Not satisfied by the outcome of the contest for the world's lawn tennis title last year In which she was de fcated by M'le Suzanne Inglen of re rce Mrs Molla Bjurstedt Mallory American champion plans anothet campaign abroad starting with tho outnaments in southern rance In ebruary There she hen to meet ber rench rival once' more and nlsc Tersre for arrdher ntte nnt to lift 'th' on court a at Wimbledon Eng later in year Look for Record List Davis cup competition for th worlds team tennis championship expected to draw a greater list ft entries than 1922 when 13 natlom ehallengcd for the trophy Division ot tontest into two zones Anieric Au and European with the ultimate winners of each group playing ler the i right to meet the United States in the challenge round is expected toncrease inlcitst and eliminate de aults such as have occurred in pre rinus years Traditional golf rivalr" between thr United States and Great Britain till receive fresh impetus with the Brit ish mindful of setbacks they reeeivi 1 in most cf the important events 1922 eager to retrieve their lost su premacy A team of American amateurs pro'll nhly wil go abroad to defend ith Walker cup emblematic of the tear championship while Gene Sarazen 'merican open champion hns an ourced his intention of attemntih 'o lift the British onen titl" Waltc t'as cn American holder of the Aug en crown and Jock Hu ar ther likely entrants in this blue rib bon event Several of A crack ynun mere I Gcrirtide JTlen Wainwright of New Tori of numcroui rec 'rds and Johnny Weismuller 'ai star intend to fn' nde nd rnosUJv the nuestx '''tional laurels early In the sum mer Mnch Yachting Lively yachting competition nlstfti romisorl The Setiwanhiv a Corlnthls' club of st Bay has ch nnged the Hova Northern club Scotand for the U' lanfurcd by a here erir wnile a team contest for thrit'sh Amerlcnn cup wen 1922 li the iited States also Is ptynnei Both thoee even's for era't of tho sb rroicr class will be sailed in Britjs' wo 'ci a loucoeter men too are another o'tcmrit to lirt the intem ionol felirArov won last yar when the h'tf' ve nu shed tiie American ord iHi Inerrws tear neq mrewl a tr'p to 3 'io ir O' ford Carr a her cd'e" trams np peernf of who la contured 1Yli inn rf the orld's tvarv fs AXnec nd 1 nvq on the Thnm LI Wl WEK YSZKO CVClOl Thur Jnn 11 81 Ticket nt 31arMhmanM 23 Mnln iHjijn HUHariXuiUiiiiJirvnutniijha tVNCHffTER i I Headquarters i I 380 Main St Springfield Winter Sports Equipment I Skates 1 Skate Combinations SkisL Toboggans Sleds etc fj i i' I' rrrncr rrbATnr Anw Thread Hlynke Ho against a Vet American Loptbo Tnri Wati Lost Pc ewfi 19 793 11 pAf'f Ivors 11 in 51 10K Printpr 14 417 in on i itters 7 20 16724 team Print 13 t7 HMi team Hirin': 492 tT Ktrins (Rc) 48 Hich single string Wlm (Rec) L36 Avern" nf (R) 17 27 Arrn (P) 90 15 24 (C) 15 271 Brown CP) 87 22 24 Rnll 87 J7 C7 robMoau (P) 87 7 27 Gsrnd (R 87 4 25 rprsette (C) 86 Labbee (8 IL) 85 4 9 Boulrl (C) 85 4 27 Schedule This Week Mender Ptcts Receiver t' tar rldv iCwipert trainst Bccelverx num i an wi i THE HOME of LAEOR SAVING 5 DEVICES IN THE HOME Electric Washing Machines I I Ironing Machines I Vacuum Cleaners if a zaRiiVAr c3f Gurllle UutliHnK "12 Mr In Street.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.