This Day, June 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


356 B.C.E.: Birthdate of Alexander the Great. Alexander traveledback forth across Judea; first when he went down to conquer Egypt and then whenhe came back from his Egyptian conquest and moved east to conquer more of thePersian Empire. There is a tale about him coming to Jerusalem, but it is a myththat illustrates the positive attitude the Jews of that time had towardsAlexander. He is treatment of the Jews was tolerant since he left them topractice their religion in peace and Jews found it easy to settle throughouthis newly conquered domains.

120 (18 Sivan 3881): This date marked the passing of Rabbi GamlielII. Rabbi Gamliel was the successor to Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakkai who had set upthe Talmudic Academy in Yavneh after the war against Rome. Gamliel helpedestablish a new spiritual leadership and designed the foundation for survivalin the Diaspora. He played a key role in keeping the peace between the Jewishcommunity and Rome.

1290: The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, m.21, bearing today’s date containsan order for the gaol delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for themurder of a Christian boy at Oxford.

1305: King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia died. During the Rindfleischmassacres in 1298, King Wenceslaus II had extorted large sums from BohemianJewry for protection.

1377: The reign of King Edward III who had borrowed 140,000florins from a consortium led by Vivelin of Strasbourg, “an Alsatian Jewishfinancer” “on the eve of the Hundred Years’ War” came to an end today when hepassed away.

1498: Citizens of Nuremberg, Bavaria received permission to expelits Jews from Emperor Maximillian

1527: NIccolo dei Machiavelli, the author of The Prince, passedaway today.

1630: Birthdate of Samuel Oppenheimer “Jewish banker, imperialcourt diplomat, factor, and military supplier for the Holy Roman Emperor” whowas the father of Simon Wolf Oppenheimer who established his own banking housein Hanover and Jakob Wolf Oppenheimer under who Mayer Amschel Rothschild servedhis apprenticeship.

1639: Birthdate of Increase Mather, a member of the famous familyof New England ministers who wrote “Dissertation Concerning the FutureConversion of the Jewish Nation” and who “thought the future conversion of theJews to be both possible and not far distant in time. He opposed John Lightfoot’s argument that ageneral conversion of the Jews was impossible, and he also attacked Baxter’sthesis that the Jews were converted once and for all after Christ, and that thosewho did not convert at the time were condemned to remain in the Jewish faithfor all time. According to Mather, the “national conversion” of the Jews was a“glorious truth.”

1643(14th of Tammuz, 5403): Simcha Israel Belmonte, thePortuguese born daughter of Israel Vaz and the wife of Jacob Israel Belmontepassed away today at Amsterdam.

1689: The Maisel Synagogue burned today when fire swept throughthe ghetto in Prague. Built in the early1590’s, it takes its name from Mordechai and Frumel Maisel,who financed its construction.Today a rebuilt version of the synagogue services a Jewish Museum inPrague.

1727(2nd of Tammuz, 5487): Joseph Jacob van Geldern thebanker who was the “Court Jew” for Elector Johann Whilhelm passed away today.

1749: Twenty-eight-year-old Simon von Geldern returned to Viennafrom a journey which he claimed took him to North Africa, Jerusalem and otherlands inhabited by Bedouins. The son ofJoseph von Geldern, a wealthy German physician with whom he had a falling out,Simon was the great-uncle of Heinrich Heine who kindly referred to him as “anadventurer and Utopian dreamer.”

1749:Founding Halifax, Nova Scotia. Within ayear, Jews were living in Halifax and by 1752 there were approximately 30 Jewsliving in the newly founded city. TheJewish population would grow slowly and sporadically. A congregation would not be formed until theend of the 19th century.

1783:Alexander Hamilton, the native of Nevis who according to some was the son aJewess Rachel Levine and who attended the island’s Jewish school before leavingfor North America, completed his first term as a Delegate to the Congress ofthe Confederation from New York.

1787:According to an entry in the diary of George Washington, today he dined with“Mark Prager, a member of the Jewish mercantile family that came toPhiladelphia shortly after” the American Revolution.

1787; New Hampshire becomes the 9th state to ratify theUnited States Constitution which means the Constitution has been ratified byenough states to make it the law of the land. New Hampshire was one of the laststates to change its laws so that Jews could hold office. The final change took place in 1877. As canbe seen from the attached article about the Jewish community in Bethlehem, NH,life has changed for the better for Jews living in the Granite State.

1791(19th of Sivan, 5551): One month before his sixthbirthday Aaron Isaac ben Gershon passed away in London.

1794: Simon von Geldern “a German traveler and author, thegreat-uncle of Heinrich Heine, who describes him in his "Memoirs" asan adventurer and Utopian dreamer, “arrived in Vienna” after completing hisfirst voyage.

1795: Mungo Park the Scottish explorer who “noted the presence of Jews inthe region of Timbuktu” having been told “by an Arab he met near Walata ofthere being many Arabic speaking Jews in Timbuktu whose prayers were similar tothe Moors” reached the Gambia River on his first expedition to find the sourceof the Niger River.

1798: The proclamation issued by the French governor of Colognewhich stated in part "Whatever smacks of slavery is abolished. Only beforeGod will you have to give an accounting of your religious beliefs. Your civicrights will no longer depend upon your creeds. Whatever these are, they will betolerated without distinctions and enjoy equal protection” was an example ofthe newly found rights of citizenship that the Jews were to enjoy in a cityfrom which they had been barred until 1794.

1802: Birthdate of Michelangelo Asson, the native of Verona, whoovercame the fact that his father died while he was an infant to become a“physician and medical author.”

1812: In Philadelphia, PA, Ezekiel Jacob Ezekiel and his wifeRebecca who immigrated from Amsterdam in 1810 gave birth to their “first-bornson and second child” Jacob Ezekiel who was later adopted by his uncle MichaelCohen after which he played a key role in incorporating “the newly-organizedHebrew Benevolent Society of Baltimore, served as the Secretary of Beth ShalomCongregation in Richmond and finally settled in Cincinnati, OH where he servedon the board of directors of Hebrew Union College. (Some sources show hisbirthdate as June 28)

1812: Birthdate of Moses Hess, an early advocate of a leagueof nations and a Jewish state in Palestine. His most famous work wasentitled Rome and Jerusalem published in 1862. He died in 1875

1819(28th of Sivan, 5579): Forty-six year old HirschelEliazer Kann, the founder of Lisa & Kann passed away at Den Haag,Zuid-Holland, Nederland

1821: Isaac da Costa earned his Doctor of Philosophy today.

1821: At Frankort-on-Main, Zerline and Meyer (Mayer) Levin Beyfusgave birth to Gustav Beyfus

1824: At St. Thomas, Jacob Baiz, the native of Bayonne, France andhis wife Leah Baiz gave birth to Aron Baiz

1831: Mayer Lyons married Elizabeth Isaacs in Canterbury, UK.

1832: Birthdate of Nancy, France native Coarlie Levy who gainedfame philanthropist and sculptor Coralie Cahen, the wife of Mayer Cahen adoctor at the Rothschild Hospital, Paris and chief physician of the Chemin deFer du Nord railway company” with whom she had one daughter, Lucie, who diedyoung” and the cetor of a “ number of works including a bust of the Frenchchief rabbi Zadoc Kahn” who “wasinvolved in founding the "Maison Israélite de Refuge pour l'Enfance",an orphanage for Jewish girls at Romainville (relocated in 1883 toNeuilly-sur-Seine)” who “At the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870,Cahen became a central committee member of the "Dames de la Société deSecours aux Blessés Militaires" ("Ladies Committee of the Society toAid the War-Wounded."

1834: In Ireland William Somerville, 1st Baron Athlumney and LadyMaria Harriet Conyngham gave birth to Elizabeth Jane Somerville, the wife of James Molyneux Caulfeild, 3rd Earl of Charlemont, who, afterbeing styled as the Countess of Claremont in 1863 began attending synagogueservices in Belfast leading to her eventual conversion to Judaism.

1837(18th of Sivan, 5597): Twenty-year-oldJechiel Oschsenhorn, the Bavarian born daughter of Nanette Wexler and LeserLazarus Ochsenhorn, who were married in 1803, passed away today in Fuerth.

1838: One day after he passed a way, sixty-seven year old “WoolfLevy” was buried at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1841: In Charleston, SC, Mr. Nathan married Ann Cohen, the “thirddaughter of Aaron N. Cohen.”

1841: In Philadelphia, Fannie and Abraham Dessau gave birth tofuture communal leader Minnie Dessau Louis. (As reported by Seth Korelitz)

1843: In Alsace, IsaiahRosenthal and Rosa Walter gave birth to Jonas Rosenthal the husband of JeanetteWeill and Confederate Army veteran who was active in Rapides Parish (county)Louisiana politics and was appointed as U.S. Postmaster of Alexandria, LA.

1843: The Gold-Bug, a,short story by Edgar Allen Poe, who “as a boy, hung out with several Jewishfriends whose mothers inspired his later work” and whose“famed raven that keptrepeating “Nevermore” was a direct quote from one of his Jewish friend’s grandfatherswho had just found out that his son purchased a suit at a retail price” beganappearing in serialization today in American newspaper. (As described by MarkMiller)

1845: Ralph BernalOsborne, the eldest son of London Sephardic Spanish Jewish ParliamentarianRalph Bernal, was the first person listed in the Railway Times as a member of“the provisional committee for the Leicester, Ashby-de-la-Zouch,Burton-upon-Trent and Stafford Junction Railway” a railway that was neverbuilt.

1846: Michael Gashionmarried Leah Maria Abraham at the Great Synagogue.

1850(11th ofTammuz, 5610): Seventy-eight-year-old Jacob Hays, “known throughout his careeras Old Hays,” the Westchester Country born son of David Hays and EstherHetting, whom many consider “the first real detective in New York” because “in1802 Mayor Edward Livingston appointed him chief of the day police force” and“gave him the title of High Constable of the City of New York, passed awaytoday.

1854: "Gleanings fromthe Mail" published today cites a report appearing in the BostonAdvertiser that "the Jews of the Holy Land are suffering greatdistress from destitution."

1857: In Charleston, SC,Julius Fiegel married Theresa Klauber.

1857: Birthdate of NewJersey resident Lena Sternberger Eckhouse, the wife of Sigmund Eckhouse whomshe married in 1876 and the mother of Jane and Elmer Eckhouse.

1861: In Chicago, theSinai Congregation dedicated its first temple on Monroe Street between Clarkand La Salle in which the “Einhorn ritual” was used for the first time in “aWestern congregation.”

1862(23rd ofSivan, 5622): Parashat Korah

1862: In Richwald,Czechoslovakia, Ester Deutsch and Bernard Spira gave birth to banker HenrySpiral who 1879 came to the United States where he settled in Cleveland andbecame President of the Spira International Express Company and President ofTemple in Cleveland.

1863(4th of Tammuz, 5623):Sixty-nine-year-old Benjamin Golding, the British doctor who founded CharingCross Hospital passed away today.

1866(21st ofTammuz, 5626): Mary Stanford Moses, the one-year-old daughter of Rosetta andDr. Montefiore Moses passed away today.

1866: Rosa Kahn marriedJosua Hirschel to become Rosa Hirschel

1867:In New Orleans,Almeria E. Moses and Eugene Henry Levy gave birth to University of Cincinnatigraduate and Hebrew Union College ordained rabbi Clifton Harby Levy, thehusband of Cora Bachrach who he married after the death of his first wife SarahLang, and leader of Tremont Temple in the Bronx who “expounded Jewish Scienceas a movement within Judaism, stressing the spiritual values of the faith as anecessary compliment of treatment by physicians and surgeon” and who was theeditor “The Jewish Life.”

1868: Birthdate of Breslaunative Laura Strauss who as Laura Brannis was murdered at Treblinka at the ageof 53.

1868: In Motueka, NZ, JohnClervaux Chaytor and his wife Emma gave birth to Major General Sir EdwardWalter Clervaux Chaytor who, as a member of the Egyptian Expeditionary Forcetook part in the campaign to liberate the Sinai and Palestine, distinguishinghimself at the Battle of Romani, the assault on Rafa and the capture of Rafa.

1869: Birthdate of NewYork City native Mrs. Joseph Mayor Asher a member of the board of NationalCouncil of Jewish Women and a “patron” the Jewish Encyclopedia.

1870: Benjamin Jaffa, theGerman born son of Ella and Aaron Jaffa and his Lea Jaffa gave birth to NewMexico resident Joseph Jaffa, the husband of Millie Strauss and the father ofBenjamin Strauss Jaffa.

1872(15th of Sivan, 5632):Marc Borchard, the native of Mecklenburg who earned his M.D. at Halle andbecame a forensic physician at Bordeaux before spending his final years writingin Paris where he passed away today.

1873: The committee incharge of the excursions to be taken by the children who are the responsibilityof the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and Free Schools, most of whom are from poor homes,announced their plans for the first outing which is scheduled to take place intwo days.

1874: In New York, Simonand Cecilia Lichtenstadter Borg gave birth to Yale graduate "Sidney CecilBorg, senior member of the banking form of Simon Borg and Company” and husbandof Madeleine Beer Borg

1875: St. Paul, MN resident Jacob Dittenhoffer, theCleveland born of Fannie Berg and Samuel Dittenhoffer married Bettie Elsingertoday while serving as the secretary of the Golden Rule Department store whichhe established in 1868.

1877: Followingpublication of Judge Hilton’s explanation of his decision to ban Mr. Seligmanfrom the Grand Union Hotel, the New York Times published a series of lettersgrouped under the headings of “TheJewish Side of the Question” and the “The Other Side”. The letters under “The Other Side” describedthe undesirability of Jews as a class and as hotel guests which made Hilton’sdecision not only understandable but correct.The letters under “The Jewish Side of the Question” included derisivecomments on Hilton’s attempt to differentiate between a “Hebrew” and a “Jew” aswell as refutation of his claim that he was willing to admit certain acceptableHebrews since the daughter of one of those mentioned had, in fact, been turnedaway from the Grand Union.

1878: Ida M. Frances Erich, thedaughter of Lazarus and Seline Babette Morgenthau and her husband WilliamJoseph Ehrich gave birth to William Joseph Ehrich.

1878: Today six speakerstook part in an oratorical contest at Yale University in which the contestantswere competing for De Forest Medal. The third speaker was H.C. Coe, a Jew whospoke on “The Ancient and Modern Jew.”The sixth and final speaker was Louis Hood of Newark who also spoke on“The Ancient and Modern Jew.” While all of the speakers were impressive, Hoodwalked off with the prize.

1879: In Lancaster, PA, FrankWoolworth opened his first successful “Woolworth’s Great Five Center Store” theforerunner of the popular F.W. Woolworth’s which the Nazis mistakenly thoughtwas owned by Jews and which they would target as part of their economic boycottof Jewish businesses in the 1930’s

1880: “Politics of Europe and Asia”published today brought news about the conference being held in Madrid calledto deal with the situation in Morocco. Senor Ludolf is schedule to introduce aresolution supported by the United State, Portugal and Germany that calls forreligious liberty and better treatment of the Jews.

1880: It was reported today that ofthe five and half million people living in Belgium only 15,000 are Protestantsand 3,000 are Jews while all the rest are Catholics.

1881: Birthdate of Dov BerBorochov,a Marxist Zionist and one of the founders of the Labor Zionistmovement as well as a pioneer in the study of Yiddish as a language. He passed away in 1917.

1882: A summary of Dr. Goodman’sreport on the feasibility of settling large number of Jewish refugees fromRussia on agricultural communities which has been presented to the HebrewEmigrant Aid Society of the United States was published today. According toGoodman it would cost $500, not counting the cost of the land, to provide eachcolonist with the necessities for survival.“To start 2,000 heads of families on farms would require a cash advanceof $1,000,000 for materials, implements, stock, seed, food etc. before theycould become self-maintaing.” Add in thecost of the land, and, according to Dr. Goodman, “the Jewish people in theUnited States looking to colonization of their destitute co-religionists mustcollect and invest…from two to four million dollars” over an extended period oftime with no hope of a return on investment.

1884(28th of Sivan,5644): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1884(28th of Sivan,5644): Thirty-three-year-old Gratz Etting, the son of Philippa Minis and EdwardJohnson Etting who were married at Savannah in 1841 passed away today.

1884: In the case of Dumas v.Jacquet, the First Chamber of the Civil Tribunal of Paris delivered a judgmenttoday that “enjoined the public exhibition of a picture in which the artist hadrepresented Alexandre Duma, the novelist as “Marchand Juif.”

1885: In Proskuroi, Ukraine,Rechoma Segal and Isaac B. Marmer gave birth to Rutgers graduate Harry AaronMarmer, the husband of Hazel Ellison Dakin and tidal mathematician for the U.S.Coast and Geodetic Survey in Washington, DC.

1887: The Jews of London celebratedthe first day of the 51st year of the reign of Queen Victoria overGreat Britain at the Synagogue on St. James Place in Aldgate. The crowded sanctuary was decorated for theoccasion and the attendees were treated to a choral service.

1888: The golden wedding orfiftieth anniversary of the-marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Allen of Saugatuckwas celebrated to-day at their residence on Compostreet, overlooking theWestport River…”

1888: “Barge Office Prizes”published today described the commercial activities that surrounded the saleand purchase of the “unclaimed, abandoned, and seized goods.” Before EllisIsland, the Barge Office was the point of entry for immigrants arriving in NewYork. The majority of the those involvedin the examination and purchase of the goods were reportedly Jews.

1888: It was reported today that arescript has been published ordering that a eulogy be read in all churches atupcoming Sunday services. The offeringof a eulogy by the Jews appears to have been optional. [Given the response ofRabbis in New York, it is safe to assume that many Jews mourned the passing ofthe first modern Kaiser.]

1890: Mr. Comstock of the Societyfor the Suppression of Vice recognized a man named Marcus Goldstein who hadbeen arrested for trying to obtain plates with which to make counterfeitlottery tickets as Mordecai S. Blaustein “whom he had arrested just four yearsago in Orchard Street for swindling poor people” by selling them “bogus lotterytickets.” After having been convicted in 1886, this Polish Jew had beensentenced to 6 months at Blackwell/s Island. According to Comstock, Blausteinor Goldstein was first found to be swindling people on the lower east side in1881 but he jumped bail and hid out in Chicago.

1891: Birthdate of Berlin nativeand violist Herman Scherchen, the symphony orchestra conductor who saved FriedaBelinfante the 1939 winner of the prestigious award for new conductors in hissummer class in Neuchatel, Switzerland from being sent back to German “byverifying that she was a Dutch citizen and a his former pupil” while “herJewish companion Toni van Praagh was sent back to Germany for a fatal trip toAuschwitz by the Swiss police

1891: “Jew Baiting” published todayincluded a detailed review of Les Juifs De Russie Recueil D’Articles EtD’Etudes Sur Leur Situation Legale Sociale Et Economique (The RussianJews: Collection of Articles and Studies on Their Legal, Social and EconomicSituation) by Leopold Cerf.

1892: The Democratic NationalConvention which was attended by George Washington Ochs Oakes as a delegatefrom Tennessee opened today in Chicago.

1892: Birthdate of Americantheologian Reinhold Niebuhr His views on Jews evolved over time from his earlydays as a minister in Detroit. He warnedagainst the rise of anti-Semitism in Hitler’s Germany and came to theconclusion that it was wrong to try and convert Jews. He expressed his strongpro-Zionist sentiments in “Our Stake in the State of Israel”

1893: Five days after shepassed aboard the SS Kaiboura, fifty-three year old “Dinah” Nathan, “the wifeof Joseph E. Nathan of Wellington, New Zealand, was buried at the WillesdenJewish Cemetery

1894: Edward Lauterbach,the Republican Jewish political leader was among those participating in thehearings being held at the Constitutional Convention in Albany.

1894: Two days after hepassed away, thirty-eight year old Alexander Solomon, the son of Rosetta andRalph Solomon was buried at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

189: In Lincoln, Nebraska,Rebecca Fried and Robert Arenson gave birth to University of Nebraska trainedchemist Dr. Saul Bryan Arenson, the researcher on mustard gas for the ChemicalWarfare Service and 2nd lieutenant in the Chemical Warfare Servicewho was an assistant professor ofchemical engineering at the University of Cincinnati and a member of Temple B’nai Jeshurun in Lincoln, Nebraska.

1895: Birthdate ofUniversity of Cincinnati and HUC graduate Samuel Wohl, the long-time rabbi ofthe Reading Road Temple, founder of the League of Labor Zionism and husband ofBelle F. Meyers Wohl.

1896: The St. Louis Republic described the decision to choose RabbiSamuel Sale to deliver the opening prayer at the Republican Convention.According to the Republic, Sale hadnot been chosen as a compromise to avoid offending the APA and the Catholicsbut had been chosen because Baron Rothschild of London had sent a telegramrequesting that this be done. However,the reporter for the Republic had notseen the telegram and could not find anybody else who had.

1896: Members of the Young Folk’s League of the Hebrew InfantAsylum are scheduled to enjoy an outing today aboard the SS Bay Queen

1896(10th of Tammuz, 5656): Fifty-year-old Isaac B.Poznanski, the native of Charleston passed away in the UK where he was burredat the Hammersmith Old Cemetery in London.

1897: “Family Left Destitute” published today described the plightof the Cohen family of New Haven. Mrs.Cohen’s husband disappeared without explanation, and she thought he haddeserted her. Actually, he had beenkilled in railway accident in New York City.Authorities shipped the widow and her four children to New York wherethey are now in the care of the Hebrew Sheltering House Association.

1897(21st of Sivan, 5657): Sixty-seven-year-old German bornAmerican businessman and philanthropistMayer Lehman who along with his brothers Henry and Emanuel founded Lehman Brothers and who was thefather of New York Court of Appeals Chief Judge Irving Lehman and New York and U.S. Senator Herbert H. Lehman passedaway today.

1897: “Hebrew School In Chicago” published today described a soonto be opened educational institution in the Windy City where all instructionand conversation will be in Hebrew.While classes will be offered in “the primary scholastic branches,” “theHebrew Bible will be the principle subject of study.

1897: Herman Warszawiak, the converted Jewish missionary, who hadbeen expelled by the Presbyterians after having been found guilty of performingimmoral acts including gambling was not available for public comment eventhough he had earlier said the conviction had come because some did not want aconverted Jew to be a minister in the Presbyterian Church.

1898: Two days after he passed away, fifty-five-year-old ChaimKronman, a native of Bialystok, was buried at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” inLondon.

1898: In Toledo, OH, Jacob and Lena (Saegel) Halperin gave birthto Cornell University educated engineer Herman Halperin the husband of Edna P.Rosenberg, who worked for Commonwealth Edison in Chicago where he was a memberof B’nai B’rith.

1898: At Orange, NJ, 58-year-old Getta Scholle, the vice presidentof the Home For Aged and Infirm Hebrews who was the widow of Jacob Scholle,passed away today.

1899: “Boys in Religious War” published today described eventsleading up to a public brawl between over one Jewish and Christian boys inChicago. The Christians, who attendseveral local parochial schools, have been taunting and attacking the Jewishboys who finally fought back. At firstthe Christians had the better of the battle, but the Jews found reinforcementsand surrounded their attackers. At thispoint, the police intervened and arrested some of the battlers.

1899: The Jews of Chicago are planning on presenting CaptainDreyfus “with a gold-mounted, diamond-set and richly engraved sword.” They areplanning on presenting Emile Zola with an engraved gold pen as token ofappreciation for his defense of Dreyfus.They are planning on present Colonel Picquart, the War Minister whobefriended Dreyfus and helped to prove his innocence with a gold loving cup.

1900(24th of Sivan, 5660): Sir Charles Oppenheimer, thenative of Nastätten, Nassau the successful businessman and Jewishphilanthropist who served as the British consul-general atFrankfort-on-the-Main passed away today.

1901: President McKinley who enjoyed “almost universal supportamong Jewish voters” when he ran for office in 1896 and 1900 “issued anExecutive Order today establishing a civil government in the Philippines.

1902(16th of Sivan, 5662): Parashat Beha’altocha

1902: It was reported today that “it will interest the expectantreaders of Mr. Zangwill to learn that, in spite of the fact that he haspublished little in the last two or three years, he has no thought of giving upliterature.”

1903: In St. Louis, “Isaac and Rebecca Hirschfeld gave birth to AlHirschfeld, award winning cartoonist

1903: Today NYU Law School trained attorney and municipal courtjudge Samuel Strasbourger, the son ofHenri and Rachel (Mayer) Strasbourger,married Blanche Gaynor with whom he had three children – Sara, J. Henriand Samuel Jr.

1903(26th of Sivan, 5663): New York Banker Isidor Wormser passedaway tonight in his home on Fifth Avenue.Born in Germany he came to the U.S. in at the age of 18 with his brotherSimon with whom he sailed around Cape Horn to California where they prosperedselling merchandize in the Gold Fields and later at their store in Sacramento.Isidor and Simon came to New York in 1870 where they established the bankingfirm of I & S Wormser which prospered for over 30 years thanks in part, tothe conservative fiscal practices of brothers and to the probity of theirbusiness dealings. A member of the New York Stock Exchange and a DemocraticPresidential elector in 1892, Wormser’s interest in civic affairs could be seenby his membership in the Metropolitan Museum and his service as a trustee ofthe Brooklyn Bridge.

1904:Today, Benjamin L Abraham married his nineteen-year-old wife, the daughter ofWilliam and Bessie (Fuchs) Gardner who served as President of the PhiladelphiaChapter of Hadassah and was “chairman of the Women’s Division of the UnitedPalestine Appeal…”

1904:Thirty-three-year-old Rabbi Isaac E. Marcuson, the Cincinnati born son ofMarcus and Adele (Marx) Marcuson and graduate of the University of Cincinnatiand HUC who was Secretary of the Central Conference of American Rabbis marriedRose thornier today in Macon, GA.

1905:Judge Jacob William Mack and Bertha Mack gave birth Theresa Mack, the futurewife of Joseph Geffen which would make her Therese Geffen, the mother of AliceGeffen.

1905: Birthdate of philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. Towards the end of his life Sartre sufferedwhat a critic called a “loss of historical hope.” Ironically, he turned toJudaism and Jewish history to find a source of hope and final philosophicunderpinning. “Sartre dealt with hisloss of historical hope by painfully acquiring another kind of hope. Hereplaced both existential dread and Marxist utopianism with a Jewish messianic patience.In the final interview with his friend and associate, the unlikely baalt'shuva, (returnee to Judaism), Benny Levy (formerly Pierre Victor), he reportshis discovery that "the messianic idea is the base of the revolutionaryidea." For many months before he died, Sartre studied Salo Baron'svoluminous, magisterial work on Jewish history and, with Levy, came to anew-old view of the human prospect. As if he had invented Buber and the Bible,Sartre now proclaims, "We belong to a single family." Of course,"the unity of the human enterprise is yet to be created…what I have is yoursand what you have is mine. If I need, you give to me. If you need, I give toyou. That is the future of morality.” In the end, Sartre became a kind of"Jew." Already in the resistance of 1940-45, he had risked his lifeagainst Fascism. In Les Temps Modernes, at the very time of the Six DayWar, he published what remains the most balanced and useful collection ofessays on Arab Jewish peace and declared his solidarity with Israel. He did notaccept the Nobel Prize of literature. But he did accept an honorary degree fromthe Hebrew University in 1976, reminding the Israelis how deeply he sharedtheir dreams, and telling them that the more he cared about them, the more hecared also about the Palestinian people. "In order to understand the Jewfrom the interior, I would have to be a Jew," Sartre told Benny Levy andhe tried hard enough to achieve that very goal. Studying Jewish history, likemany thinkers before him, he caught a vision of the messianic hope: survival,obedience and loyalty to humanity itself. "The Jew lives. He has adestiny. The finality toward which every Jew moves is to reunite humanity....Itis the end that only the Jewish people (knows)….It is the beginning of theexistence of men for each other." In the last days and in the last wordsof Jean-Paul Sartre, we find a brother and a teacher in Israel.”

1906: Rachel Levor, the German born daughter of Isaak Rothschild and Malchen AmalieRothschild, who was murdered at Sobibor at the age of 55 and her husband JosephLevor, the son of Jette and Moses Joseph Levor gave birth to Bruno Levor thehusband Erna Levor, both of home were murdered on the same day at Sobibor.

1906: In the United Kingdom, “Mr. Montefiore, President of theZionist Federation and Israel Zangwill, President of the Jewish TerritorialOrganization, published a joint appeal through the newspapers this morning tothe prominent Jews of Great Britain and the United States on behalf of theoppressed Russian Jews.”

1907(10th of Av, 5667): Tish’a B’Av observed becausethe 9th of Av fell on Shabbat

1907(10th of Av, 5667): Isidior Wormser, the successfulNew York Banker who is the father-in-law of Jefferson Seligman, passed awaytoday.

1908: “There is nothing extraordinary in the senior wranglershipat Cambridge of Selig Brodestsky, reported in cable dispatches from Londonto-day” because “to Jew and Gentile alike, irrespective of birth or pecuniarycirc*mstances, the highest honors of the English universities have long beenaccessible.”

1909: Jerusalem native Salama Du Ghan who “began his career as aguide to tourists in Palestine” committed suicide this “morning by swallowingcyanide of potassium in the cellar of Fourteen Street drug store” in New York

1909: Cooper Institute trained inventor William Dubilier, the New Yorkborn son of Anna and Abe Duilier “a pioneer in electronics and radio who wasthe holder of 600 patents” and a “founder of the Cornell-Dubilier ElectricCorporation” “demonstrated radio communication at Seattle'sAlaska–Yukon–Pacific Exposition today; ten years before the first commercialstation operated.

1910: Kovno native Hyman Albert Friedman who in 1890 came to theUnited States where he went to school in Pittsburgh, opened a clothing store inBraddock, PA which he sold before opening a successful dry goods store inFranklin, PA married Anna Cohen today with whom he raised two members whilesupporting the Jewish Orphanage and belonging to B’nai B’rith.

1910: Orders were issued expelling 130 Jews from Solomenka and 173Jews from Demieffka, after local factory workers complained of rent increasesbrought on by Jewish refugees from Kiev seeking refuge in these local suburbs.

1911: Birthdate of Constantinople native Jacques Rémy, the “JewishFrench screenwriter who used “pen nameof Rémy Assayas or Raymond Assayas” the creator of such films as “The Damned”in 1947 and the “historical drama The Secret of Mayerling.”

1911: King George V, during whose reign the Balfour Declarationpromulgated, prepared for his coronation which was scheduled to take placetomorrow.

1912: “Claiming that Jews skin living animals, anti-Jewishagitators introduced a bill in the Duma to prohibit” Shehitah.

1912: “Another Theatre for West Harlem” published today describeda transaction negotiated by Sydney S. Cohen to build a theatre to built byHurtig and Seamon who currently hold a lease on the old Harlem Opera Houseerected by Oscar Hammerstein.

1912: Birthdate of Newcastle, UK native “Judah Benzion ‘Ben’Segal”, the “Professor of Semitic Languages at the School of Oriental andAfrican Studies,” the father of Professor Moshe Zvi Segal and the brother ofDr. Samuel Segal” passed away today.

1912: Russkoye Znamya, ananti-Semitic newspaper, warmed “Jews that criticism of the Government by Jewishdeputies will be answered by pogroms”

1913: It was reported today that steamer August Kessler hadarrived in San Francisco with three million gallons of gasoline from Sumatra”belonging to the Rothschilds.

1913: “Mr. Harvey Franklin, a student at the Hebrew Union College”is scheduled to lead services at K.A.M. in Chicago.

1913: Rabbi Joseph Stoltz led services and delivered the sermonthis morning at Isaiah Temple in Chicago.

1913: It was reported today that “the Secretary of the AllianceIsraelite Universelle has declared that henceforth the chief concern of hisorganization will be Jews and Jewish institutions in Palestine” an area thatFrance has declared to be part of its protectorate despite the fact that it waspart of the Ottoman Empire.

1914: Polish born Cleveland businessman Abraham Goldberg who in1903 came to the United States where he learned to be a “cutter” in the garmentbusiness before moving to Cleveland where using the money had saved joined inpartnership with Abraham Goble to form what became the Ark Cloak Company todaymaied Gittle Kochman with whom he raised two children – a boy and a girl.

1914: This morning, at HUC in Cincinnati, President J. WalterFreiberg presided over the semi-annual meeting of the Executive Board of theUnion of American Hebrew Congregations where Secretary Lipman Levy presented areport that showed an additional seven congregations had joined the Reformorganization “since the annual board meeting last December.”

1915: Five days before his term in office was scheduled to end,John M. Slaton, Governor of Georgia commuted the sentence of Leo Frank fromdeath to life in prison. The commutationcame a day before Frank was scheduled to be hung. Slaton, who had been a popular governor, leftGeorgia with the mob and threat of violence baying at his heels. Tom Watson wrote an article calling for thelynching of Frank.

1915: In an interview with Pope Benedict published in La Libertetoday the Pontiff talked about the horrors of war including a report “hat theRussians on one occasion pushed before them 1,500 Jews so that they couldadvance behind this living barrier thus exposed to the bullets of the enemy.”

1915: At a little before 5 o’clock this morning Sheriff Mangum andhis party of deputies arrived with their prisoner, Leo M. Frank, at the GeorgiaState Penitentiary in Milledgeville, GA “just a few minutes after Warden J.N.Smith had been notified by authorities in Atlanta that the prisoner was in thecustody of the officers and on the way to the State Prison.”

1915: In editorializing about the commutation of Leo Frank’ssentence by Governor Slaton The Athens Daily Banner concluded with thestatement that “Whatever may be the result to him he at least has theconsolation of knowing that in the face of strenuous circ*mstances surroundthis case he did what his judgment told me was his duty to himself and to theState.”

1915: “There was great relief and much joy at the home of Leo M.Frank’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Frank at 152 Underhill Avenue, Brooklynthis morning when word came that the Governor Slaton had commuted the deathsentence.” Since the parents were in Atlanta, the telephone call from CountyJudge Harry E. Lewis with the good news was taken by the daughter andson-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stern.

1915: “Local relatives of Leo M. Frank said today that there wasabsolutely no foundation for the report which had been circulated early in thecase that Mrs. Frank was estranged from her husband.”

1915: “In discussing the commutation of Leo Frank’s sentence, TheRome Tribune-Herald says that in its opinion 80 per cent of the people ofGeorgia opposed commutation, but it believes that this sentiment arose fromfear that Frank would be released in a few years.”

1915: Governor John M. Slaton “is guarded in his country hometonight by the a battalion of the Georgia National Guard because of thestrenuous efforts of a crowd variously estimated at from 1,000 to 2,000 personsto get at the Governor to show their disapproval” of the commutation of Leo M.Frank’s death sentence to life imprisonment.

1915: The Atlanta Journaleditorial on the commutation of the sentence of Leo M. Frank concluded bysaying that “The Governor has shown wisdom and courage in his performance of anact of simple justice, and time will vindicate his moderation.”

1915: In an interview given today following the announcement ofthe commutation of Leo Frank’s sentence “Louis Marshall, one of the counsel forLeo M. Frank” said “Governor Slaton has saved the honor of Georgia. He the sentence of death pronounced againstFrank been executed, it would have been a crime against justice for I am asfirmly convinced of his absolute innocence as I am of my own.”

1916: At a meeting tonight at Carnegie Hall, Nathan Straus, RabbiStephen S. Wise and other prominent Jews from various cities in the UnitedStates spoke in favor of “the calling of a democratic congress of Jews inPhiladelphia to demand equal rights for Jews in all lands” – a meeting whichthe American Jewish Committee led by President Louis Marshall has opposedsaying it would be best to wait until after the war.

1916: A message was read to a meeting of Jews at Carnegie Hall“from Secretary of War Newton D. Baker…deploring the prejudice and ignorancethat had has resulted in discrimination against Jews.” (Editor’s Note: Baker’s boss, PresidentWilson is running for re-election and the Jewish vote certainly would help)

1916: The Joint Distribution Committee of Funds for Jew WarSuffers “consisting of representatives of the American Jewish Relief Committee,the Central Relief Committee and the People’s Relief Committee met thisafternoon “at the office of Felix M. Warburg and appropriated $250,000 for theimmediate relief of Jews who through the present movement of troops on theborders of the eastern war zones may be compelled again to evacuate theirhomes.”

1917(1st of Tammuz, 5677): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1917(1st of Tammuz, 5677): Date given in the AmericanJewish year book for the death of London “restaurateur” Sir Joseph Lyons whoaccording to all other sources passed away on June 22. (Editor’s note – and now you know some ofwhat makes this both confusing and interesting)

1917: Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, who has always been interested in thework of the Red Cross, “left the United States” today “with her husband who washead of the mission sent to Egypt to investigate the conditions of the Jews InPalestine.”

1918: “It was announced” tonight “that the case of FelixSommerfield, a German subject who was at one time private secretary to the latePresident Francisco Madero of Mexico” and subsequently the arms supplier forPoncho Villa is still being investigatedby agents of the Justice Department who arrested him while he was staying atthe Hotel Aster. (Sommerfield wasJewish; Madero and Villa were not.

1919: Birthdate of Norwegian tailor Harry Braude who was arrestedin Oslo and shipped aboard the Donau to Auschwitz where he was murdered.

1919: Today, in Basle, Switzerland, the 21st “generalconference of delegates of Zionist societies” which was “attended by fifty-fivedelegates” adopted “resolutions protesting the persecution of Roumanian andBessarabian Jews.”

1920: Ceremonies marking the consecration “of the Home for theBlind on the estate known as the Pines, in Yonkers under the auspices of theNew York Guild for the Jewish Blind” took place today which means that “for thefirst time in the history of New York, Jewish blind children have a playgroundof their own” thanks in no small measure to the work of Mrs. E.I. Wilson andMrs. Joshua Piza.

1920: Following Henry Ford’s statement that “it is impossible forthe Jew to be a patriot,” the American Hebrew requested the views on thesubject from Secretary of War Newton D. Baker who wrote today, “In all thebranches of the War Department service and in the officer personnel andenlisted ranks of our great Army, I have found members of the Jews race doingtheir duty – loyal, sympathetic, devoted their tasks and intensely patriotic”showing “themselves to be true Americans” of “which no higher praise can begiven.”

1920: Dr. Henry Keller, who“has recently returned from Palestine where he served as chief of theOrthopedics Department of the Zionist Medical Unit” is scheduled to deliver alecture this evening at the Aeolian Concert Hall where his talk will included“a collection of unusual photographs vividly describing conditions in…the HolyLand.”

1921: In New York City Abe and Helen (Gollomb) Tuvim gave birth toJudith Tuvim who gained fame as award winning actress Judy Holiday.

1921: Birthdate of Leon Silverman, the Manhattan born attorney.(As reported by Sam Roberts)

1921: Twenty-year-old SaraFeder, the Polish born daughter of Benjamin and Shaine (Kumok) Feder, thefriend of fellow Milwaukee school mate the future Golda Meir and hold of aDoctorate from the Univesity of Chicago became Sara Feder-Kaeyfit when shemarried Professor Isidore Keyfitz in Milwaukee today.

1922: During a debate in Parliament, Lord Sydenhamcontends that the Arabs would not object to immigration if it were done by“well selected Jews” instead of by whatdescribes as Zionist settlers who are” Bolsheviks,” “sinister and“promiscuous people.”

1922: Following a debate in the House of Lordson the questions of continued British commitment to honor the BalfourDeclaration, 60 Lords voted against the declaration and only 29 voted for it.

1922:Major Herbert Young, “a senior official” in the Colonial Office writesChurchill that the vote against the Balfour Declaration in the House of Lordswill lead to greater Arab obstinacy and imperil Britain’s previous promises tothe Jews.

1922: Samuel Bronfman “married Saidye Rosnerwith whom he had four children -- Aileen Mindel "Minda" Bronfman deGunzburg, Phyllis Lambert, Edgar Miles Bronfman and Charles Rosner Bronfman.

1922: While meeting in London, the PrimeMinisters of Canada, Newfoundland, Australia and New Zealand stated that theyshared “Arab suspicions” of plans to ultimately create a Jewish majority inPalestine.

1922: Inan address to the Dominion Prime Ministers Churchill described “The Zionistideal as a very great idea” with which he had great personal sympathy. He further reminded them that the BalfourDeclaration was more than an ideal. “Itwas an obligation made in wartime to enlist the aid of Jews all over the worldand Britain must be very careful and punctilious to discharge its obligations.”

1922(25th of Sivan, 5682):Seventy-five-year-old Louis Stern, the President of Stern Brothers, the NewYork department store, passed away unexpectedly in Paris. A native of Germany,Stern “learned the rudiments of merchandizing” in a small store owned by hisuncle in Petersburg, West Virginia. In 1867 he and his brother Isaac opened asmall dry goods and novelty store which was so successful that they opened alarger emporium on West 23rd Street in 1878. After his brother’s retirement, Stern openedan even larger store on 42nd Street. Stern was active in numerouscivic and communal organizations including serving as Chairman of the New YorkCommission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and President of the HebrewOrphan Asylum.

1923: A year after graduating from the NavalAcademy, Ensign Hyman Rickover “was made engineer officer aboard “the destroyerLa Vallette” as a reward for “his hard work and efficiency.”

1924: In Furth, German,Louis Kissinger, a European history high school teacher and Paula SternKissinger gave birth to Walter Bernhard Kissinger the “successful businessmanand philanthropist” who lived in the shadow of his brother Henry Kissinger. (Asreported by Katharine Q. Seelye)

1925: Landscape and portrait painter Albert M.Canter, the Norma, NJ born son of Edith Levin and Louis Canter, a fellow of thePennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and resident of Newark, NJ married FlorenceSmith today.

1925: Birthdate of Woodhaven, NY native StanleyMoss the American poet who “makes his living as a private art dealer.”

1926: Abbot Lawrence Lowell, the President ofHarvard University was featured on the cover of Time magazine. Although thecover story did not mention it, 1926 was a year of triumph for Lowell becausehe convinced the Harvard Board of Overseers to adopt new admission requirementsthat accomplished his goal of reducing the number of Jews at Harvard. The year before these “non-academic”standards were added, 27% of the freshman class was Jewish. By the time Lowell in 7 years after thestandards had been put in place Jews made up 10% of the underclassmen

1927: Two days after she had passed awayfuneral services are scheduled to be held today Zippporah Alice DeCastroLazaron, the New Orleans born daughter of Jacob Osoro DeCastro and Hannah HaimDeSola DeCastro, the wife of Atlanta, GA native Samuel Louis Lazaron and themother of Savannah, GA native Rabbi Samuel Lazaron.

1927: In New York, three Jewishinterns at Kings County Hospital were attacked and tied up.

1928: “Joseph Barondess, east sidelabor leader and Jewish philanthropist, was buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery,Brooklyn, today, after funeral services for the family at Riverside MemorialChapel, Amsterdam Avenue and Seventy-sixth Street…”

1928:Birthdate of Judith Raskin, one of America's greatest lyric sopranos of thetwentieth century. She was not only famous for her voice but also for heracting. Judith Raskin died on December 21, 1984, after a long struggle withcancer. Services were held at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York Citywhere she was eulogized as being one of the finest artists of our time whocould be emulated by other future Jewish aspirants of the concert and operastage.

1929: InMuizenberg, near Cape Town, Israel and Rebeca (David) Levinson, the founder andoperators of Hillel College, a Johannesburg boarding school with a rigorousJewish identity gave birth to Jeanette Levinson who gained fame as “JeanetteCarlson, an anti-apartheid activist who with her husband fought against theracist South African government, and who with her family was eventuallydeported…” (As reported by Katharine Q. Seelye)

1929: It was reported that Supreme CourtJustice Aaron J. Levy presided at a dinner that was given in honor of Max Dickthe “model landlord of Allen and Rvington Streets “who never raised the rentson his tenants” “at the Home of te Sons and Daughters of Israel…which he helpedto build for aged Jews.”

1929:“Broadway Babies” directed by Mervyn LeRoy “premiered at the Central Theatre inNew York City.”

1930(25thof Sivan, 5690): Parashat Sh’lach

1930:According to a statement issued today by David Mr.Bressler, a national co-chairman of the Allied Jewish Campaign, “the newesttrends in educational through and endeavor are being tested in Jewish schoolsin Eastern Europe and Palestine.”

1931: It was reported today that 48-year-oldUniversity of Minnesota graduate and former Assistant Attorney General ofMinnesota, Hiram Frankel, “the executive director of Temple B’nai El” suffereda fatal heart attack tonight “during the ceremonies celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the induction ofDr. Julius Miller into the rabbinate.”

1931: In Brooklyn, attorney“Nathaniel H. Kugelmass” and “the former Rose Goldstein, a high schooladministrator” gave birth to Lawrence Kugelmass Grossman the step-son ofattorney Nathan Grossman who served asPresident of NBC-TV News before becoming President of PBS. (As reportedby Richard Sandomir)

1932: In Buenos Aires LuisSchifrin, who “led the second violin section of the orchestra at the TeatroColón for three decades” and his wife gave birth to Boris Claudio Schifrin whogained as Argentine pianist, composer, arranger and conductor” Lalo Schifrin.

1932: In Paris, France Dolores Porges (née Neubauer) and Pierre Louis-Dreyfus whoheaded the Louis Dreyfus Group and French Resistance leader gave birth toGérard Louis-Dreyfus who as William Louis-Dreyfus became Chairman of the LouisDreyfus Energy Service the multi-billionaire who is the great grandson ofLéopold Louis-Dreyfus, founder of Louis Dreyfus Group and the father of awardwinning actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

1932: “Chicago-Kent CollegeLaw graduate and WW I U.S. Navy veteran William David Saltiel, the “AssistantCorporate Counsel for the City of Chicago, City Attorney and Special Assistantto the United States Attorney General married Cicely Friedman Haas today makingher the daughter-in-law of “Leopold and Marie (Friedman) Saltiel”

1933: “The XXXIII Council of theUnion of American Hebrew Congregations” is scheduled to meet for a fourth daytoday in Chicago.

1933: Birthdate of actor BernieKopell who played Doc on the ABC hit television show, The Love Boat

1933: A memorial meeting was heldthis evening at Beethoven Hall in New York City honoring Dr.Chaim Arlosoroffwho had been murdered last Friday. It was attended by approximately 1,000 Jewsand the leaders of various branches of the Zionist movement. In his speech, Morris Rothenberg, Presidentof the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) made reference to reports thatRevisionists had been connected with the murder and warned against any “rush tojudgment” in determining who was responsible for the crime.

1934: Dr. FrederickB. Robinson, president of City College, and Dr. Bernard Revel, president ofYeshiva College, spoke at the third annual commencement exercises of YeshivaCollege, to be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the college auditorium,186th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.

1934: It was announced today that“Jeanette Sadewitz has been appointed assistant relief dietitian at theJefferson Medical College Hospital in Philadelphia.

1935: Eighty-nine-year-old EdmondFitzmaurice, the 1st Baron Fitzmaurice who while serving as theForeign Office’s spokesman in the House of Lords in 1906 expressed personalsympathy for the plight of the Russian Jews said that the government could notdo anything to intervene to improve the situation because it would upset theRussian government and actually might do more harm than good, passed awaytoday.

1935: “North Carolina trainedlawyer Angus W. McClean who in 1926 while serving as Governor “issued aproclamation urging all the leaders of public thought, non-Jews as well asJews, throughout the State to volunteer their services to help raise North Carolina’squota of $200,000 which is the state’s part in the national United JewishCampaign passed away today.

1936(1st of Tammuz, 5696): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1936: Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein is scheduled to deliver a sermonon “What We Should Forget” at the Jewish Science Society on West 85 Street inManhattan.

1936: “Dr. James G. McDonald of the editorial staff of The NewYork Times and former league of Nations high commissioner for refugees fromgeneral spoke at a meeting of the General Council of Congregational andChristian Church where he that that in German, “not only are the Jews thescapegoat for political and partisan purposes, they are held responsible forall the adversity which the German people have had to undergo.”

1936: In Palestine, Arabs killed Sergeant Henry Sills today andthen “dragged his body into a cave.”

1936: “The Jewish Agency Executive, recognized by the League ofNations mandate as the supreme Jewish authority in Palestine” “called upon theJews of the world to mobilize their forces for ‘well-balanced political effortand strengthened constructive endeavor’ to protect the Jewish position inPalestine.”

1936: It was reported today that Rabbi Charles Raddock of Brooklyn“is planning a literary monthly magazine addressed to the intelligent andnon-partisan American Jewish reader” which he plans on calling Consensus and which he expects to startpublishing in September.

1936: The Palestine Post reported from London that theHouse of Commons held a full-dress debate on the Palestine crisis. There hadbeen unanimity of views that stern measures should be taken to restore law andorder in the country. Mr. Ormsby-Gore, the colonial secretary, expressedconfidence in the High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Wauchope, but was conciliatorytowards the Arabs.

1936: A review of Judaismin Transition by Mordecai M. Kaplan was published today.

1936: An armed band of approximately 60 Arabs attacked a convoy ofJewish owned buses on route to Tel Aviv from Haifa. A British sergeant, Henry Sills, of the SeaforthHighlanders, was killed and three privates of the Royal Scottish Fusiliers werewounded in subsequent fights between the Arab terrorists and the British troopsassigned to provide protection.

1937: Dr. Louis L. Mann, the Rabbi of Sinai Congregation inChicago is scheduled to take part in a “Roundtable Discussion on Minorities ina Democracy” broadcast this afternoon by radio station WJZ.

1938:In the first act of terrorism to take place in TelAviv, a bomb was thrown near a movie theatre seriously injuring a child.

1938: Birthdate of New Yorknative University of Michigan Law School trained attorney Rosemary Shankman whogained fame as United States circuit judge of the United States Court ofAppeals for the Second Circuit Rosemary Shankman Pooler

1938: In London, “Russian Jewish immigrantsMorris and Betsy (née Kersh) Blackstone”gave birth to Donald Blackstone whogained fame as the lyricist Don Black.

1938: In London, “Russian Jewish immigrants Morris and Betsy (néeKersh) Blackstone” gave birth to their youngest child Donald Blackstone whogained fame as Oscar winning lyricist Don Black.

1939: At the World’s Fair in New York, New Jersey Hadassah Day was celebrated withluncheons at the Café Tel Aviv and Toffenettti’s Restaurant while Dr. AlbertEinstein and Rabbi Stephen Wise are the scheduled speakers at a luncheon forRho Pi Phi Fraternity at the Café Tel Aviv.

1940: France surrendered to Germany, a move that would doom theJews of France as well as Jews from across Europe who had sought refuge inFrance before the start of World War II.

1940: Prime Minister Winston Churchill “received a telegram fromLord Lothian, the British Ambassador in Washington, stating that the Jews inthe United States ‘want Jews in Palestine to be organized under British commandto defend Palestine from outside attack and to help the Allies.’ If Palestine were overrun (by the Nazis) andJews had not been put in a position to defend their country, there wouldcertainly be a most deplorable effect on American Jews’ opinion.’”

1940: Georges Mandel and Pierre Mendes France were among thehandful of French deputies who boarded the Massilia for North Africa where theyplanned on continuing the resistance against Nazi Germany.

1941(26th of Sivan, 5701): Parashat Sh’lach

1941(26th of Sivan,5701): Seventy-nine-year-old Eugene Simeon Benjamin, the Leavenworth, KS bornson of Alfred and Sophie Benjamin and husband of the former Miriam Gutman withwhom he had one son, Alfred, who was a parent in I. Woolf, and Company, silkmanufacturers and the managing director of the Baron de Hirsch Fund passed awaytoday in Manhattan.

1941(26th of Sivan, 5701: Sixty-three-year-old AlbertShatzkey, the New Orleans born son ofLouis and Rebecca Schlenker Schatzky, the husband of Etta Amolsky Schatzkey andthe father of Gladys Schatzkey Czarlinsky passed away today after which he wasburied in the Riverview Cemetery at Jefferson City, MO.

1941(26th of Sivan, 5701): Sixty-one-year-old“internationally known dermatologist” Elmore Tauber passed away today in hishometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.

1941: Vichy adopted a statue excluding Jewish students.

1941: Today, “after having been arrested by the Vichy government“and sentenced to six years' imprisonment on a false charge of desertion”Pierre Mendès France”escaped and succeeded in reaching Britain, where hejoined the Free French forces of Charles de Gaulle.”

1942:At Tirzt Zevi, Israel, the temperature reached 129 degrees F (54degrees C)

1942: “The Affairs of Martha” directed by Jules Dassin with ascript co-authored by Isobel Lennart was released in the United States today..

1942: The parents of Paul Celan “were taken from their home andsent by train to an internment camp in Transnistria Governorate, wheretwo-thirds of the deportees eventually perished” and where his father probablydied from typhus and his mother was murdered by gunfire.

1943: Himmler ordered the destruction of all ghettos in Russia. .

1943(18th of Sivan, 5703): In Lvov, The Germans murdered most ofthe remaining ghetto population.

1943(18th of Sivan, 5703): All Jewish workers at municipalfactories in Drogobych, Ukraine, are killed.

1943: Raymond Aubrac was one of eight senior Resistance leaderssecretly meeting in a doctor's surgery in the Lyon suburb of Caluire whenGestapo officers, under the orders of Klaus Barbie, stormed the place andarrested all the eight leaders after having been tipped off by a turncoatmember of the Resistance whose identity remains a mystery to this date.

1943:German Professor August Hirtchooses 103 Jewish men and women at Auschwitz to be transported to theNatzweiler-Struthof camp near Strasbourg, France. There they are gassed. Thesoft tissues of their bodies are removed, and their skeletons are strung up asexhibits in the Reich Anatomical Institute of Strasbourg for the study of theJewish race

1944: The British Foreign Office informed Prime Minister Churchillthat ‘Marshall Tito (the Yugoslav Communist leading the partisans) hasconsented to facilitate the escape of Jewish refugees through his lines fromHungary with the idea that they should reach southern Italy, via Dalmatia.

1945: Guy Liddell, head of counter-espionage at MI5, kept duringthe 1940s and 50s dictated a diary entry to his secretary about a visit to hisoffice by a British War Crimes Executive official, and representatives of MI6and the Special Operations Executive, looking for evidence to support a warcrimes prosecution in which he expressed his opinion that instead of formal warcrime trials, any people found to have committed crimes should be arrested bythe military and punished accordingly.

1946: Birthdate of Edinburgh native and University of Cambridgeeducated “Advocate’ Conservative Party MP Sir Malcolm Leslie Rifkind, “thehusband of Edith Amalia, the daughter ofPolish air force engineer Joseph Steinberg” with whom he had two children,“Caroline and The Times Columnist Hugo Rifkind” and the holder of severalcabinet positions including “Secretary of State for Defense” and “Secretary ofState for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.”

1947: Birthdate of Dr. Rachel Adato, the native of Haifa who heldseveral public health positions including vice president of Sha’arei TzedekMedical Center before serving two terms as an MK.

1948: The Rhodes Conference on the Israeli-Arab war opened. Rhodesis an island in the Mediterranean off the coast of Greece where the meetingswere held. The negotiations were master-minded by Ralph Bunche. Bunche was anAfrican-American diplomat who was a leader of the newly formed United Nations.The negotiations led to armistice agreements between the different Arab statesand the state of Israel. Bunche earned the Nobel Prize for Peace as a rewardfor his efforts.

1949: It was reported today that Israeli Foreign Minister Sharret“had advised the Lausanne delegates to advocate a plebiscite in Araba Palestineto determine whether the inhabitants desired a separate state or annexation toJordan. (Arab Palestine is what is called today the West Bank and in 1949 itwas occupied by the Jordanians who annex the territory without regard to theinhabitants wishes.)

1949: “Rabbi Ira Eisenstein, leader of the Society for theAdvancement of Judaism in New York City, today called for a "commonreligion" that could, and should, be evolved out of America's "briefbut magnificent history as a nation.”

1950: One day after he had drowned while vacationing in Florida,sixty-two year old Georgia businessman Sam Lazarus, the husband of Annie SteinLazarus with whom he had had five children and a member of both B’nai B’riththe Valdosta Hebrew Congregation (Temple Israel) was buried in the “ValdostaHebrew Cemetery” with services led by Rabbi Morris Sklar.

1950: “Rabbi Judah L. Maimon, Minister for Religious Affairs”stormed out of a cabinet meeting today, claiming that he was resigning from BenGurion’s government. Maimon wasprotesting the cuts to his department’s budget, the purchase of surplus meatfrom the United States that “does not conform to religious dietary laws” andwhat he claims are the failure of the government to enforce the strictobservance of the laws of Kashrut in Israeli army kitchens.

1951: Two days after their execution, funeral services were heldfor Julius and Ethel Rosenberg where Rabbi Abraham Cronbach, a sponsor of theCommittee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case delivered an address in whichhe asked people “not to lose heart at their defeat.”

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that Iraq charged thatJews had stored arms and ammunition in Baghdad and put a stop to Jewishemigration, pending an investigation. But planes carrying enforce the strictobservance of the laws of Kashrut in Israeli army kitchens.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Post Officeplanned to establish its own bank, under the new Postal Bank Law.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that at least 35political parties put up candidates for the forthcoming Second Knessetelections. (This number was later reduced to 20.)

1954(20th of Sivan, 5714): Eighty-four-year-oldPittsburgh born Marcus Aaron, the son of Mina and Louis Israel Aaron and thehusband of Stella Aaron with whom he had two children – Marcus and Fanny – whoserved as President of the Homer Laughlin China Company and as President ofRodef Shalom from 1930 to 1941 passed away today.

1955(1st of Tammuz, 5715): Rosh Chodes Tammuz

1955(1st of Tammuz, 5715): Hattie Hanstein Bacharach,the daughter of Samuel and Clara L. Hanstein and the wife of banker HarryBacharach, the chairman of New Jersy State Board of Public UtilityCommissioners and five term mayor Atlantic City and the mother of GraceBacharach passed away.

1955: Perry Como, the crooner who would don a kippa every fall onhis television show before singing Kol Nidre, recorded “Teena Marie” written byBob Merrill (Henry Robert Merrill Levan)

1956: Playwright ArthurMiller appeared before H.U.A.C. and refused to implicate anybody as havingtaken part in Communists activities

1957(22nd of Sivan, 5717): Banker Ellick Nirenstein,the second husband of social activist Blanche Cohen Nirenstein, the daughter ofDavid and Wilhemina Cohen passed away today.

1959: Today, Columbia graduate and HUC trained rabbi HenryBamberger, the son of Ethel Kraus and Bernard Bamberger who began his career atTemple Sinai in Sharon, MA married Sheila Lister with whom he had two children– Judith and Miriam.

1960: Birthdate of David Makovskey, the “director of theWashington Institute for Near East Policy Project on the Middle East PeaceProcess.”

1962: “The James Bond Theme,” the “signature theme song for theBond series” which was written by Monty Norman (Monty Noserovitch) “wasrecorded” today “using five saxophones, nine brass instruments, a solo guitarand a rhythm section.”

1964: Twenty-three-year-old to University of Pennsylvania trainedgeneticist and Noble laureate Michael Brown the Brooklyn born son homemakerEvelyn Brown and textile salesman Harvey Brown married Alice Lapin with whom hehad two daughters – Elizabeth and Sara.

1964(11th of Tammuz, 5724): Three Civil Rights workers, AndrewGoodman, James Cheney and Mickey Schwermer were brutally murdered in NeshobaCounty, Mississippi by members of the Ku Klux Klan. Goodman and Schwermer wereboth Jewish. Cheney was an Afro-American. Goodman and Schwermer had come Southas part of group who were determined to help Blacks register to vote. Anall-white jury acquitted their killers, who included local law enforcementofficials, of murder charges. They were later prosecuted in federal court andfound guilty of having deprived the young trio of their civil rights. Goodmanand Schwermer were part of a whole cadre of Jews who participated in the fightfor equality for Blacks. This reality makes a sad counter-point to theanti-Semitic speeches of people like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan.

1965(21st of Sivan, 5725): Seventy-year-old “Moses A Leavitt, aleader of relief and resettlement activities for Jews throughout the world”passed away today at hospital in Geneva “after having suffered a stroke.”

1966: Joseph Zaretski, the Democratic minority leader said that hehas agreed to postpone the vote on taxes until after the state primaryelections.

1967: “Two days after she had passed away, funeral services arescheduled to be held today at the Park Avenue Synagogue for 55 year old DorothyGeller, the wife of NY State Supreme Court Judy Abraham N. Geller with whom shehad had three children – Bruce, Susan and Judith – and the daughter of Sadyeand Oscar Friedlander who was a leader of the United Jewish Appeal of New Yorkand the Park Avenue Synagogue Sisterhood.

1967: “Divorce American Style” directed by Bud Yorkin produced byNorman Lear who co-authored the script with Robert Kaufman and featuring TomBosley was released today in the United States.

1969: In response to Egyptian artillery attacks andother hostile acts, Israeli naval commandos attack and destroy the Egyptianradar facility at Ras El-Adabiya. The destruction of the radar complex left theEgyptians “blind” when Israeli jets attacked the artillery bases that had beenfiring on the Israelis.

1969:InMonmouth County, Beth Miriam, “in conjunction with Rabbi Lefkowitz’s retirementafter 25 years of devoted service and the Temple’s 80th Anniversary, held agala dinner

1970(17thof Sivan, 5730): Seventy-one-year-old historian Cecil Roth whose works includedthe classic A History of the Jews in England passed away today.;jsessionid=7E8A4CA01C796CD0F3E3E03210D4B5BC

1970:“Catch-22” the movie version of Joseph Heller’s novel directed by Mike Nichols,with a screenplay by Buck Henry and featuring Alan Arkin, Bob Balaban, MartinBalsam, Buck Henry, Richard Benjamin, Norman Fell, Art Garfunkel, Jack Gilfordand Charles Grodin was released in the United States today.

1972:ABC broadcast the first episode of “The Super” a sitcom created by Rob Reiner,Phil Mishkin, and Gerry Isenberg.

1972:“Frenzy” Alfred Hitchco*ck’s penultimate film with a screenplay by AnthonyShaffer was released in the United Kingdom today. (Hitch was not Jewish – Shaffer was)

1974: “One hundred Moscow Jewishactivists including Benjamin Levich, Alexander Lerner, Mikhail Agursky andVitali Rubin wrote to President Nixon urging him not to permit his partners inMoscow negotiations to worsen situation of Soviet Jews.”

1975(12th of Tammuz, 5735):Seventy-four-year-old Ukrainian born American composer David Tamkin passed awaytoday.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that the American navyevacuated 300 foreigners from Beirut.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that a $15m. annualpropaganda program, designed to swing the American public opinion away fromIsrael and toward the Arabs was reported in the US.

1977: Menachem Begin became the sixth Prime Minister ofIsrael. This marked a major shift in Israeli politics. TheLabor-Zionists who had dominated the governmentsince the start of thestate were out and the Revisionists had gained power. This reversal infortune had many causes including corruption in the Labor Party and shiftingdemographics inIsrael.

1978: “The Carter Administration has decided to seek a formalproposal from Egypt on the future of the Israelioccupied West Bank of the Jordan and the Gaza Strip as a possibleway of reviving the stalled Middle East Peace talks, officials said today.”

1979: Three Palestinian terrorist were killed while “attemptingbuild a bomb” near Jenin/

1980: On the 41st anniversary of the creation of CampGurs, a reunion of hundred former detainees, members of the French resistanceand “survivors of the Nazi death camps came to an end. This was the second of what has become annualevent thanks, in part, to the efforts of L'Amicalede Gurs, which was formed at this second reunion.

1980: In Arnhem, Netherlands, opening of the Sixth ParalympicGames where Hagai Zamir and Igal Pazi would win a Gold Medal in Volleyball.

1981(19th of Sivan, 5741): Isadore Blumenfeld aJewish-American organized crime figure based in Minneapolis, Minnesota known asKid Cann, passed away.

1981: “A Hero, Soviet Style” provides a review of Borodin:Stalin's Man in China by Dan N. Jacobs, a biography of Michael Borodin(born Mikhail Markovich Gruzenberg) who fell victim to Stalin’s “anti-Semitic‘cosmopolitan’ campaign.”

1982: In London, Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess ofWales gave birth to Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, the second in line tothe British throne who in 2017 met with Auschwitz survivor and resistancefighter Freddie Knoller with whom he discussed his visit to “Stutthof, a formerNazi-run camp built in what is now Poland, where 65,000 people, including28,000 members of the Jewish community, died before it was liberated by theAllies in May 1945.”

1982: Today NBC broadcast the “Ain’t Misbehavin” the musical revuewith a book co-authored by Murray Horwitz with the original Broadway cast.

1983: Fifty-eight Sala Burton, the widow of Congressman PhilipBurton began serving as a “member of the U.S. House of Representatives fromCalifornia’s 5th district.”

1984: “The Last Winter” “a joint American-Israeli venture”“directed by Riki Shelach Nissimoff and produced by Avi Lerner” that is set inthe aftermath of the Yom Kippur War was released today.

1985: U.S. premiere of “Cocoon” a comedic look at aging andresurrection produced by Richard Zanuck co-starring Jack Gilford and StevenGuttenberg

1985: Scientists reported that skeletal remains exhumed inBrazil were Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death at Auschwitz. Mengeleescaped punishment after the war, thanks in no small part to support from hisfamily in Germany.

1985: “Return to Oz” with music by David Shire and co-staringPiper Laure (Rosetta Jacobs) was released today in the United States.

1987(24th of Sivan, 5747): Seventy-nine-year-oldChicago born Phillip “Phil” Weintraub who played for Lane Technical CollegePrep High School and Loyola University who played first base and the outfieldfor several major league teams from 1933 to 1945 passed away today.

1987(24th of Sivan, 5747): Abram Chasins “anAmerican composer, pianist, piano teacher, lecturer, musicologist, musicbroadcaster, radio executive and author” passed away.

1988: “Backfire” a film featuring a “murderous love triangle”featuring Dinah Manoff and with music by David Shire was released in the UnitedStates today.

1989: “The army announced today that it had arrested threePalestinians from the neighboring village of Buruqin suspected of killingFriedrich Steven Rosenfeld, a 48-year-old immigrant from the United States” whohad been stabbed death “while hiking in the hills near Ariel.”

1990: NBC broadcast the final episode of season one for Seinfeld.

1995: Eighty-year-old actor Vladimir Zeldin, was awarded the Orderof Friendship today - for services to the state, achievements in work andsignificant contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation betweenpeoples

1996: “Good Morning America” film critic Joel Siegel marriedartist Ena Swansea.

1996: “Eraser” co-starring James Caan and filmed bycinematographer Adam Greenberg was released today in the United States.

1996: U.S. premiere of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” an animatedversion of the classic novel with a score by Alan Meken who joined with StephenSchwartz to create the songs for the film which included the voice of JasonAlexander.

1997(16th of Sivan, 5757): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1997: At Allessandria, Italy, opening of International Congress ofthe International Napoleonic Conference at which Dr. Ben Weider, is scheduledto deliver a paper –“Napoleon and the Jews.”

1997: In Sagaponack, NY, Rabbi Joel Zion officiated at themarriage of 29 year old orthopedic resident Dr. Stephen Gregg Silver and 28year old Melissa Wendy Katz, the senior director of press and publicity at BigBeat/Atlantic Records whose father-in-law is also in the music business servingas the vice president of Abkco Music and Records, Incl.

1998:(27th of Sivan, 5758): Seventy-four-year-oldGloria Ross, the New York born daughter Alfred and Martha Frankenthaler and the“ex-wife of Arthur Ross” passed away today.

1998: The New York Times featured reviews of books byJewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Cardozoby Andrew L. Kaufman

2000: “After two years of symptoms and misdiagnoses by eightdoctors, Fran Drescher was admitted to Los Angeles's Cedars Sinai Hospital”today where she he had to undergo an immediate radical hysterectomy” astreatment for uterine cancer that doctors just discovered she had.

2001(30th of Sivan, 5761): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

2001(30th of Sivan, 5761): Ninety-two year “Yiddishist”and “son of Ruchla Laja and Chaim Haskell Libeskind” Nachman Libeskin, the“self-taught artist” who survived “the Holocaust and Russian Labor Camps”passed away today.

2001: The Dubnow Institute hosted an international conference on“Restitution and Memory” that began today in Vienna.

2002: It was reported today that Federal prosecutors led by JamesComey, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York said “that nocriminal wrongdoing was committed when President Bill Clinton commuted thesentences of four swindlers from a Hasidic enclave in New York State that votedoverwhelmingly for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.” (Randal C. Archibold)

2003: The Martin Beck Theatre in New York was renamed the AlHirschfeld Theatre.

2003(21st of Sivan, 5763):Novelist Leon Uris passed away.Uris first reached popular and critical acclaim with Battle Cry anovel about Marines fighting World War II.Coincidentally, Uris had served with the Marines. He hit the literary and financial jackpotwith Exodus, a novel that depicted the birth of the state ofIsrael. He followed with other bookswith Jewish themes including Mila 18, QB VII, The Hajand Mitla Pass.

2003(21st of Sivan, 5763):Eighty-one year old screenwriter, playwright, producer and directorGeorge Axelrod, the son of non-Jewishscreen star and a Russian Jew, passed away today. (As reported by Rick Lyman)

2004: Wrestler Matt Bloom tore a rotator cuff.

2004: Human rights activist Felice Gaer addressed the UnitedNations Conference on Anti-Semitism

2004: - A foreign worker, Weerachai Wongput, 37, from the Nong HanDistrict of the northeastern province of Udon Thani in Thailand, died afterbeing hit by shrapnel from a mortar fired into greenhouses in Kfar Darom in theGaza Strip. The mortar was fired by Palestinians trying to divert attentionfrom an attempt to infiltrate the settlement. Hamas claimed responsibility forthe attack

2007(5th of Tammuz, 5767): Twenty-five-year-old PrivateFirst Class Daniel J. Agami, was killed by an improvised explosive device inAdhamiya, Iraq today. A native of Cleveland who grew up in Coral Springs,Florida, Agami came from a proud military and Jewish tradition. His grandfather served in the Korean War andhis father had served with the Israeli Army.He enlisted four years after 9/11. “Agami flew an Israeli flag over hisbunk in Schweinfurt, Germany, his home base, and then in Iraq. His rifle had “HebrewHammer” written across it, and his friends called him the GI Jew.

2007:In Los Angeles, Mäni’s Bakery of Los Angeles teams upwith Camp Max Straus on in a chocolate cake tasting, with 100% of the proceedsbenefiting Camp Max Straus. Camp Max Straus provides year-round residential andweekend mentoring programs for under-served children between the ages of 7-12who primarily come from single (or substitute) parent homes, regardless oftheir ability to pay. The camp is non-denominational and is owned and operatedby Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles. It serves approximately2,000 children each year. Founded in 1915, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters ofLos Angeles specializes in mentoring children through its core matchingprogram, school-based mentoring program and Camp Max Straus residential, SportsBuddies and Arts Buddies programs.

2007: Severn years after undergoing a radical hysterectomy astreatment for uterine cancer, Fran Drescher “announced the national of theChancer Schmancer Movement a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring thatall women's cancers be diagnosed while in Stage 1, the most curable stage.”

2008: In Washington, D.C. former New York Times reporter JaneFletcher Geniesse discusses and signs her new book, American Priestess: The Extraordinary Storyof Anna Spafford and the American Colony in Jerusalem at Politicsand Prose Bookstore.

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books byJewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including DigitalBarbarism: A Writer’s Manifesto by Mark Helprin

2009: The Washington Post featured reviews of books byJewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including In HerOwn Sweet Time by Rachel Lehmann-Haupt

2009:The Sixth Australian Israel Film Festival, sponsoredby AICE, the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange, opens at the JerusalemCinematheque with a screening of “Tackling Peace,” a documentary about a joint Israeli/Palestinian team thatwas established to enter the 2008 AFL (Australian Rules) International Cupsoccer competition, which was held in Victoria, Australia, last August. Theteam - a collaboration between the Peres Center for Peace and the Al-QudsAssociation for Democracy and Dialogue - was coached by Australian legend KevinSheehan. The documentary chronicles this competition, which gave Israelis andPalestinians a rare chance to break down barriers and work toward a commongoal.

2009:The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ConsulateGeneral of Israel in New York, the Israel Ministry of Tourism, the IsraelGovernment Tourist Office in New York, and the Tel Aviv-Yafo CentennialAdministration join together to sponsor The Tel Aviv Beach Party, part of thecelebration of Tel Aviv’s 100th Anniversary.

2010:The Sixth Republic Bank Golf Challenge benefitingJewish Family & Career Services and the Jewish Community of Louisville'sJewish Community Center of Louisville is scheduled to be held today at ChariotRun, a Harrah's Golf Course.

2010: Ten years to the day after having undergone a radicalhysterectomy, Fran Drescher announced that she was still cancer free.

2010: The Jewish Agency’s new strategic plan will place the state and land ofIsrael squarely at the center of Diaspora consciousness, according to astatement Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky made to the Jerusalem Posttoday. abandoning our goals, but the focus is changing, because,” he concludes,“the world is changing.”

2011: Family in Captivity, a film that “is an intimate story that followsthe day to day efforts of the Shalit family to cope and bring Gilad home” isscheduled to be shown at The JCC in Manhattan.

2011: The Kaye Innovation Awards are scheduled to be presentedtoday during the Board Of Governors Meeting of the Hebrew University. The prizes were established in 1994 by Isaac Kaye– a prominent industrialist in the British pharmaceutical industry – toencourage HU faculty, staff and students to develop innovative methods andinventions with good commercial potential that will benefit the university andsociety.

2011: Israelruns the risk of losing the battle for public opinion in Latin America if itdoesn’t devote more resources to its advocacy efforts there, Jewish officialsfrom that part of the world warned at the World Jewish Congress, which drew toa close today.

2011: RichardStone, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American JewishOrganizations, and conference executive vice president Malcolm Hoenleinexpressed dismay and regret today that Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard was notallowed to attend the funeral of his father Morris in Indiana the day before.The statement criticizing the US administration, without mentioning it by name,was rare for the central coordinating body representing 51 national Jewishorganizations on issues of national and international concern.

2011: Lithuania'sparliament passed a long-awaited bill to compensate the Jewish community forcommunal property taken during the Nazi and Soviet occupations of the country.More than 90 percent of Lithuania's 220,000-strong Jewish community were wipedout during the Holocaust

2011(19thof Sivan, 5771): Eighty-three-year-old Jewish feminist author E.M. Bronerpassed away today in New York. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012:JSSA (Jewish Social Service Agency) is scheduled to host an open house at theIna Kay Building in Rockville, MD

2012:The Weiner Library is scheduled to host a special tour as part of Gypsy RomaTraveller History Month, which will include a viewing exhibitions, archives andspecial collections relating to the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the Gypsy RomaTraveller experience during the Holocaust.

2012:“Going Up: Jerusalem,” part of the Jerusalem Season of Culture is scheduled toopen today.

2012:Marianne Lubar is scheduled to receive the Spirit Community Award at acommunity luncheon at the Jewish Museum of Milwaukee.

2012:Sabra Alon Yavnai and his Big Band are scheduled to perform at Bryant Park.

2012: Atleast five rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at the southern city ofAshkelon this evening as cross-border violence restarted after a day-long lull.

2012:Professor Peter Beinart and Abe Foxman were among those who spoke at the “Whatdoes World Jewry Expect from Israel?” conference.

2012(1stof Tammuz, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

2012:Police detained a female activist at the Western Wall for over three hourstoday because she was wearing a “male-style” tallit. The incident took placeafter 65 women from the Women of the Wall organization concluded their RoshChodesh prayer service.(As reported by Jeremy Sharon and Melanie Lidman)

2012(1stof Tammuz, 5772): Ninety-year-old, the composer and lyricist who created “ThePajama Game” and “Damn Yankees” two Broadway musicals that were cinemasuccesses passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012:Indian security forces arrested Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Hamza, allegedmember of Lashker-e-Taiba (Army of the Righteous) and the Hindi instructor of10 terrorists who executed the murderous attack in Mumbai in 2008.

2012(1st ofTammuz, 5772): Ninety-Six-year-old Anna Schwartz, the research economists whocollaborated with Milton Friedman, passed away today, (As reported by Robert D.Hershey)

2013: The International Consortium for Researchon Antisemitism and Racism, hosted by the Pears Institute for the study ofAntisemitism is scheduled to come to an end at the University of London

2013: Steve Schutzman’s“A Question of Water” under the direction of Tzipora Kaplan is scheduled to beperformed as part of the Jewish Plays Project

2013(13th ofTammuz, 5773): A Jewish man was killed this morning at the Western Wall plazain Jerusalem after being shot multiple times by a security guard. The guard told police that 46-year-old DoronBen Shlush was in a public bathroom onsite, and that he shouted “Allahu Akbar,”an Arabic phrase meaning “God is greater.” The phrase, though common in Muslimparlance, has historically been shouted by terrorists ahead of perpetratingattacks in Israel

2013: The US will cutfive percent, or $175 million, from its annual military aid package to Israelas part of across-the-board budgetary spending cuts, a Hebrew daily reportedtoday.

2014: Israeli accordionvirtuoso Uri Sharlin and his quartet are scheduled to “play originalcompositions that blend jazz and classical influences with Balkan rhythms,Arabic modes, and Brazilian harmonies” at Harold Square.

2014: National HebrewBook Week is scheduled to come to an end.

2014: South Africanjurist Ablie Sachs who was an opponent of apartheid “was awarded Taiwan'sinaugural Tang Prize in the Rule of Law for his contributions to human rightsand justice globally.”

2014: “Dozens of Jewishdemonstrators gathered for a minute of silence today before the Argentina-IranWorld Cup game, demanding justice for a still unsolved bombing attack against aBuenos Aires Jewish center 20 years ago that left 85 dead and for which Iranhas been blamed.”

2014: After “a rocket hit a road in the Hof Ashkelon Regional thismorning” three more rockets were fired into southern Israel from Gaza thisevening.” (As reported by Matan Tzuri, Ilana Curiel)

2015: A Palestinianterrorist stabbed an Israeli border police officer today near the Damascus Gatein Jerusalem.

2015: “The Berlin Philharmonic members…finally reached a decisionin a vote” today and chose Kirill Petrenko, 43, a Russian-born Jew, to be itsnew conductor.

2015: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest toJewish readers including The Odd Woman and The City: A Memoir by VivianGornick

2015:The exhibition “Ordinary Matters" Animations and Paintings by ShelleyJordon is scheduled to come to a close at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Centerfor Holocaust Education.

2015: “Examining Lives with Jewish Eyes”featuring the work of “FotoMacher Frank Barnett” is scheduled to come to aclose at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center Holocaust Education.

2015: Florida International University isscheduled to host the opening session of International Research Conference ofthe Latin American Jewish Studies Association at the Wolfe University Center.

2015: The YIVO Institute for Jew History “incollaboration with the Russian American Foundation and the Russian Museum ofEthnography is scheduled to host “the opening reception for the exhibit“Shtetl: Graphic Works and Sketches of Solomon Yudovin (1920-1940).”

2015: Myron (Mickey) Glazer and his wife,Penina Glazer, are scheduled to read from the newly published collection oftwenty-four stories, essays, and vignettes written by Mickey and his latebrother, Irving (Itzik) Glasser, Itzikand Mickey, at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA.

2016: “The Last Mentsch” is scheduled to beshown at the Portland, Oregon Jewish Film Festival.

2016: Fifty year old Esti Weinstein, a motherof eight and who had left the Gur Chasidic community in Israel eight years agodisappeared today, six days before her body would be found in her car.

2016: The second annual “Towards a New Law ofConference” sponsored by Shurat HaDin is scheduled to come to an end today inJerusalem.

2017: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgis scheduled to serve as the presiding judge at “A Mock Appeal for Shylockwhich is a commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the VeniceGhetto. Sponsored by the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington.

2017: Judge Paul Feinman at the State Capitolin Albany after his appointment to the Court of Appeals was confirmed by theNew York Senate today, the last day of the legislative session

2017: “Senior Advisor to the President JaredKushner, Assistant to the President and Special Representative forInternational Negotiations Jason Greenblatt, and United States Ambassador toIsrael David Friedman met today in Jerusalem with Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu of Israel and his senior advisors.”

2017: “Katherine Dettwyler, an adjunctprofessor in the University of Delaware’s anthropology department” postedcomments on Facebook, saying that Jewish university student “Otto Warmbier gotexactly what he deserved.”

2017: At the Center for Jewish History, ThomasHansen, Professor Emeritus of German at Wellesley College is scheduled tospeaking at a reception marking the opening of an exhibition “George Salter: ALegacy of Book Design” highlighting the work of a man whose parents convertedhim to Christianity at the age of one.

2018(8th of Tammuz, 5778):Sixty-eight-year-old Pulitzer Prize winning author and political commentatorCharles Krauthammer passed away today.

2018: In Lyndhust, “an eastern suburb ofCleveland,” shiva will be observed for Robert L. “Bob” Sill, “a founding memberof the Cleveland Chapter of American ORT who went on to serve as nationalpresident of American ORT and chairman of the board of World ORT.”

2018: The Center For Jewish History and theYIVO Institute For Jewish Research ae scheduled to present a screening of “AnArticle of Hope,” journalist Dan Cohen’s documentary about Ilan Ramon’s flightaboard the Space Shuttle Columbia.

2018: In Pittsburgh, PA, the Society ForAmerican Baseball Research Convention is scheduled to host a session “Collusionand Collision: Hank Greenberg in Pittsburgh in 1947”

2018: Filmmaker Aviva Kempner is scheduled toshow a 24-minute work in progress clip, entitled "Moe Berg: All-StarEspionage?" at the Society for American Baseball Research Convention inPittsburgh, PA.

2019: This evening, in week eight the OxfordJewish Society is scheduled to host Kabbalat Shabbat followed by a Friday nightdinner.

2019: “The Spy Behind Home Plate” by AvivaKempner is scheduled to open today at the Quad Cinema in NYC, the West EndCinema in Washington, D.C., the Siskel Film Center in Chicago and the MapleTheatre in Detroit.

2019: Two days after he had passed away,funeral services are scheduled to be held in Cedar Rapids at Temple Judah for66 year old Daniel S. Rodgers, the Chicago born highly successful businessmanand civic leader and the husband Marcia Rodgers with whom he raised two sonsBenjamin and Michael followed by burial at Eben Israel Cemetery. (Editor’s Note– Dan is the son Fred Rodgers, whose parents sent him out of Frankfurt whenHitler came to power, without knowing if they would ever see him again. At a time of increased risingHolocaust-denial, this tragic loss reminds us that had Hitler been successfulthe world would have been denied Dan Rodgers.)

2020: The Asiyah Jewish Community is scheduledto present online, the “New Moon Circle: Tammuz Edition welcoming the coming ofthe new lunar month and “the transition from spring to summer.”

2020: Stanford professor Ariel Evan Mayse isscheduled to speak vitually, about his book, Speaking Infinites, inwhich he argues that the Maggid of Mezritsh was the founder of Hasidism, notthe Ba’al Shem Tov

2020: The URJ Eisner Camp is scheduled topresent, online, “Nefesh Mountain in Concert.

2020: As Israelis begin their work week, theymay be wondering about the implications of reports of rising COVID-19 case andthe fact that “The CoronavirusNational Information and Knowledge Center, part of IDF’s intelligence unit,said in a report published yesterday that Israel has entered the beginningstages of the second wave of COVID-19. (YNET)

2021: The ADL isscheduled to present online, the Boston Jewish Community Virtual MayoralCandidate Forum.

2021: The FirstAnnual Agnon Festival is scheduled to begin today.

2021: The AmericanSephardi Federation is scheduled to host a unique discussion with animator andfilmmaker C.A. MacFinn and creative producer Clare Kohavi, from CGMuse abouttheir upcoming film, "Ariel":

2021: The JewishFederation of Greater Des Moines is scheduled to hold its 107thAnnual Meeting which was originally planned for June 14.

2021: As part oftheir pre-Tokyo 2021 exhibition game tour, members of the Israeli Olympicbaseball team is scheduled to participate in a virtual panel, including NewEngland players Jake Fishman and Jeremy Bleich, and the team’s general manager,Peter Kurz.

2021: The S.F. BayArea Jewish Genealogical Society is scheduled to present a workshop on how touse a database with records of families in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania,Germany and Prussia which will be led by Robinn Magid of

2022: The EdenTamir Center is scheduled to host A Special Concert in cooperation with theJerusalem Symphony Orchestra.

2022: Alliance forJewish Theatre is scheduled to present “Jewish Comedy and Musical Satire,”multimedia talk looks at the interaction between comedy and Jews, born of afatalistic sensibility that sees irony everywhere, often expressed by sarcasm”with screenwriter and comedian David Misch.

2022: TheStreicker Center is scheduled to host a screening of James L. Freedman’s “CarlLaemmle,” the documentary that tells the tale of the film maker who createdfictional monsters while saving real people from real monsters.

2022: The SkirballCenter is scheduled to host a discussion about the delicatessen in America withTed Merwin, award-winning author of Pastrami on Rye, and senior contributingeditor for the Forward, Rob Eshman.

2022: Given therise in COVID-19 cases and warnings from Health Ministry officials hospitaldirectors my be beginning “preparations for the reopening of dedicated COVID-19wards” while other officials are “mulling the reintroduction of certainrestrictions” such as mandatory indoor masking.

2022: Based onstatements last night, Israelis are awakening to the end of the governingcoalition with elections probably scheduled to take place in the fall.

2022: In NewOrleans, Temple Sinai is scheduled to hold its Board Meeting.

2022: In one ofthe few runoff elections for the Georgia General Assembly, Betsy Kramer, along-time Fulton County Republican Party official, who is Jewish, facesRepublican businessman Narender Reddy.

2023: BackRoom Boston and the Boston Festivalof New Jewish Music is scheduled to present Ezekiel’s Wheels Klezmer Band!

2023: In New Orleans, The Jewish EndowmentFoundation Board Meeting is scheduled to take place today.

2023: The Membership Committee and the TempleEmanu-El Stricker Center are scheduled to host a screening of “Grease” on its 9thfloor rooftop.

2023: At The Magnes, Vi, fashion historian andcreator of the YouTube channel SnappyDragon, is scheduled to discuss herproject “The Clothes On Their Backs,” where she recreates a Shabbat dress thather great great grandmother might have worn as a young working-class HungarianJewish immigrant woman in the Victorian-era Lower East Side.

2023: The Jewish Community Relations Council ofGreater Boston is scheduled to present an online “Special Briefing AmbassadorDeborah Lipstadt.”

2023: While there was no clear timeline forwhen results would be announced, it was expected that the votes for the nexthead of the Israel Bar Association wouldnot be fully tallied until this morning.(As reported by Jeremy Sharon)

2024: At Oakhill Park in Petaluma, CA. the ChabadJewish Center is scheduled to present “Challah in the Park” a “workshop forfamilies to make their own challah for Shabbat.

2024: In San Francisco, the Toni Rembe Theatreis scheduled to host a performance of “The Lehman Triology,” a play that follows “the lives of threeimmigrant brothers from when they arrive in America and start an investmentfirm through the collapse of the company in 2008. Play following the lives of threeimmigrant brothers from when they arrive in America and start an investmentfirm through the collapse of the company in 2008.”

2024: As June 21st begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and theHamas held hostages begin day 259 in captivity.(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so weare just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, June 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.