Tips & Crowd Pleasing Recipes for Super Bowl Sunday and Beyond (giveway ends 2/10/13) (2024)


I cannot believe that the Super Bowl is this coming Sunday. It seems like the teams were just practicing for the start of theseason yesterday. It’s scary how quickly time flies.

We’re not having a Super Bowl party, nor were we invited to one. I hope that next year, IF we are lucky enough to have a house by then, we can host a Super Bowl party. I would love that! I have so many great recipes I want to try out.

I recently attended a webinar with Land O’ Lakes.My family ‘s Land O’ Lakes cheese,especially their 2%yellow American cheese. I buy a pound of that every week. In fact I just purchased more this afternoon.

The webinar was really interesting and I learned some fun facts about cheese as well as great tips for hosting a fabulous Super Bowl party. The tips can actually be applied to any get together you might be hosting for your family and friends too.

Here are a few tips that I jotted down from the webinar that I found very useful.

  • Make a List – When hosting a Super Bowl Party (or any kind of a party), make a list of what you want to serve and what ingredients you’ll need to purchase. It’s OK to purchase pre-made items too, especially if it makes things easier for you.
  • Offer “heavy” appetizers – Preparing a meal for all your guests is not an easy task. Instead offer guests hearty appetizers that will help fill them up. The last thing you want is your guests to leave your home hungry.
  • Prepare appetizers and dishes ahead of time whenever possible. That means less work for you the day of the party.
  • Instead of preparing a lot of items, offer guests “build your own” options. For example, instead of buying a huge sub sandwich, consider offering guests cold cuts and different types of breads so they can prepare their own sandwiches to their liking. Or offer all the fixings for nachos and let guests create their own with different topping options (peppers, olives, onions…).
  • Simplify your food selections. After all, it’s not a formal dinner. It’s a football game. You don’t have to whip up gourmet treats.
  • Remember that “Variety is the spice of life”. Offer your guests a variety of different foods options. This is especially good if you have guests who might have food sensitivity such as those allergic to nuts or who can’t tolerate Gluten.
  • Remember… “Many hands make light work“. It’s OK to ask guests to bring their favorite dish or appetizer to your event.
  • Offer your guests a buffet style set up. And make sure to have options for children. That way parents can customize their children’s plates and there won’t be any worry about wasted food.
  • When setting up the foods and beverages make sure to have a strategic placement of items to keep them away fromlittle hands. For example, put hot plates in the center of the table, or towards the back, so little ones can’t accidentally burn themselves on it.
  • Send left overs home with your guests. Some of your guests might have a long drive home. Sending them home with some left over treats would certainly be very appreciated. You can always pick up inexpensive left over containers at Dollar Stores, or simply use plastic wrap and Ziploc bags.
  • If you are bringing a dish to a party that needs to be warmed up, check with the host ahead of time to see if there will be room in the oven, of if the host has heating pads or a slow cooker. If not, consider making something else that doesn’t need to be warmed up.
  • Most importantly – ENJOY THE PARTY! What fun is it hosting a party, such as a Super Bowl party, if you are not going to have fun?

In addition to those great tips I also learnedsome interesting cheese facts from thewebinar.

It takes 1gallon of milk to make one pounds of cheese.

The US makes the most cheese, however Greece has the highest cheese consumption.


Now that you have these great tips for hosting the perfect Super Bowl party, you’ll need some great recipes too.

One recipe I MUST try is the Pull-Apart Party Loaf. Oh my goodness! It looks so good! And oh-s0-easy to make too.

Another recipe that I learned about from the webinar are the Cheesy Pulled Pork Walking Tacos. You make them inside a snack size bag of corn chips. This is one of those recipes that would be great with all the fixings available to guests so they can create their own.

Another recipe that would work well with having all the fixing available to guest to customize their own is the Mediterranean Pita Nachos. I know that nachos are a crowd favorite at Super Bowl parties. I love this yummy twist on a classic appetizer.

These Philly Cheesestake Totchos look like they would be a hit with young and old alike. They are made with Tatar Tots. I would never think to use Tatar Tots in this way. It makes me wonder what other creative ways to use Tots in recipes?

These are just a small sampling of the great recipes you can find the the Land O’ Lakes website. Not only do they have tasty recipes to make your Super Bowl party a huge success, but they also have seasonal, holiday and year round recipes too including appetizers, desserts and main meals.

For more information visit

In addition to their website you can also find Land O’ Lakes at these social networking sites – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Beforewarned, their Pinterest page is drool-worthy. 🙂

To help you put together the perfect party, Land O’ Lakes has generoulsy offered to give a lucky reader a great prize package. The prize package includes:

  • Emile Henry pizza stone ($50 retail)
  • Crate&Barrel serving platter ($20 retail)
  • Reusable refrigerated grocery bag
  • (1) high-value Land O’Lakes deli cheese coupon

I have not seen it yet, but I heard that the serving platter is HUGE.

This giveaway is open to US residents only and will end on February 10, 2013 at 11:59 PM (EST). The winner will be chosen at random usinga random number generator from all eligible entries. The winner will be notified via e-mail and will have three days to reply or a new winner will be chosen in their place.

To enter please leave a comment on this post and tell me which one of these recipes you think you’d like to make for your Super Bowl party (or next gathering). You are also welcome to use any of the recipes found on the Land O’ Lake website too.

For extra entries you can use the Rafflecopter widget (below) but you must complete the initial entry requirement or the additional entries won’t qualify. Extra entries are optional.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*I will be receiving a similar prize package free of charge for my participation. There was no other compensation. The opinions expressed are my own and were not influenced in any way. Land O’ Lakes will be providing the prize package.


Tips & Crowd Pleasing Recipes for Super Bowl Sunday and Beyond (giveway ends 2/10/13) (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.