Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (2024)

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (1) Easy Recipes

By Anna Young

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Mac and cheese is such a classic, well-known recipe so it goes without saying there are also tons of recipe adaptations out there. Mine however, has to do with the instant pot so keep reading if you love this nifty appliance as much as I do. This recipe is for a perfectly creamy instant pot mac and cheese that adults and kids alike will go crazy for. It ticks all the boxes of our favorite comfort food and best of all, it only takes one pot.

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (2)

Classic Style Mac and Cheese From Scratch – In Less Than 10 Minutes

Perhaps my favorite thing about owning an instant pot is how easy it makes whipping up some of my favorite dishes from scratch. That’s definitely the case with this mac and cheese recipe as you can have it ready from start to finish in less than 10 minutes.

You’ll first need to add one pound of elbow macaroni into your instant pot, along with four cups of water and just a pinch of salt. Stir everything until combined and then seal up the instant pot, setting the venting knob to ‘SEALING’.

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (3)

Next, press the ‘PRESSURE COOK’ button and double check to make sure that pressure level is reading as ‘high’. Set the timer for approximately four minutes and then give the instant pot about 10 minutes for the pressure to come down on its own.

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (4)

Open the lid of your instant pot and mix in 12 ounces of shredded sharp Cheddar cheese, ⅓ cup of cream cheese, and a single teaspoon of dry mustard (you can feel free to add more or less for your preferred taste).

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (5)

Stir everything until it’s well combined, add a bit of salt and black pepper for seasoning, and then you’ll be all set to enjoy this deliciously creamy instant pot mac and cheese!

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (6)

Can You Suggest Any Other Instant Pot Mac and Cheese Recipes?

Once again, when you stop to consider the fact that mac and cheese is such a classic meal, it should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that there are so many different ways to make it. That also extends to instant pot recipes, as there’s quite a few other tasty ways to make your own homemade mac and cheese. As a matter of fact, here are five more great recipes for you to try out next from some of my favorite blogs around the web:

What Other Ingredients Pair Well with Mac and Cheese?

In spite of the fact that mac and cheese is such a classic dish, sometimes it pays off to mix things up a little bit. That definitely applies to this instant pot mac and cheese – there are actually a few different suggestions I would make if you want to switch things up:

  • Add in sliced hot dogs – this is a great option for kids!
  • Add a can of tuna along with some peas for a deliciously cheesy seafood dish
  • Add in your choice of either ketchup or hot sauce to spice things up a bit
  • Add in your choice of either sliced bacon strips or bacon crumble
  • Add in different types of cheese – Parmesan cheese in particular gives this mac and cheese recipe quite a distinctive taste!

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (7)

How to Freeze Mac and Cheese

Yes, it’s definitely possible to freeze your instant pot mac and cheese to enjoy later. You can simply freeze your mac and cheese as soon as it comes out of the instant pot, reheating it whenever you’re ready to enjoy it.

Just be sure to store it in an airtight container when you put it in the freezer. So long as the mac and cheese is properly stored, you can expect it to last in the freezer for up to three months. Alternatively, you can store this instant pot mac and cheese in the fridge, following the same basic idea. In the fridge, you can expect this dish to last for 3-4 days.

Of course, this all assumes you don’t want to enjoy this mac and cheese as soon as it’s done cooking in the instant pot. However, I’m willing to bet that as soon as you try this recipe for the first time, your mac and cheese won’t last anywhere near that long.

My Mac and Cheese Is Too Soft/Mushy

Just in case your mac and cheese ends up being a little too soft/mushy, you can set the time for 3 minutes instead of 4 minutes. This way, you have a bit of a buffer with the cooking time since the Instant Pot will still need 10 minutes to release the sealed pressure.

(You may also like: Quick and Easy Make-Ahead Mac and Cheese)


Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (8)

Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese – Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star No reviews
  • Author: Anna -
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 4 minutes
  • Total Time: 9 minutes
  • Yield: 8 1x



1 pound elbow macaroni

4 cups water

3 tbsp unsalted butter

12 ounces shredded sharp Cheddar cheese

1/3 cup cream cheese

1 teaspoon dry mustard (more or less to taste)

salt, black pepper to taste


  1. Place the macaroni, butter, pinch of salt and water in the Instant pot.
  2. Stir to combine.
  3. Close and seal the Instant pot.
  4. Turn the venting knob to SEALING.
  5. Press the PRESSURE COOK button and check to make sure the pressure level shows as “High” on the display.
  6. Adjust the timer to 4 minutes. (The cooking time is half of the suggest time on the pasta box.)
  7. When finished cooking, let the pressure come down naturally for 10 minutes, then quick release the rest of the pressure.
  8. Open the lid.
  9. Add the shredded cheese, cream cheese and dry mustard.
  10. Stir to combine.
  11. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.
  12. Serve warm.

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Creamy Instant Pot Mac And Cheese - Easy, 5-Ingredient Recipe - Miss Wish (2024)


Why isn't my homemade mac and cheese creamy? ›

Cook your noodles in milk instead of water

Cooking your noodles in milk instead of water makes your resulting mac and cheese creamier. According to The Kitchn, cooking your noodles in milk instead of water makes the sauce creamy before you even add the cheese sauce.

How to jazz up mac and cheese? ›

8 Ways to Elevate Your Macaroni and Cheese Dinners
  1. Add extra cheese to your dish.
  2. Mix in some hot sauce and chicken to make buffalo chicken mac n' cheese.
  3. Add in vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and spinach.
  4. Sprinkle some bacon bits or breadcrumbs on the top of your dish.
  5. Add spices and fresh herbs to your dish.
May 21, 2022

What can I add to boxed mac and cheese to make it better? ›

Here are a few of my favorite ways to upgrade boxed mac and cheese in three ingredients or fewer:
  1. Broccoli + Shredded Chicken. ...
  2. Bacon + Peas + Egg. ...
  3. Garlic + Pickled Jalapeños. ...
  4. Mushrooms + Thyme + Grated Gruyère. ...
  5. Pesto + Sun-Dried Tomatoes. ...
  6. Kimchi + Bacon + Chopped Scallions. ...
  7. Cherry Tomatoes + Basil + Mozzarella.

Can you put milk in an instant pot? ›

Dairy. Just like in a slow cooker, most dairy products such as cheese, milk and sour cream will curdle in an Instant Pot, no matter if you use the pressure cooking setting or the slow cooking setting. Add these ingredients after the dish cooks or avoid making the recipe in the Instant Pot altogether.

Why use evaporated milk in mac n cheese? ›

Evaporated milk is a highly concentrated source of milk protein micelles—bundles of proteins that can act as powerful emulsifying agents—which help to keep the sauce creamy and smooth.

What not to do when making mac and cheese? ›

The 5 Biggest Mac & Cheese Mistakes
  1. Using Only Cheddar cheese.
  2. Not Adding Spice and Seasoning with Salt.
  3. Choosing the Wrong Pasta. There's a reason why elbow macaroni is the classic shape for macaroni and cheese. ...
  4. Overcooking. No one wants grainy cheese sauce and mushy pasta. ...
  5. Skimping on the Toppings.
May 21, 2020

What does adding more milk to mac and cheese do? ›

Sauce too thick? Stir in a splash of milk and mix until the sauce has loosened up. (This is also a great trick for reheating mac and cheese - if you're microwaving leftovers and the sauce seems to have dried up, stir a splash of milk or half-and-half into the pasta to bring the sauce back to life!)

How does Gordon Ramsay make the best mac and cheese? ›

  1. In a large pot over medium heat, combine the pasta and milk. ...
  2. Once the pasta is cooked, remove the pan from the heat and add the butter, cheddar cheese, salt, and pepper. ...
  3. Divide between serving bowls and top with the bread crumbs.
  4. Enjoy!
  5. All your favorite recipes, stored in one place.
May 4, 2023

How can I make my instant Mac better? ›

How to Make Boxed Mac and Cheese Taste Better. To improve the tang and overall cheesiness of your boxed mac, add 2 to 3 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt to the cooked and drained pasta while it's still warm. Toss to combine, then stir in the cheese powder until it's uniformly blended.

What can I add to homemade mac and cheese to give it more flavor? ›

Adding cold butter to the sauce and baking the mac in the oven helps with both texture and flavor. Incorporating things like real cheese, bacon, or leftover veggies can turn boxed mac and cheese into a full meal.

What is the most common thing added to mac and cheese? ›

Breadcrumbs. Crispy and golden breadcrumbs are the most traditional addition to mac and cheese. The interplay of texture between soft pasta and rich, buttery breadcrumbs is the reason why this combination has endured the test of time.

Is there anything you should not put in the Instant Pot? ›

Here are the foods that experts recommend cooking using trusty traditional methods instead of your bright-and-shiny Instant Pot:
  1. Fried Foods. The Instant Pot is a master at moist-heat cooking, which is precisely why fried foods fall flat. ...
  2. Steak. ...
  3. Burgers. ...
  4. Stir-Fry. ...
  5. Cream-Based Sauces. ...
  6. Noodles. ...
  7. Seafood. ...
  8. Cookies.
Apr 8, 2020

What cannot be cooked in an Instant Pot? ›

Here are six things you should always avoid cooking in a pressure cooker.
  1. Dairy products. Foods containing dairy, like milk, cream, or yogurt, should not be pressure-cooked. ...
  2. Fried foods. Cooking fried foods is a strict no no, when it comes to pressure cookers. ...
  3. Quick cooking vegetables. ...
  4. Cakes and bakes. ...
  5. Eggs in the shell.
Jul 23, 2023

What foods are not to cook in an Instant Pot? ›

In fact, there are a handful of foods that just shouldn't be pressure-cooked. Among them are dairy and fried foods, as well as burgers and steaks.

Why is my homemade mac and cheese sauce grainy? ›

Q: "Every time I make homemade mac and cheese the sauce is smooth at first but then gets grainy (paste-like) as it cools. What am I doing wrong?" A: "Your ratios—from your roux to the fat content in the cheeses that you're using—may be a little off," Rach says. "You also just may be overcooking it."

Why is my mac and cheese sauce not thick? ›

Add more cheese.

You can thicken mac and cheese by simply adding more grated cheese to the cheese sauce. Shredded cheese melts easier than cheese blocks. This will also result in a mac and cheese that is very cheesy and gooey.

Is evaporated milk better than milk for mac and cheese? ›

It is better to use heavy cream for Mac and Cheese instead of milk, or better yet, use evaporated milk which has the thickness of heavy cream without all of the fat! Furthermore, it is more stable than heavy cream so your Macaroni and Cheese is less likely to curdle or separate.

Can you put too much cheese in mac and cheese? ›

Can you put too much cheese in mac and cheese? Yes, adding more cheese than a recipe calls for will not improve the dish. Too much cheese will result in a dish that is heavy and greasy.

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