misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (2024)

#9061 2024-05-17 10:23:49

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (1)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

EXCLUSIVE The death of the 99 {99} Flake? How a family-of-four is now shelling out up to £23 {23} for rip-off cones across Britain - how much is YOUR local ice cream man charging?
Have YOU seen a cheaper - or more expensive 99? Email iwan.stone@mailonline.co.uk
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … runch.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (2)
"A group of young children sit in the shallows as they enjoy an ice-cream at Littlehampton, West Sussex, in 1935"
Sole on centerline. Boy right "masturbat*s".
That makes these 4 live intact males to be 89 yrs old. The odds seem against that. Pic must be pretty recent.

There are also some genuinely vintage pics: 1 supposedly from 1938, Another from 1969, with a beverage container on centerline. Then another from 1938, of women who may have been human. And 2 boys in 1952, possible humans. They feel dead already though.
And a 1955 pic of many people.
Otherwise, all RCs in article.


#9062 2024-05-18 06:08:46

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (3)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

Baywatch star Jeremy Jackson's ex-wife Loni Willison, 40, sports skin-tight nude shirt as she dumpster dives for beauty products in Los Angeles
The 40-year-old ex-model was spotted dumpster diving in a nude top
Jeremy Jackson's former wife hauled a shopping cart of belongings with her
In recent months, she has been seen multiple times searching for food outdoors
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … er-la.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (4)
This must be the 4th time i've posted about her street saga. Here she is again, with her silicone looking even bigger.
And those arms and shoulders! Slim waist and belly. She must have a gym membership where she can park her cart..
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (5)
"Homeless former model Loni Willison has been pictured dumpster diving head-first for beauty products while donning a skin-tight nude shirt and hauling around a shopping cart"
Laudable, how clean she keeps her white garment despite her lifestyle. Beauty products, LOL.
Sole display. Colors.
More red flags and big boobs in article.
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (6)
Then that pre-silicone pic again. And in the vid her boobs are smaller too. And she drags around a cart with a big M in the back.
CIA RCs. Except maybe for the mysterious guy on the bag, which they pointedly show in 5 pics. Anybody know what he's about?


#9063 2024-05-18 07:20:42

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (7)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

LA socialite Rebecca Grossman who plowed into two boys killing them both asks court to approve lawyer despite major 'conflict of interest'
Grossman was convicted of killing the young Iskander boys three months ago
Her attorney wants her conviction overturned and a new trial on top of that
Grossman, 60 {6}, was present in court handcuffed and with graying hair
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … erest.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (8)
"Grossman's attorney old attorney Tony Buzbee, pictured, announced plans to appeal ..."
Different ear shapes in this pic, but not according to other pics online.
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (9)
Looks down at crossed legs and turned ankle.
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (10)
High toes.
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (11)
New Age 11:11 shirt. Beverage container, tilted rectangle.
What is the mysterious object she's looking towards?
All MPD TH CIA RCs with xmtrs, including a bunch of actors in the vid preview.


#9064 2024-05-19 07:35:26

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (12)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

Shocking moment BMW driver wrecks £82,000 motor by slamming it into a bike stand in London, ripping off its wheel before motorist 'fled the scene'
Did you witness the crash? Email: Edward.Holt@mailonline.co.uk
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … stand.html

Urban Dictionary
https://www.urbandictionary.com › define › term=Motor
1. An engine. · 2. British slang for "automobile". · 3. Slang for motorcycle, usually in reference to police motorcycles.

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (13)
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (14)
HOW did they quickly set this up on a busy city street with all these windows?
Vegan ad?! I doubt this is even a COTHS business.
Beverage container resting on top of pile.
WHAT is holding up the car? Even if tire is filled with something rigid to keep it from de-forming, how could the car balance like that without elaborate setup?
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (15)
There have been many hoaxes in the UK of fancy cars being abandoned after crashes.
"Shocking moment BMW driver wrecks" aside, there is only a vid of the "aftermath" on TikTok,
https://www.tiktok.com/@abbienicolekerr … 5285225761
showing bunches more pedestrians. Nice thing about TikTok vids compared to DM vids, is that they can be paused and still show the scene uncensored, And easily replayed. Slow-loading for me, though.
HOW could the wheel get ripped off the axle, severing the lugs, when there was nothing solid that it had a chance to hit?
HOW do they manage to exert control on busy streets to keep humans out of the camera? How can they stage all this in front of all those windows? I'm baffled.
All govt RCs.


#9065 2024-05-20 06:09:17

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (16)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

Wealthy Texas enclave steps up secession bid as feud with woke city leaders over crime crisis explodes
Lost Creek neighborhood residents who wanted to leave Austin won 91% of vote
Texas capital city dealing with 500 police shortfall, public safety crisis
READ MORE: Soros-backed Austin DA letting killers and rapists walk free
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/texas/ … crime.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (17)
First pic features One Eye in the sky on centerline. And chem-smear of course.


#9066 2024-05-20 07:44:52

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (18)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

California town outraged as traffic lights are replaced with stop signs to deter homeless people from stealing copper
Some are are worried by the city's response to the bigger issue in the area
Problems that led to the stop sign swap stem from a homeless encampment
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … light.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (19)
M, 9.
The problem with this narrative is that this is not South Africa. In the US, metal recycling is strictly regulated.
10 years ago i recycled some steel trash down the road, after my cabin was rebuilt post-fire. The "people" (another story) and their cash were protected behind "prison" bars, with bulletproof glass i think (it's been a while), and cameras all over. I had to show my driver's license and i think i had to fill out a form. This was for maybe $14-16 worth of mangled sheet steel trash.
CIA RCs here as well as the linked article
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … opper.html


#9067 2024-05-20 08:26:31

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (20)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

EXCLUSIVE Cyber perv created fake p*rn of me and threatened to send it to my family - here's how it could happen to YOU: Woman reveals how mystery blackmailer demanded thousands and even boasted 'report me to police... it's pointless'
Becca Caddy posted an innocent photograph of herself on her Instagram feed
Criminals tried to blackmail her after creating sexually explicit deepfake images
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … tless.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (21)
If they tell you it's fake, it's most likely real, and vice versa. Pretty sure this is a real photo and the sweater has been added in the other one.
Beverage container. Why would someone pose for a portrait with their face obscured?
All RCs. This is a ho.


#9068 2024-05-21 06:22:43

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (22)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/us/ar … sting.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (23)
"Maddox, 33, of Jacksonville, Florida, was one of 27 people arrested as part of a multi-agency operation late last month, Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters said"
33, 27. Wink. Bad lighting in mugshot.
All CIA RCs.


#9069 2024-05-21 07:17:44

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (24)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

No odd pics here but...

Cancer-causing microplastics are found in 100% of men's testicl*s in new study
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech … ality.html

Researchers from the University of New Mexico found 12 types of microplastics in all 23 human testes studied.

23 testes??

The average human concentration was 329.44 micrograms per gram of tissue ...

Thus, 33% plastic by weight! Oops, no, 0.00033%.

"The study's lead author Dr. Xiaozhong John Yu"
is a CIA RC.


#9070 2024-05-21 10:04:46

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (25)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

Woman is outraged after paying for hotel room with a sea view... and discovering cheeky scam (but can YOU spot it?)
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/arti … -scam.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (26)
"But upon closer inspection, the 'view' comes from a giant poster hanging on the side of a building opposite the holidaymaker's hotel room"
Uh no, this is a real pic, only faintly doctored. A strip of metal construction trash has been suspended above, but even that feels like part of a genuine photo.
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (27)
"The giant seaside image is seen plastered onto a crumbling wall, next to a barred window"
Everything above and to the left of the line of demarcation is CGI, including that part of the fence. Note the blurry wall edge.
No actors depicted.


#9071 2024-05-22 07:01:13

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (28)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

Fugitive wanted for shooting at a house is finally found by cops folded up and hiding in incredible location
David Jerome Jackson was on the run for two months for multiple charges
He allegedly shot a gun inside a home, and was found hiding in a dryer unit
READ MORE: Florida man confesses to crime while interviewing to be a cop
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ation.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (29)
Somehow i doubt that reflection is legit.
Perp is MPD TH with xmtrs.
All CIA RCs.


#9072 2024-05-23 07:10:05

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (30)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

Rodeo superstar Spencer Wright's three {3}-year-old son is declared brain dead after driving his toy tractor into a river and vanishing underwater
Rodeo star Spencer Wright's son Levi, 3, was pronounced brain dead
The boy was rescued by his mother after vanishing into a Utah river
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … river.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (31)
"The boy's heartbroken family said that although Levi began breathing again, he was declared brain dead as his 'sweet little brain was without oxygen too long and there is no coming back from that'"
Zig-zags and tilted rectangle on centerline. Dual penis right -- does that even resemble the leg of a bed?
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (32)
All live CIA RCs.


#9073 2024-05-23 07:34:03

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (33)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

EXCLUSIVE The father and son Hamas rapists - Terrorists describe going house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder: 'One screamed and cried... father raped her then I did then my cousin did then father killed her'
Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son Abdallah, 18, were captured by IDF
They told Israeli captors of their heinous crimes against civilians on October 7
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … d-her.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (34)
"This video grab from footage released by the Israeli Hostage and Missing Families Forum campaign group on May 22 {22}, 2024, shows what the group described as an Israeli female soldier being taken away by Palestinian Hamas militants during the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel"
Sole. I thought it odd how the tire seems suspended by itself. I see no tailgate swinging out that would support its weight.
So i actually looked up the video, which presumably is this one:
https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/22/world/vi … iew-digvid
But this image is not in it. BTW the dark-haired news bitch is a TH ho with xmtrs.
Vid does show a similar jeep with a tire in similar position, but it is enclosed in a dust cover and attached to a tailgate.
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (35)
Is this posed to suggest the soldier is wearing polka-dot undies? What is he doing, autographing her back?
To whom does the leg showing sole belong? There also appears to be a 2nd sole next to it.
All Mossad RCs.


#9074 2024-05-24 05:42:29

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (36)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

Grandmother, 83, who dumped her 37-year-old Egyptian toyboy turns super-sleuth to expose the 'scammers and con-artists' trying to fool women on dating sites
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … sites.html
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (37)
You can tell he's a predator by the right fang on lip.
misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (38)
Vampire! Note the colors they always wear. Meanwhike she has the usual implanted false teeth.
"In early 2020, Iris raised eyebrows when she appeared with Holly and Phil on This Morning – reducing them to hysterics – as she opened up about their first night of passion"
Sad i missed it.
All RCs.


#9075 2024-05-24 05:57:58

misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (39)
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,832

Re: misc oddities

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … crime.html
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"Smiley Martin, a suspect in a 2022 mass shooting in Sacramento that left six dead, was released early from a ten-year sentence for domestic violence and assault under provisions set out under a controversial California law, Proposition 57"


misc oddities (Page 605) / Manipulated Images in Media (2024)
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